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Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Engineering Noise Control Theory and Practice
Question: Talk about the Engineering Noise Control for Theory and Practice. Answer: Presentation There are a ton of things to get ready for and contemplate before a melodic piece can be recorded effectively, either for business deals or workmanship purposes. The spot to make the account must be thought of, what hardware to utilize, the beat, the class of music, the faculty required for the chronicle, the time limitations just as budgetary cutoff points (Morgan and Chung, 2014). This paper is a proposition for a melodic account, explicitly recording of a drama melodic execution. A drama is an old style Western fine art that joins lyrics and a melodic score; the particular classification to be recorded is the Operetta, the little show. The case situation is a shelter that trains stranded youngsters from around the globe in different expressions including music. The Adelaide based gathering is because of make a few exhibitions and the up and coming occasion is particularly significant as they will perform for worldwide pioneers and visitors going to a local monetary discussion for Asian pioneers. The administrator at the office has caused a solicitation to the creator to record the exhibition as they to plan to offer duplicates to the pioneers in participation just as to other intrigued people. The supervisor has focused on the requirement for quality and expert account of the presentation. This paper talks about the preproduction stage, examine the necessary gear, make a useful financial plan, and examine how the stage will be readied, just as tackle the practices and other potential odds and ends. Perusing the Score and deciding the tempi for recording The score is called from the piano vocal score and has some infrequent documentations given on the instruments playing distinctive explicit notes. The score is set up into a practice brief book; this is the ace duplicate of the content (score) that has all the signaling, blocking, and data the executives with respect to the practice and execution. Subsequent to acclimating with the score and making it, it is significant that the most appropriate tempi are resolved for the account and this requires intently working with the maestro. Having a dense score for the piano is significant in deciding the tempi. The plot of the drama must be surely known and significant data for this is accommodated by the score. A Libretto book can be counseled for this, for example, the Complete Libretto Series book by Castel. This is evident where the score being played are put for simple perusing by the craftsmen; it makes it simple to peruse and follow the score serenely ('Home Studio Corner', 2016) Mouthpieces and pre-amps Low clamor type mouthpieces with condenser that are directional are utilized. The receivers are sound system type and free field. For this account, the Oktava MK 319 condenser receiver with a huge stomach fo0r better stable catch. It has a recurrence reaction of between 20 Hz and 18 KHz, which is sufficiently huge and 122 DB most extreme SPL. The mouthpiece self-commotion level is under 14 dB (Busietta, n.d.). The Avalon and the Apogee converter that will be employed from the drama house Ghost power gracefully unit Sound system bar and the one to be utilized is the AEA (Audio Engineering Associates) model, likewise to be employed for the chronicle Sound recorder Computerized recorder of the highest caliber is proposed for the account and the Edirol R-09 will be utilized as the essential advanced recorder. Video recorders The account will be finished utilizing a Panasonic 4 K advanced video recorder that will be set on a flexible tripod for recording. The camera will be set with the end goal that the vocalists are recorded straightforwardly while they are confronting the camera (Cooke, 2005). Mac PC with the Tunes library; this will be utilized for blending and after creation at a later stage. Piano and other gear, for example, violin These will be employed or the customers hardware be utilized for the account; an amazing child piano is adequate for the chronicle Great sound links are utilized for associating all the melodic contributions to the blender; links will be expected to interface the mouthpieces, the piano, screen speakers to the blender; excellent links with gold plated terminals are wanted to guarantee the highest caliber of sound (Ihalainen, 2008). The financial plan depends on genuine costs for items and appraisals or others, for example, work hours. The creation will be finished with countless gear being recruited as they are probably going to be utilized only a single time. The financial plan is appeared in the informative supplements Practice and Stage Preparation The practice ground plan is taped out to have the specific measurements for the practices, setting tables that will hold the gear to be utilized by the craftsmen, and setting up the applicable outfit racks (Friedlander, 2014). The artists will be arranged downstage from the proscenium line and this space is taped out. The stage cover is likewise set and taped out; the drape line is additionally set apart out to know where it falls; this is particularly helpful for the stage chief. The conductor zone is additionally set downstage of the edge of the pit, the at the middle line. This is the place the tables that the stage chief and executive are set up; the stage is set up related to the maestro, particularly on where the piano will be put and this is likewise controlled by where the maestro puts the violin area (Gallo, 2006). The infant terrific piano is calculated to permit the player to have the option to see the maestro. A perusing light is set on the piano for the player to see the music obviously. An area is likewise set for putting away resources, for example, the score. The maestro is at the focal point of the presentation, implying that the arrangement of the executive and stage administrator and piano likewise rely upon where the maestro is set. The chief table is set to one side of the maestro while the table utilized by the associate supervisor is additionally set to one side of the stage directors table. The conductor stand is set up just as the seats for use by the staff. The group moves to the site, with all administrative work refined and gear, for example, PCs good to go. The gear are tried and guaranteed to be all around associated and working, with components, for example, the ideal sound tried and the tempi gotten effectively Recording The chronicle is done after the tech week is finished; the tech week starts by the paper tech when stage supervisor and executive go over all parts of the melodic. This is trailed by the dry tech when a specialized practice is finished including all move scenes; the rail signals and enhancements are embraced without the craftsmen (Holmes, 2008). This is trailed by the piano tech when practice is finished with the craftsman and the piano. The first and second ensemble dresses are done in full outfits and check records done. The account is done when the shade is raised and the stage administrator makes the important calls. Receiver arrangement and Considerations The arrangement of the receivers has an impact of the nature of the chronicles as a result of the impact of acoustics. In picking the scene for recording, the acoustics impact was contemplated as nature of the account depends to a lot on the size of the group. For a show, the chronicle is preposterous in a studio thus the decision to utilize a show lobby at the neighborhood theater. Care was taken in picking the acoustic setting and the specific scene picked has a general elliptical pony she shape that will upgrade the sound and recording quality on the grounds that subsequent to recording, changing the acoustics is troublesome and may influence the general sound quality. Components considered incorporate sound resonation; it ought not be excessively long as this would cause smudgy sound; a characteristic sound is the thing that the chronicle means to accomplish. The dividers of the structure are sound sealed to limit sound reflection on the dividers and the floor is fitted with over whelming mats that ingest sound (Klein, 2016). To assess the appropriateness of the setting, a stroll through with an associate applauding decided how the spot sounds. The resonation length alone isn't adequate for deciding sound quality; different components become an integral factor too. The size and lobby shape, the material utilized on floors and dividers, different surfaces, and improvements utilized all influence the sound quality. The ideal time for resonation is a trade off between the force of the sound, the lucidity, and the live-ness. For clearness, a short resonation time is required, a high resonation level is required for high power and for live-ness, and a more drawn out resonation time is required (Meyer and Hansen, 2009). The normal required resonation time for a drama/ensemble is 1 for a 10 cubic meter rom, 1.4 for a 100 cubic meter room, and 1.8 for a 1000 cubic meter room (Bies, 2009). As the recurrence expands, the resonation time drops; the point was to get a resonation time of two seconds for the lobby which is around 1200 cubic meters; this would guarantee a great characteristic sound. The considered boundaries incorporate closeness, where playing in a major corridor should seem as though the room were little; live-ness, warmth (identifies with the totality and live-ness of bass tones). The expectation is to have lucidity of sound where the direct in addition to early stable ought to be more prominent than the resonated sound. The sound ought to have great spatial dispersion with a decent equalization and mix and have a gathering of good intelligent surfaces above and on the sides of the craftsmen (Bies, 2009). Amplifier arrangement and blending The picked amplifiers great quality sound system, however the best catch happens if there is thought for the micing separation. The fundamental artist(s)/singer(s) will be standing/seating on the piano advertisement this sound must be caught in an unmistakable manner, considering angles like live-ness and clearness. To accomplish this, coordinated condensers will be set 15 feet before the piano and the receivers set 8 feet over the floor of the stage and 3 feet before the vocalist (Mo
Saturday, August 22, 2020
7 Top Tips for Picking a Dissertation Title - Proofed
7 Top Tips for Picking a Dissertation Title - Proofed 7 Top Tips for Picking a Dissertation Title You just get once opportunity to establish a first connection, so when composing an exposition it helps on the off chance that you pick a decent title. And keeping in mind that the title of your paper won’t decide if you pass or fizzle, the data you give in that can make your work simpler to follow for the peruser. To ensure you set out on the correct foot, the title of your exposition ought to be clear and instructive. It assists with contemplating what you need your peruser to know from the second they get your work (in contrast to a decent novel, your thesis doesn’t need a bend finishing). So here are a couple of interesting points when picking a title for your paper. 1. What Is Your Research About? The most imperative thing that any paper title can do is convey the theme and focal point of your examination. This incorporates the general territory you’re looking into and the particular part of this being examined. So in a paper called â€Å"Barriers to Using Social Media in Marketing a Luxury Fashion Brand,†the subject would be the promoting of extravagance design brands and the center would be the elements forestalling the utilization of online networking. 2. Your Research Approach The examination approach you pick majorly affects the outcomes you accomplish and it can assist with remembering this for your title. For instance, on the off chance that you have directed an enormous scope overview of the board methodology, you may pick a title, for example, â€Å"Management Strategy: A Quantitative Study of Current Practice.†3. The Outcomes of Your Research The more explicit the better, particularly with regards to the consequences of your examination. As opposed to calling your exposition â€Å"Factors Influencing Recovery from Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injuries,†it bodes well to indicate the sort of elements being examined. It is safe to say that they are achievement factors? Variables which hinder recuperation? Expressing this in the title implies your peruser will know right away. On the off chance that you incorporate the data over, your paper title will be destined for success. Be that as it may, to get things immaculate you ought to likewise remember the accompanying tips: 4. Lucidity Looking for a subsequent sentiment can be useful, so have a go at asking a companion or educator to check your title for lucidity. It is likewise fitting to keep away from abbreviations in titles therefore. 5. Core interest Excessively long titles can be befuddling or off-putting. Notwithstanding how great the work is, for example, just the most devoted are going to need to peruse a paper called â€Å"In silico investigation of the fructose-6-phosphate phosphorylation step in glycolysis: genomic proof of the conjunction of an atypical ATP-subordinate alongside a PPi-subordinate phosphofructokinase in Propionibacterium freudenreichii subsp. shermanii.†6. Arrangement Check your college’s style direct for how to design your title, as various establishments have various necessities with regards to factors like capitalization. 7. Uniqueness and Humor By and large it is acceptable if your title makes your thesis stick out. It is likewise enticing to utilize a diverting title, however this is best put something aside for when composing for a well known crowd. Neither uniqueness nor humor, in any case, should come to the detriment of lucidity and imparting significant insights regarding your work. Ideally these tips will have helped you gone to a choice over your paper title. Be that as it may, in the event that not, at that point our master editors here at Proofed can tell you of any issues to do with clearness or exactness in the title and headings of your exposition, just as giving an assortment of administrations to guarantee the nature of your work.
Tuesday, August 18, 2020
Can You Flee Your Debt by Fleeing the Country
Can You Flee Your Debt by Fleeing the Country Can You Flee Your Debt by Fleeing the Country? Can You Flee Your Debt by Fleeing the Country?Most debts wont follow you to another country, but staying one step ahead of your creditors might be a lot harder than you think.Debt can feel like a massive weight hanging around your neck. Whether its from student loans, credit cards, personal loans, or a series of ill-advised no credit check loans and cash advances, and an excessive amount of debt will seriously hamstring your purchasing power.Wouldn’t it be nice if it would all go away? And if it won’t go away, maybe you can just run away. Can you escape your debt by fleeing the country?Sort of! In some circumstances!We hope that answered your question. Thanks for reading!Just kidding. We spoke to the experts to find out if your plan to escape your debt by fleeing the country has any merit. Send your debt a postcard.Although it sounds like a fantasy out of a thriller novel, it’s not impossible to escape some of your debts by leaving the country. But of course, you’ll have to have the means to leave the country.And if you’re struggling with debt, you may not have access to those means, let alone the kind of money you’ll need to establish residency in a whole new country.If you do have connections or a support network in a different country, however, you might be able to put some actual distance between you and your debt.“Your debt doesn’t follow you to your new country,†began Leslie H. Tayne Esq. (@LeslieHTayneEsq), Founder and Head Attorney at Tayne Law Group (@taynelawgroup), “but it will stay on your credit report in this country and, depending on what type of debt, it could be there for a while so you’ll need to plan whether this is a short-term escape or long-term ‘I’m never coming back.’I actually have a client who went to Europe and said when he makes enough money to pay off his debt he’ll come back and in the meantime, he doesn’t seem to care. That’s not to say it isn’t on his credit report here in the US because i t is.â€So if you manage to get over the border, your debt holders are out of luck, right? They’ll just take their hat off their head and toss it on the ground, stomp on it with a big “gosh darn it†and watch you sail off into the distance.Okay, its not really that simple.It’d be a pretty big loophole if leaving the country magically canceled your debt. But as Tayne made clear, it’s not that easy.Here’s what she told us:“The reality is that while a creditor will not usually come after you outside the country for things like credit card debt, you can and will be responsible for the debt here in the US until the debt expires. If they sue you then that expiration date extends depending on the state you’re sued in.Yes, they can still sue you while you are abroad. If you’re gone you might think they can’t get a judgment but if you’re sued, and they serve your last known address, and no answer to the suit is filed you can have a judgment against you, and then they ca n try to enforce that judgment against any remaining monies or assets in this country.If you leave behind a checking or savings account in the US or your social security is attached to one these, it may be within reach of legal action judgment enforcement.â€Assets left behind will be vulnerable.Whether or not you were able to take your assets with you can impact how likely they are to be seized and whether you can feasibly get out of your debts through bankruptcy.“If you leave the country and take your assets with you, you might be able to escape the debt as a practical matter,†Dean Kaplan, President of The Kaplan Group, told us. “The statute of limitations on a debt is typically four to six years, although it varies in each state. So if the statute of limitations is approaching, the creditor needs to sue the debtor in court to get a judgment so that the debt does not expire.Judgments typically are good for seven to 10 years depending on the state. Judgments can be renewed v ery inexpensively for additional seven-to-10-year periods until they are paid. So the debtor can be obligated to pay for the rest of their life unless they file bankruptcy.“If a person has assets that significantly exceed the value of a debt, then bankruptcy typically isnt an option. If they know the creditor is going to keep coming after them to get paid using all legal means, then fleeing the country and taking the assets with you is an option. It will make it much harder for the creditor to collect.“If you leave the assets in the USA and the creditor can find them, they can get the court to order that cash be turned over to the creditor or other assets be sold via an auction with the proceeds used to pay off the debt. But if you transfer your cash to offshore accounts, sell your real estate and cars, and buy property in a foreign country, it makes it much more difficult on the creditor.â€So it’s theoretically possible to get away from some of your debts, but it isn’t eas y.Some debts never die. But not all debts will go down so easily! Some will stick around and might cause significant problems for your world trotting plans.“You cant run from tax debt,†warned Michael Eckstein, owner of Eckstein Tax Services. “If you owe the IRS more than $51,000, the State Department may deny a new passport application or revoke a current passport. But, if youre outside the US when that happens, they may issue a limited passport so you can come back.â€Tayne echoed the concern about tax issues and and told us about another debt you won’t be able to shake so easily: “You may not have your creditors chasing after you, but creditors like the IRS will expect you to file tax returns still and pay what you owe them unless you are giving up citizenship.It’s important to note the type of debt you have because IRS debt or state tax debt can lead to suspended driver’s licenses and passports, so you want to be careful of the kind of debt you’re running from. Student loan debt with no expiration of the debt can follow you forever so then your decision should take that into consideration.â€Leaving your debt behind will probably end up being more troublesome than trying to negotiate with your creditors. While getting hounded by collectors over a small-dollar bad credit loan, payday loan or title loans might be a hassle, its not worth going all Shawshank Redemption over it.Have more questions about debt? Check out these related posts and articles from OppLoans:Financial Priorities: Which Debts Should You Pay Off First?Can Your Social Security Benefits be Garnished to Pay a Debt?Does Medical Debt Really Go Away After Seven Years?Are Balance Transfers a Good Way to Pay Down Debt?Do you know anyone whos tried to skip out on a debt by moving countries? We want to hear from you! You can find us on Facebook and Twitter.ContributorsMichael Eckstein, EA is the owner of Eckstein Tax Services in Huntington, NY and enrolled to practice befo re the IRS. He specializes in helping Long Islanders and small businesses tackle taxes, accounting, and payroll. Outside the office, Michael is the treasurer of the Huntington Business Improvement District and member of the local Lions Club.Dean Kaplan is President of The Kaplan Group, a commercial collection agency specializing in large claims and international transactions. He has 35 years of international business experience, traveling to over 40 countries to negotiate over $500 million in mergers and acquisitions and other business deals. He previously owned a manufacturing firm that counted Disney, Warner Brothers, Macy’s, Hard Rock Casinos as customers.Leslie H. Tayne, Esq. (@LeslieHTayneEsq) has nearly 20 years’ experience in the practice area of consumer and business financial debt-related services. Leslie is the founder and head attorney at Tayne Law Group (@taynelawgroup), which specializes in debt relief.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Stress And Learning How Stress Affects The Brain Essay
Stress and Learning: How Stress Affects the Brain Introduction Stress is a big factor in everyday life. It influences how we approach life and events. Stress is why people run tight schedules and diet regularly. The power stress has is a negative effect over our brain and our body. Many people do not understand how to cope with stress. Therefore, people suffer from physical illness due to stress. Learning is not taking place when someone undergoes stress. Literature Review According to research, learning is negatively affected by cortisol. Cortisol is introduced when stress enters the system. Cortisol is a hindrance to learning because it directly prevents any new concepts to sink into the brain. Our brain reacts this way because the brain runs at a high speed. Therefore, Bergland states that, â€Å"The ‘stress hormone’ cortisol is believed to create a domino effect that hard-wires pathways between the hippocampus and amygdala in a way that might create a vicious cycle by creating a brain that becomes predisposed to be in a constant state of fight-or-flight†(Bergland, 2014). The fight or flight instinct does not allow time to process anything new. Our brains become focused on the object or event that is causing the body to undergo stress. In addition, the Ashcrafts add to this research. They go into detail about what happens to the brain when stress happens. The Ashcrafts found that, â€Å"Blood is taken away from the BRAIN and internal organs and is given to theShow MoreRelatedThe Effects Of Stress On Infants And Young Children1711 Words  | 7 Pagesindividuals and one of the ways our environment shapes us is through stress, either experienced directly or indirectly. 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Wednesday, May 13, 2020
The Life and Accomplishments of Marcus Aurelius
Marcus Aurelius (r. A.D. 161-180) was a Stoic philosopher and one of the five good Roman emperors (r. A.D. 161-180). He was born on April 26, A.D. 121, according to DIR Marcus Aurelius, or perhaps April 6 or 21. He died on March 17, 180. His Stoic philosophical writings are known as the Meditations of Marcus Aurelius, which were written in Greek. He was succeeded by his son the infamous Roman emperor Commodus. It was during the reign of Marcus Aurelius that the Marcomannic War broke out at the northern frontier of the empire. It was also the time of the important physician Galen who wrote about a particularly virulent pandemic that was given Marcus Aurelius family name. Quick Facts Name at birth: Marcus Annius VerusName as emperor: Caesar Marcus Aurelius Antoninus AugustusDates: April 26, 121 - March 17, 180Parents: Annius Verus and Domitia Lucilla;Adoptive father: (Emperor) Antoninus PiusWife: Faustina, daughter of Hadrian; 13 children, including Commodus Family History and Background Marcus Aurelius, originally Marcus Annius Verus, was the son of the Spanish Annius Verus, who had received patrician rank from Emperor Vespasian, and Domitia Calvilla or Lucilla. Marcus father died when he was three months old, at which time his grandfather adopted him. Later, Titus Antoninus Pius adopted Marcus Aurelius at the age of 17 or 18 as part of an agreement he had made with Emperor Hadrian promoting Antoninus Pius to the status of heir. Career The Augustan History says that it was when Marcus was adopted as heir that he was first called Aurelius instead of Annius. Antoninus Pius made Marcus consul and caesar in A.D. 139. In 145, Aurelius married his sister by adoption, Faustina, daughter of Pius. After they had a daughter, he was granted tribunician power and imperium outside Rome. When Antoninus Pius died in 161, the Senate awarded the imperial power to Marcus Aurelius; however, Marcus Aurelius gave joint power to his brother (by adoption) and called him Lucius Aurelius Verus Commodus. The two co-ruling brothers are referred to as Antonines -- as in the Antonine plague of 165–180. Marcus Aurelius ruled from A.D. 161-180. Imperial Hotspots SyriaArmenia (Marcus Aurelius took the name Armeniacus)Parthia (took the name Parthicus)Chatti (took the name Germanicus by 172 since the name appears in inscriptions then [Cassius Dio])BritonsMarcomanni (when Aurelius defeated them and freed the Pannonian provinces, he and his son Commodus celebrated a triumph) Plague As Marcus Aurelius was preparing for the Marcommanic War (along the Danube, between Germanic tribes and Rome), a plague broke out killing thousands. The Antonini (Marcus Aurelius and his co-emperor/brother-by adoption) helped with burials expenses. Marcus Aurelius also aided the Romans in time of famine and so is thought of as a particularly benevolent rule. Death Marcus Aurelius died in March 180. Before his funeral, he had been declared a god. When his wife, Faustina, had died in 176, Marcus Aurelius asked the Senate to deify her and built her a temple. The gossipy Augustan History says that Faustina had not been a chaste wife and that it was considered a stain on Marcus Aurelius reputation that he promoted her lovers. Marcus Aurelius ashes were put in Hadrians mausoleum. Marcus Aurelius was succeeded by his biological heir, in contradistinction to the previous four good emperors. Marcus Aurelius son was Commodus. The Column of Marcus Aurelius The Column of Marcus Aurelius had a spiral staircase leading to a top from which one could view the Antonine funerary monuments in the Campus Martius. Marcus Aurelius German and Sarmatian campaigns were shown in relief sculptures spiraling up the 100-Roman-foot column. The Meditations Between 170 and 180, Marcus Aurelians wrote 12 books of generally pithy observations from what is considered a Stoic perspective while emperor, in Greek. These are known as his Meditations. Source â€Å"Marcus Aurelius Antoninus - 1911 Encyclopedia Britannica - Bible Encyclopedia.†,
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Succubus Dreams CHAPTER 6 Free Essays
I hadn’t realized how late it was until I showed up at Seth’s around two. He actually wasn’t writing for a change, and I found him sprawled on the couch, flipping through late night television programming. â€Å"Hey,†I said, dropping my coat and purse near the door. We will write a custom essay sample on Succubus Dreams CHAPTER 6 or any similar topic only for you Order Now He glanced up from the TV. Its light cast ghostly shadows on his face in the darkness. â€Å"Sorry it’s so late. Something came up.†â€Å"Yeah,†he said, voice still flat. â€Å"I can tell.†Immediately, I caught his meaning. It was a sign of how well he’d come to know me and recognize subtle succubus signals. I was wreathed in Jude’s life energy. Immortals would actually perceive it as a literal glow. Mortals couldn’t see it, but they could sense something insanely alluring and attractive about me. Usually, they just wrote it off as a sign of my beauty. Seth knew better. When he sensed it around me, he knew what I’d been doing. I hated for him to see me like this, but it was inevitable. â€Å"Sorry. It’s what I do. You know that.†â€Å"Yeah,†he agreed, sounding tired – mentally tired, not physically tired. He straightened up. â€Å"But did you have to do it tonight? You trying to punish me for standing you up?†I sat down in the armchair across from him. The energy from Jude burned through me and made me feel alive. I didn’t want a fight with Seth to ruin my good mood, particularly after I’d been so annoyed for most of the evening. â€Å"I did it to survive. I wasn’t trying to get back at you.†He sighed and stared off into a dark corner. â€Å"It’s so hard sometimes.†I moved over to the couch, scooting up beside him. â€Å"I know.†He slid his arm around my shoulders and regarded me with a look both tender and exasperated. Leaning down, he brushed his lips against my neck. The small touch made my blood burn. â€Å"God, you’re beautiful. I just wish it wasn’t the result of some other guy.†â€Å"Yeah,†I said. â€Å"Me too.†â€Å"Sorry I blew up.†â€Å"You call that blowing up?†I asked. â€Å"That was nothing.†â€Å"And I’m sorry I stood you up. That wasn’t right.†Seth had moved up my neck and now nibbled my ear. I closed my eyes and tilted my head back. â€Å"It’s okay,†I assured him. â€Å"Really.†â€Å"You’re awfully forgiving.†â€Å"Hey, what can I say? Christmas love and kindness, right?†He laughed and ran his fingers through my hair. â€Å"For someone allegedly so evil, you sure are good.†â€Å"Well,†I said, pressing into him. â€Å"I’m not that good. I’m thinking some very bad thoughts right now.†â€Å"Yeah. Me too. If our thoughts condemn us, I think I’m headed straight for Hell.†â€Å"No, you aren’t. Hugh says your soul’s like a supernova. You’re going straight to the pearly gates.†Warm love and desire enfolded us, supplanting the cold tension. Yet as we curled up and chatted about light topics, I couldn’t help but morosely think this was a common scene between us. Fight. Brood. Apologize. Snuggle. In all the fantasies of a stable relationship that I’d harbored over the last millennium, this pattern had never been a part of them. After a while, we sort of surpassed snuggling and moved onto something of a more adult nature. At least I did. Sometimes Seth could be coaxed into sating his lust, though it always made him incredibly self-conscious. Me, I loved watching him come. He was always so damnably blas? ¦ that seeing him lose control in an orgasm almost did more for me than my own climax. He apparently had the same feelings toward me and was content to simply watch me touch myself tonight. After not getting off with Jude, I was more than happy to take things into my own hands. When I finished, languid and content afterward, he lay down on the couch beside me, lacing his fingers with mine. â€Å"I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of that,†he sighed. â€Å"You should finish yourself off.†â€Å"I’m okay.†â€Å"You sure?†He smiled. â€Å"Self-control, Thetis. Self-control. Besides, I have a good imagination. Sometimes it’s enough to pretend I’m the one doing that to you.†I shivered as an image of Seth played in my mind, his body inside of me while I came, muscles clenching around him as I cried out his name and dug my nails into his back. â€Å"Jesus,†I said softly, closing my eyes. â€Å"Yeah.†We realized then that it was really late and started getting ready for bed. When I emerged from the bathroom after brushing my teeth, I found him waiting for me in the bedroom with a small box. He handed it over. â€Å"I told you I had an early present.†I turned the package over in my hands, running my fingertips over the edges. It had been wrapped in gold paper and had a red bow. Judging from the sloppy wrapping and misaligned ribbon, I was willing to bet he’d wrapped it himself. I offered up a small grin. â€Å"It’s way too early. Presents before Christmas? That’s not right. I mean, I’m not that evil.†He sat back on the bed, leaning against the headboard, looking supremely pleased with himself. â€Å"Well, I am. I guess my soul just dimmed a little. Open it.†Sitting down as well, I hesitantly tore the paper. There was no question in my mind that this was a jewelry box. The question was: What kind? Seth occasionally showed a romantic spirit, but he wasn’t the type to do anything crazy like propose. At least I didn’t think so. Hoping for a tennis bracelet, I instead found a ring. But it wasn’t an engagement ring, not in the current way of thinking. It was one of the modern recreations of the Byzantine rings. Only this wasn’t one of the ones we’d seen at Erik’s, not exactly. It was platinum for one thing, glowing soft and silvery in the dim lighting. The smooth disc on top had a dolphin engraved in it, decorated with a few tiny, embedded sapphires. I stared at it, unsure what to say. â€Å"Do you like it?†Seth asked, a hint of nervousness in his voice. â€Å"I†¦yeah. Yes, I do. Very much.†My words came out haltingly. â€Å"You seemed so sad about losing the other one that I thought maybe this would be a nice substitute.†He looked so rapt and excited that I couldn’t bear to tell him that not only had I not lost the original ring, I’d actually hidden it away in the closet so as never to see it again. This one was very different, true, but the similarities were strong enough to dredge up all the dark feelings I tried to keep buried, memories of a sunny day long ago when my husband – the husband I’d eventually betrayed – had slipped the other one onto my finger at our wedding. â€Å"It’s beautiful,†I said after a long stretch of silence, needing to reassure him. It had been very kind, after all. Seth didn’t know my history or the pain intertwined with it. â€Å"Why a dolphin?†â€Å"Yeah†¦it’s kind of cutesy and trendy, but†¦well, none of those Greek letters meant much to me. But I read something about dolphins being important in old religions on Cyprus, so†¦Ã¢â‚¬ That brought a true smile to my face. â€Å"Yeah. They were. Messengers from the sea gods. Good fortune and all that.†Something occurred to me. â€Å"We saw these at Erik’s, like, a couple days ago – but not this one. How’d you get it? Did he have more in stock? Or did you go somewhere else?†His eyes crinkled with amusement. â€Å"Hey, I’m learning your powers of persuasion. I got in contact with the artist and commissioned it.†Good lord. Seth had had a custom ring – a platinum custom ring – made right before Christmas. And he’d had it done in a matter of days. The cost must have been through the roof. The queasy feeling in my stomach intensified. Observing my silence, his smile faltered. â€Å"You sure you like it?†â€Å"Yeah, yeah†¦of course. I just†¦I’m sorry, I don’t know what to say. It’s great.†I slipped it onto my right ring finger. It fit perfectly. Hesitantly, I met his eyes. â€Å"This is a, uh, friendship ring right?†â€Å"Yeah, don’t worry. If I propose, you’ll know it. For one thing, I’ll be hyperventilating.†A sly smile – surprisingly sexy – turned up his lips. â€Å"And it’ll be a ruby.†â€Å"Rubies? No diamonds? Too expensive for the old writer’s salary, huh?†He made a disparaging grunt at that. â€Å"No, I just think diamonds are common, that’s all. If I get married, it’ll be because something uncommon is occurring. Besides, you wear a lot of red, right? I know how important it is for your accessories to match.†I snorted at that and let him draw me into the bed. He fell asleep quickly, as always, but I lay there, touching the ring. Its metal had warmed to my skin, and I could trace the dolphin and sapphires with my fingertip. The unpleasant memories the ring stirred up hadn’t abated, but somehow, lying in his embrace, they seemed a little less painful. Sleep finally came to me, and I immediately started dreaming – the dream. I was back in the kitchen, surrounded by all the same vivid sights, smells, and sounds as before. My hands in the water. The scent of orange soap. â€Å"Sweet Home Alabama.†It was a repeat of what I’d seen before, my dream-self washing dishes and humming along to the music. She glanced behind her into the other room. This was where the dream had ended last time. Now it kept going. A little girl sat in the living room, about two years old. She was on a blanket on the floor, surrounded by stuffed animals and other toys. She clutched a plush giraffe in her hands. It rattled when she shook it. As though sensing my dream-self’s gaze, the little girl looked up. She had plump cheeks that hadn’t quite lost their baby fat. Wispy, light brown curls covered her head, and her hazel eyes were large and framed with dark lashes. She was adorable. Behind her on the couch, Aubrey lay curled up in a tight little ball. Another cat – covered in orange-and-brown patches – sprawled nearby. I’d never seen it before. A delighted smile spread over the little girl’s face, creating a dimple in one check. A powerful wave of love and joy spread through my dream-self, emotions that my watching self felt. I knew then – knew in a way I couldn’t explain but knew with absolute certainty – that this girl was my daughter. I woke up. Just like last time, morning had arrived with almost no passage of time for me. Sunlight again poured through the windows, and beside me, Seth still slept. Also like last time, my energy was gone. I was drained. But the ache of that missing energy was nothing compared to the ache I felt from being ripped out of the dream, of being stripped of the powerful emotions my dream-self had felt for that little girl. Her daughter. My daughter. No, that was impossible, I scolded myself. Succubi could have no children. I’d left that path behind when I sold my soul. It had felt so real, though. So intense. It was impossible for me to have a child, but in that dream, she had been mine. No doubts. Even now, I felt that maternal tug, and not having her here right now tore at my heart. And again, I told myself that was stupid. Dreams weren’t real. That’s why they were†¦well, dreams. And I had bigger problems to deal with. Like the missing energy. Beside me, Seth stirred and unconsciously pulled the covers around him, leaving me uncovered. I yanked them back, and he turned toward me, opening sleepy eyes. â€Å"Hey,†he said. â€Å"What gives?†â€Å"Not you, apparently.†â€Å"Not you either, apparently.†â€Å"Hey, I’m the evil one, remember?†We bantered a bit more and continued playing tug-of-war with the covers. I put on a smiling face so I wouldn’t have to explain my problems to him. Finally, I slipped away, though part of me wished I could stay in bed for the rest of the day. Dreaming. But Seth had writing to do, and I had an afternoon shift to work. Back home, I found Vincent up and around, making breakfast in the kitchen with Yasmine. They greeted me boisterously, giggling over some conversation that had occurred before my entrance. â€Å"You want some eggs?†he asked me, catching a stick of butter tossed over by Yasmine. Presumably they’d gone grocery shopping since I hadn’t had any butter in my kitchen before this. Or any food, really. â€Å"No thanks,†I said, settling myself on a stool. â€Å"I already ate.†â€Å"You’re missing out,†she said. â€Å"Vincent makes eggs that are so decadent, they’re totally sending him straight to Hell.†Setting a skillet on the stove, he turned on the burner, listening to the clicking sound made while the gas took a moment to ignite. â€Å"Oh, it’s the eggs that are going to do it, huh? Last time you told me it was going to be my parking.†The angel’s eyes sparkled with mischief. She’d pulled her sleek black hair up into a ponytail, making her look very young. Ironic, considering her age was beyond human or succubus comprehension. â€Å"Oh, geez. Yeah. I forgot about that. Huh. Now there’s a toss-up. I’m not sure which is going to send you down below faster. Needing a stick of butter to cook two eggs or parallel parking three feet from the curb.†He jabbed her arm with a wooden spoon. â€Å"Three feet? You know, I’ve never even seen you drive a car. The only thing you drive is me – crazy.†â€Å"Oh yeah, whatever. You were crazy before I ever came along.†Glancing back and forth between them as they bickered further, I realized they’d forgotten my presence. Feeling intrusive, I discretely backed away, down the hall and to my bedroom. Closing the door, I glanced in astonishment at Aubrey. She sprawled on my bed, warmed by a patch of sunshine. â€Å"Has that been going on all morning, Aub?†Yawning, she blinked at me with green eyes and then curled into a perfect white ball – similar to the position I’d seen her in in the dream. She covered her face with one paw. Um, okay. This was unexpected. I mean, was I crazy? Or had they†¦had Yasmine and Vincent been flirting? I mean, sure she was a friendly angel and everything, but that†¦yes, the more I thought about it, the more I believed they had been flirting. More than flirting. Weirder still, it hadn’t been the kind of banter two people toss back and forth during the courtship phase either. It was the familiar teasing of two people who had been together for a long time, two people so utterly comfortable in each other’s presence that they could almost finish each other’s sentences. It was like the phenomenon Erik had described with Seth and me. â€Å"They’re in love,†I told Aubrey disbelievingly. She continued to ignore me. How did that even work? They couldn’t be sleeping together. I’d learned a while back that doing that would make an angel fall, and Yasmine was still clearly on the side of truth and justice. So what did that mean? Was it okay if an angel loved a human so long as they stayed physically apart? Something inside of me didn’t think so. After seeing how prudish Joel had been, I felt pretty confident even a chaste love affair wouldn’t fly with him or the others. So none of them probably knew, not even Carter. And honestly, I didn’t know if I wanted to know. I was a sucker for star-crossed lovers, but those relationships never actually ended well. Grabbing some clothes and heading for the shower, I realized I might be witnessing a romance even more fucked up than my own. Who’d have thought that could happen? I guessed with angels, miracles really were possible. I finished showering and drying my hair, still pondering the puzzle of this love affair. I headed back out to the living room, wondering if I’d find more flirtatious behavior. Instead, what I found was a familiar and unwelcome immortal signature. Slimy and musky. Niphon was sitting on my couch. How to cite Succubus Dreams CHAPTER 6, Essay examples
Monday, May 4, 2020
Variance Analyis
Question: Describe about the Variance Analyis? Answer: Introduction A budget can be defined as the quantitative expression of a plan which is defined for a specific period of time. The strategic plans of the business units can be expressed in the form of a budget. It is used to forecast the future expenses and income (Maher, Weil and Stickney, 2015). Flexible Budget A flexible budget can be defined as the budget that will adjust with the changes in the volume of activity. The flexible budget restructures itself on the basis of the level of activity. Thus it serves as an effective tool for evaluating the performance of the managers. The model of flexible budget can be used to determine the financial results at the various activity levels (Smith, 2002). Difference between Flexible Budget and Static Budget A static budget does not change with the change in the actual volume of output. But a flexible budget can change with the change in the level of activity. A static budget is prepared assuming that all the other conditions affecting the budget will remain unaltered. But in case of flexible budget it can be prepared at the different levels of the activity (Oliver, 2015). The application of static budget is limited and it is an ineffective tool for controlling the cost. On the other hand, the flexible budget has wide application and serves as an effective tool for controlling cost (Berger, 2011). Types of Variance Analysis The variance analysis is done to investigate the variations in the financial performance from the standards that has been defined by the budget of the organization. The types of variance analysis are as follows Sales volume variance Sales mix variance Sales Price variance Sales Quantity variance Direct material price variance Direct material usage variance Direct labor rate variance Direct labor efficiency variance Variable overhead spending variance Variable overhead efficiency variance (Needles, Powers Crosson, 2011) Reasons for implementing flexible Budget of Manufacturing In a manufacturing organization, there is variance in the operational activities with the changes in the volume of production. The change in the volume of production will change the material volume, labor hours and cost of production. Thus for a manufacturing organization it is essential to use a flexible budget to meet with the changing need of the production (Davoren, 2015). Variance Analysis Direct Material Price Variance Budgeted cost of cakes Actual cost of cakes Flour $ 1.25 $ 1.05 Yeast $ 0.05 $ 0.05 Sugar $ 0.25 $ 0.25 Eggs $ 0.75 $ 0.55 Butter $ 0.15 $ 0.15 Frosting $ 0.95 $ 0.75 Production Payroll $ 4.50 $ 4.50 Total material cost $ 7.90 $ 7.30 Actual Quantity 2700 Budgeted Quantity 2500 Direct Material Price variance (Actual price - Standard Price ) * Actual Quantity $ (1,620.00) Favorable Direct Material Quantity Variance Budgeted cost of cakes Actual cost of cakes Flour $ 1.25 $ 1.05 Yeast $ 0.05 $ 0.05 Sugar $ 0.25 $ 0.25 Eggs $ 0.75 $ 0.55 Butter $ 0.15 $ 0.15 Frosting $ 0.95 $ 0.75 Production Payroll $ 4.50 $ 4.50 Total material cost $ 7.90 $ 7.30 Actual Quantity 2700 Budgeted Quantity 2500 DM Quantity Variance $ 1,580.00 UnFavorable Direct labor Rate Variance Budgeted cost of Labor per hour $9.00 Actual cost of labor per hour $9.25 Budgeted Hours of Production 1250 Actual Hours of Production 1400 Actual cost $12,950.00 Standard cost of actual hours $12,600.00 Variance Actual cost - Standard cost of Actual hours Unfavorable $350.00 Direct Labor Efficiency Variance Budgeted rate per hour of direct labor $9.00 Actual Hours 1400 Budgeted Hours 1250 Direct Labor Efficiency variance $1,350.00 Unfavorable Variable Overhead Spending Variance Actual Hours worked 1400 Actual overhead rate $ 1.79 Standard overhead rate $ 0.25 Variable overhead Spending Variance $ 2,150.00 Unfavorable Variable Overhead Efficiency Variance Standard direct labor hours allowed 1250 Actual direct labor hours 1400 Standard variable overhead rate $ 0.25 Variable Overhead Efficiency variance $ (37.50) Favorable References Berger, A. (2011). Standard Costing, Variance Analysis and Decision-Making (pp. 1-13). Davoren, J. (2015). The Advantages of a Flexible Budget. Small Business - Retrieved 12 February 2015, from Maher, M., Weil, R., Stickney, C. (2015). Managerial Accounting: An Introduction to Concepts, Methods and Uses (pp. 300-500). Needles, B., Powers, M., Crosson, S. (2011). Principles of accounting. Mason, Ohio: Cengage Learning. Oliver, L. (2015). The Cost Management Toolbox: A Manager's Guide to Controlling Costs and ... (pp. 55-100). Smith, G. (2002). Managerial Accounting for Libraries and Other Not-for-profit Organizations (pp. 90-110).
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