Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Breast Cancer A Complex And Heterogeneous Disease Caused...
Breast cancer is a complex and heterogeneous disease caused by both genetic and non-genetic risk factors. These factors include, mutations in breast cancer-associated genes 1 and 2 (BRCA1 and BRCA2) [1]; loss or aberrant expression of the estrogen receptor (ER) [2]; human epidermal growth factor receptor (HER2) overexpression [3] ; lack of ER, progesterone receptor (PR), and epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) expression[4] ; high levels of receptor for the insulin-like growth factor receptor 1 (IGF-1R[5]; and expression of microRNA (miRNA) [6]. In addition to genetic alterations (gene amplifications, deletions, point mutations, and chromosome rearrangements), epigenetic changes (methylation and/or acetylation) of the genome play an important role in breast carcinogenesis. For example, methylation of RASSF1A, BRCA1, and estrogen receptor ÃŽ ± (ERÃŽ ±) is associated with breast tumorigenesis and metastasis [7]. The inactivation of tumor suppressor proteins that lead to tumor cell growth and survival are another mechanism of breast cancer development [8]. These genes are inactivated by a variety of mechanisms, including chromosomal deletions, intragenic mutations, proteolysis, and loss of epigenetic modifications [9]. The best-characterized tumor suppressor protein is p53. In breast cancer, p53 mutation or downregulation is associated with an adverse prognosis [10]. Other tumor suppressor proteins in breast cancer include PTEN [11], p16[12], the retinoblastoma gene[13], andShow MoreRelatedEssay about Breast Cancer836 Words  | 4 PagesBreast cancer is one of the most widespread cancers among women worldwide. In the US, it is the most common, and the leading cause of cancer related deaths among women between 45 – 64 years of age (Clegg et al., 2002; Ward et al., 2008). Early detection and improved treatment procedures have resulted in gradual decline in the number of deaths caused by the disease since 1990. Nevertheless, in 2009, the estimated de ath toll for the disease was 40,170 (American Cancer Society, 2009). The gravityRead MoreThe Biology Of A Cell Mass1676 Words  | 7 PagesAbstract Genetic instability and the accumulation of several molecular alterations are the cause of cancers through the development of a proliferative cell mass. However, it is restricted to the current prognostic and diagnostic classifications since there is no reflection of the entire tumor clinical heterogeneity. Therefore, they are not sufficient in making predictions for the adequate treatment of patients. The chances of survival for the patients suffering from cancer normally depends on theRead MoreNeoplasia10526 Words  | 43 PagesIbom State, Nigeria. Neoplasia means the process of new growth whilst Neoplasm means a new growth. Sometimes, the parenchyma cells stimulate the formation of an abundant collagenous stroma, referred to as desmoplasia. Some tumours e.g. some cancers of breast are stony hard or scirrhous. Sarcomas have little connective tissue stroma and so are fleshy. Pseudo tumours: i) An ectopic rest of normal tissue is sometimes called a choristoma e.g a rest of adrenal cells under the kidney capsule or a pancreaticRead MoreSexually Transmitted Diseases35655 Words  | 143 Pagesprokaryotes 130 Structures and functions 133-137 Microbes 148-150 Onion and cheek cells 150-151 Ecological study 154 Seed structure and germination 155-157 Reproduction in plants 158-165 Sexually transmitted diseases 166-176 Birth Control and contraceptives 177-185 Effects on population growth 186-187 Drug and drug abuse 188-191 Man’s impact on the environment 192-199 Reproduction in man 200-201 References 202 Introduction Read More_x000C_Introduction to Statistics and Data Analysis355457 Words  | 1422 Pagespressure, leading researchers to conclude that the use of therapeutic dogs is beneï ¬ cial in the treatment of heart patients. (San Luis Obispo Tribune, November 16, 2005) Late in 2005, those eligible for Medicare had to decide which, if any, of the many complex new prescription medication plans was right for them. To assist with this decision, a program called PlanFinder that compares available options was made available online. But are seniors online? Based on a survey conducted by the Los Angeles Times
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
1984 Doublethink Analysis - 1497 Words
1984 Connection: In 1984, George Orwell illustrates a dystopian society in which he emphasizes the influential contribution of language to the psychological manipulation the Party imposes. Specifically, through the concept of Doublethink, Orwell highlights the ironic names of the Partys ministries as means to euphemize what they actually are. From the very beginning of the novel, it is revealed how the Party characterizes the faà §ade that The Ministry of Truth, which concerned itself with news, entertainment, education, and the fine arts. The Ministry of Peace, which concerned itself with war. The Ministry of Love, which maintained law and order. And the Ministry of Plenty, which was responsible for economic affairs (Orwell 4). However,†¦show more content†¦Similar to doublethink, the YOUnited States founders established this system in order to strip away the freedom of the citizens to feel that they belong. Ultimately, despite the slogan of the YOUnited States to help its citizens discove r their true identity, the land displacement and labels evoke the sense of disorientation and indifference to an individuals character identity. How to Read Literature Like a Professor Connection: Chapter 19: Geography Matters... In his book, Foster is persistent in emphasizing that it is a readers task to always acknowledge the geographical setting as a significant feature in literary analysis. Keeping in mind that writers make a conscious decision to select a particular place or context, it is important for the reader to consider the implications made. Furthermore, Foster stresses that in literature, geography possesses the power to create particular environments that shape character and influence the plotline. Consequently, in the dystopian society YOUnited States, the geographical features and positioning play an influential role with the governments control for power. In contrast to the typical literary quest of searching for a home, YOUnited States citizens are prohibited from venturing Lands as they desire. Citizens are only granted to stay within the borders of the Land corresponding to their dictated identity. Notably, Foster alsoShow MoreRelated1984 Doublethink Analysis1237 Words  | 5 PagesTh e Role of Doublethink in The Government of 1984 â€Å" War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength,†. The following quote originates from the infamous novel, 1984 by George Orwell. The significance of this popular quote was to display an example of the action of doublethink. Doublethink is the act of having two contradictory thoughts at the same time and believing both are true. Doublethink plays an influential role in the novel, 1984. The novel takes place in a super-state by the nameRead MoreComparison Of 1984 And Watership Down927 Words  | 4 PagesAt a glance, the two books I read over this summer, 1984 by George Orwell, and Watership Down by Richard Adams, are very different. After looking at similar themes and motifs, I found more similarities than I first thought I would. The authors present power dynamics and hierarchies in different ways, and they use that to show different points. There are more differences than similarities in these books, but the similarities may be surprising. How does Big Brother control everybody? They controlRead More1984 Doublethink Essay885 Words  | 4 Pagesâ€Å"War is peace, Freedom is slavery, Ignorance is strength,†(Orwell 26). In George Orwell’s book, 1984, the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in mind and being forced to accept them, is â€Å"doublethink†. The government of Oceania, also called the Party, uses psychological operant conditioning to brainwash their citizens to keep control over them. The truth can only be proven by consensus of majority meaning if millions believe it , they too should believe it. The act of thinking freely is consideredRead MoreCensorship, By George Orwell881 Words  | 4 Pages Censorship In George Orwell’s novel, 1984, the theme, censorship, greatly influences the storyline. Within the society, Oceania, the government censors everything from the newspapers to an individual s thoughts. Although, Oceania does not have any specific laws the citizens know that challenging the party, even with facial expressions, could result in punishment or possibly death. The prime reasoning behind censorship is control. In order to gain the ultimate control the Inner Party utilizesRead More1984 Discussion1069 Words  | 5 Pages1984 Discussion Questions 1. The world within which Winston lives is replete with contradictions. For example a, major tenet of the Partys philosophy is that War is Peace. Similarly, the Ministry of Love serves as, what we would consider, a department of war. What role do these contradictions serve on a grand scale? Discuss other contradictions inherent in the Partys philosophy. What role does contradiction serve within the framework of Doublethink? How does Doublethink satisfy the needs of TheRead MoreCritics of Novel 1984 by George Orwell14914 Words  | 60 Pages1984 In George Orwells 1984, Winston Smith wrestles with oppression in Oceania, a place where the Party scrutinizes human actions with ever-watchful Big Brother. Defying a ban on individuality, Winston dares to express his thoughts in a diary and pursues a relationship with Julia. These criminal deeds bring Winston into the eye of the opposition, who then must reform the nonconformist. George Orwells 1984 introduced the watchwords for life without freedom: BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING YOU. WrittenRead More1984 Propaganda1571 Words  | 7 Pages1984: Propaganda and Persuasion A) The 5 examples of different techniques of propaganda and persuasion from 1984 are: * Glittering Generality- emotionally appealing words that are applied to a product or idea, but present no concrete argument or analysis. * Ad Hominem- Attacking ones opponent, as opposed to attacking their arguments * Milieu Control- An attempt to control the social environment and ideas through the use of social pressure. * Bandwagon- Appeals attempt to persuadeRead MoreWar Is Peace And The Purpose Of The Ministry Of Love Essay2619 Words  | 11 PagesIn 1984, the world in which Winston lives is filled with contradictions, due to the party’s embrace of the doublethink philosophy, thus the contradictions in Oceania are omnipresent like the party is. Some examples of these contradictions take the form of the slogan that War is Peace and the purpose of the Ministry of Love. Doublethink is essentially â€Å"an unending series of victories over your own memory,†a form of â€Å"‘reality control’†that allows the party to manipulate the outer party members. TheRead MoreThe Dystopia By George Orwell2154 Words  | 9 PagesThe dystopia depicted in 1984 is a direct result of author George Orwell’s exposure to the oppressive regimes of his day. At the time of Orwell’s composition of the novel, authoritarian governments of the 1940s posed a real and danger ous threat to the free citizens of Europe. Much of what he saw in the Nazi and communist regimes inspired the Party, the government of Oceania, in his text 1984. The text argues that the effectiveness of an authoritarian regime depends on its ability to dehumanize itsRead MoreNineteen Eighty Four By George Orwell Essay1601 Words  | 7 Pageshad been aware of Winston s crimes all along; in fact, O Brien was assigned to watch Winston for the past seven years. O Brien spends the next few months torturing Winston in order to change his way of thinking - to employ the concept of doublethink, the ability to simultaneously hold two opposing ideas in one s mind and believe in both: the concept is critical to life in Oceanic society. Winston believes that the human mind must be free, and to remain free, it must be allowed to hold objective
Monday, December 9, 2019
Truth in Contemporary Photography free essay sample
Truth in Contemporary Photography Assessment Item: Major Essay Susan Sontag defined the photograph as a ‘trace’ directly stencilled off reality, like a footprint or a death mask. Every photograph is in some sense a document of something else, therefore giving it truthful merit. Photography is seen as a record, a piece of evidence that something happened at some point somewhere, in that time or place in front of the camera, holding its moments in stillness. 1] The photograph seeks to achieve information, truth, acceptance, evidence and existence, which then provides society with a history and individuals with memories and a proof of existence. Putting aside the notion of a photograph never lies, photography has an amazing power to provoke realism from a subject and although in a photograph we may see and know that an image has been constructed, the use of stereotypes, generalisations and the idealisms of a society may be the most influential element of an image, therefore granting it gratification as a reality. There are many different types of photographers throughout the world. In their work most photographers have different goals or have a different purpose or seek achievement depending on their points of view and beliefs on the overall outlook on photography. In this essay I will answer the question is there any need for ‘truth’ in contemporary photography? By looking at three very different photographers. The first Zoriah, an American born documentary photographer. The second Australian photographic Artist, Bill Henson. And finally Persian born fashion and celebrity portrait photographer Mario Testino. When looking at documentary photography as a genre, it is clear that the documentary photograph does more than simply display information. It allows the viewer to be instructed to some aspects in which truth is revealed, thus allowing a document (the photograph) to be evidence or proof. Documentary photography tells us something about the world, allowing us to think about people and their environment and how they live. According to Arthur Rothstein, the word document is derived from the Latin docere meaning to teach. Rothstein also believed that: â€Å"Photography can provide the most precious documents existing†. [2] Rothstein makes a valid point that documentary photography allows us to observe other cultures and environments around the world. It informs us as well as gives us an insight. When looking at a documentary photograph we rarely question it’s truthfulness because of the subject matter and the traditions of the genre. I also agree with Rothstein in his comment photography can provide the most precious documents existing, as the photograph can be used as proof, showing a person’s innocence or conviction. Also a photograph can be seen as documenting history to show future generations, helping them understand events that play a significant role in previous generations, or simply as proof of human existence. Zoriah is an award winning documentary photographer. His work has been seen in some of the world Humanitarian Aid to Developing Countries, he has worked for international aid organisations such as the Red Cross before returning to photography after a long absence. With his background in disaster management and humanitarian aid, Zoriah specialises in documenting humanitarian crises in third world countries. He has covered disasters, critical social issues and conflict in over forty countries around the world. Although photos can act as explicate evidence I believe that at this time we should never trust the photograph as pure evidence. The photograph records or documents objectively; there are ideas that suggest that all documentation is regarded as the truth and evidence. J. Snyder and N. W. Allen explained that we expect to find a certain â€Å"documentary†value in photographs and we ask certain â€Å"documentary questions†: â€Å"Is it authentic? â€Å"Is it correct†and â€Å"Is it true†[3] When we observe this point by Snyder and Allen about questioning documents and their authenticity we see the argument that can be put forward. How do we know photos have not been manipulated in some way? Are they a true document and representation of the event? R. Martin and J. Spence state, â€Å"Whilst we know, intellectually, that photographs aren’t Ã¢â‚¬Ë œreal’, do not ‘tell the truth’, but are specific choices, constructions, frozen moments, edited out of time, we still invest meaning in them. [4] Similar to the point Snyder and Allen put forward, we often come across photographs that could be categorised as documentary images, and subsequently we question whether they are real, due to their unrealistic content. Being an unfamiliar subject that didn’t seem possible in the first place, we do put some faith in the image and its authenticity due to the proof of the image. Within Zoriah’s documentary work we only see the world through the lens of his camera. If another photographer were at the same location at the same time we would see a completely different set of images. In this sense the work of any photographer is similar. Photographers such as Bill Henson, although his location maybe a studio is very different to a war-zone, he still has to compose an image – selecting what he wants us the viewer to see and more so what he wants to leave out. Therefore in this respect all photography cannot give a truthful representation of what is real, it is simply a perspective of what is real. While photography depends on reality, it also loves to take a holiday from it. Viewed less as documents corresponding with reality, photographs can be seen as artificial forms of construction. For this reason the practice is less about picture-taking than picture-making. [5] Bill Henson is one of Australia’s leading contemporary Photographic artists. His work comprises of painterly and cinematic styled photographs. These photographs embody a pervasive sense of stillness, which it is suggested, is suspended somewhere between recognition and memory. For Henson’s photography to work successfully it must contain some element of truth so that it speaks to the viewer. These elements may merely be a road, or lights in the distance, but they give his images a location and setting and therefore grant it a form of reality. In his work he is often influenced by external day-to-day experiences. This in turn makes his photographs a representation of his own personal past and history. Henson states; The work might begin with a fleeting impression from first-hand experience or in a piece of music I am always drawn back to, or perhaps in a paragraph of writing I cannot forget – and then it takes its own course. I become like a participant in some larger process I happen to be fascinated by. 6] Within his photography Henson sets up tensions by colliding opposites: beauty and squalor, the ordinary reality that a camera captures and something uncanny or otherworldly. Fashion is an evolution, a reinvention, a constant cycle of ideas, influences, trends, social and cultural demands. Fashion â€Å"matures and dies with the era and is once again reborn in partnership with the new rhythm of the succeeding era†[7] Some photography is used for public exposure of personalities and for advertising, often found everywhere that we look, whether it be in magazines. The exact purpose of tabloids and exposure is evident when we look at the photographer Mario Testino. Testino stated that: â€Å"I belong to a time which many women and even men are obsessed with looking like models. In my work portraiture has a wider function beyond simply making someone look beautiful. It is a matter of identity. The identity of a fashion company has become like the identity of a living person in the modern world, or at least real as a person in a novel or film. These images can seem as familiar as some one you know. These people also need to be inverted. [8] This statement by Testino explains how he goes about photographing his subjects. He captures parts of the subject’s personality and through tabloids and exposure through such avenues as journalism, it allows him to become a major photographer/icon therefore creating a celebrity status for himself. Although many images displayed in magazines are behind the scenes, of famous celebrities and their everyda y lives, we discover that it is not only the photographs of these exclusive people that draws the readers attention into the magazine and image in the first place. It is also the words that are associated with the image and the interaction that they make. By photographers capturing images of celebrities behind the scenes, it established the photograph as privileged and worthy of something. [9] Roland Barthes suggests: â€Å"Since the photo is pure contingency and can be nothing else (it is always something that is represented) contrary to the text which, by the sudden action of a single word, can shift sentence from description to reflection. †[10] All three photographers need to provide some element of truth, as no image can work effectively without the viewer having prior knowledge or recollection of a similar content. Through mechanical advancements associated with contemporary photography, the question has risen whether we can rely on photographs as a key piece of evidence or proof. We can be confident in saying that photographs allow us to have proof of memories and existence. We can identify through different artists such as Zoriah, Bill Henson and Mario Testino that each photographer needs to depict a certain amount of truth depending on the genre and their point of view. Whether it be seeking realism, fictional realities or aesthetic exposure for publicity, and promotional purposes, within the work of these three photographers there needs to be elements of truth. At the same time that contemporary photography needs to contain some element of truth in order to speak to the viewer. I don’t believe that within all photography the content itself needs to be a truthful representation of an event. I believe that if contemporary photography is to ‘work’ successfully it needs to comprise of truths, but depending on the genre of photography there is a greater or lesser need for truth, within representing reality. For example; A documentary photographer should comprise his images with more truths than a fashion photographer, or a fictional reality photographer, as documentary photography is a genre which relies on truths and reality. It is seen as evidence or proof. Whereas fashion photography though used as a historical reference for the fashion trends and of a particular era, it is a creative, commercial genre, which can rely on less truths, as the general public does not see fashion photography as reality. It holds the main purpose of selling a garment of clothing. It then can also sell a brand, and in some cases sell a ‘lifestyle’. In fictional reality photography there is very little need for truth as long as the viewer has some connection to the content, through their personal experiences, then there is little need for reality or truth to be portrayed in these images. Photography needs some truth in order to work successfully, but it does not need to represent reality, and it cannot represent reality fully. I conclude with a quote from Sarah Kember, who sates; â€Å"How can we panic about the loss of the real when we know (tacitly or otherwise) that the real is always already lost in the act of representation? Any representation, even a photographic one only constructs an image-idea of the real; it dos not capture it, even though it might seem to do so. A photograph of the pyramids is an image-idea of the pyramids, it is not the pyramids. †[11] Bibliography Alexander, G. Tableaux-menento mori-screen culture. In Photography; Art Gallery of NSW Collection 2007 Barthes, R. Camera Lucinda: Reflections on Photography, trans. Richard Howard. London: Fontana, 1980 Bright, Susan. Art Photography Now. London: Thames Hudson Ltd, 2005 Cotton, Charlotte. The Photograph As Contemporary Art.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Macbeth Imagery Essays (1225 words) - Characters In Macbeth
Macbeth Imagery In all of Shakespeare's plays he uses many forms of imagery. Imagery, the art of making images, the products of imagination. In the play 'Macbeth' Shakespeare applies the imagery of clothing, darkness and blood. (listed from least to most), Each detail is his imagery, it seems to contain an important symbol of the play. Symbols that the reader must understand if they are to interpret either the passage or the play as a whole. Within the play 'Macbeth' the imagery of clothing portrays that Macbeth is seeking to hide his "disgraceful self" from his eyes and others. Shakespeare wants to keep alive the ironical contrast between the wretched creature that Macbeth really is and the disguises he assumes to conceal the fact. In opinion, the reader thinks of the play honors as garments to be worn; likewise, Macbeth is constantly represented symbolically as the wearer of robes not belonging to him. He is wearing an undeserved dignity, which is a crucial point that Shakespeare has made. The description of the purpose of clothing in Macbeth is the fact that these garments are not his. Therefore, Macbeth is uncomfortable in them because he is continually conscious of the fact that they do not belong to him. In the following passage, the idea constantly recurs that Macbeth's new honors sit ill upon him, like loose and badly fitting garments, belonging to someone else: "New honours come upon him, Like our strange garments, cleave not to their mould, But with the aid of use." (Act I, iii: 144) The second form used to add to the atmosphere, the imagery of darkness. In a Shakespearean tragedy, we have known him to create a special tone, or atmosphere to show the darkness in a tragedy. In 'Macbeth', Shakespeare draws upon the design of the witches, the guilt in Macbeth's soul, and the darkness of the night to establish the atmosphere. All of the remarkable scenes take place at night or in some dark spot; for instance, the vision of the dagger, the murder of Duncan, the Murder of Banquo, and Lady Macbeth's sleep walking. Darkness is the time when the traveler hastens to reach safety in his inn, when Banquo rides homeward to meet his assassins; furthermore, it is the time when the wolf howls, the owl screams, and when murder steals forth to his work. In 'Macbeth' darkness symbolizes many things. First, and most important, it stands for the evil and death in the play. The darkness could partially blind out all of the horrible things that occur in the night. For, only in darkness can such evil deeds be done. Secondly, the darkness shows one of Lady Macbeth's weaknesses: her fear of dark. In the play, phrases of fear escape from lips even in her sleep. She believes darkness to be the place of torment. Within the whole drama, the sun seems to shine only twice. First, in the beautiful but ironical passage when Duncan sees the swallows flirting round the castle of death. Another time, when at the close of the avenging army gathers to rid the earth of its shame. Therefore, the reader can conclude that Shakespeare portrays darkness to establish the evil parts of the play; whereas, we employ daylight to define victory or goodness in the play. We have known blood to all of us to represent life, death and often injury. Blood is an essential part of life and without blood, we could not live. This is known to everyone, and because of this, when Shakespeare uses the imagery of blood to represent treason, guilt, murder and death. We have easily understood it and fits in perfectly with the ideas we have of blood. Therefore, this essay weighs blood to the most important imagery of Shakespeare's play 'Macbeth'. Shakespeare mentions the word blood, or different forms of it often in the play. Forty-two times to be exact (ironically, the word fear also is used the same amount), with several other passages dealing with imagery. Perhaps the best way to describe how the image of blood changes throughout the play, by following the character changes in Macbeth. First, he is a brave honored soldier, but as the play progresses, he becomes identified withe death and bloodshed, along with showing his guilt in different forms. The first sinister reference to blood is one of honor, showed in Act I scene ii. This occurs when Duncan sees the injured sergeant and says "What bloody man is that?". This is symbolic of the brave fighter who has been
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Are All Men Created Equal Essays
Are All Men Created Equal Essays Are All Men Created Equal Essay Are All Men Created Equal Essay Vanity Finley HST 230 Writing Assignment 2 The United States constitution proclaimed that all men are created equal. However, it would be more accurate to say that all white men are created equal. The goals of liberty, freedom, self-government and democratic rule seem to only affect the white man. African Americans can be used as one example of a minority group that demonstrates these goals were not meant for everyone; just for the white majority. Whites treated all minority groups with a great deal of inequality, especially the African Americans. This group of people was by no means treated as equal to white men. The goals of liberty, freedom, and self government were never part of their lives. They had no freedom because they were property. They had a master/owner and they were expected to do exactly as they were told. Freedom and liberty refer to the idea of not being controlled by an external force. It is not possible to be free if someone owns you and makes you do as they say. The textbook makes a good argument about the inequality of African Americans through the three-fifths compromise. According to this clause, African Americans count as three-fifths of a vote. Slave owners could turn in three-fifths of their total slave population for representation and apportionment of taxes. This clearly demonstrates how superior whites thought themselves to be. Slaves were only a little over half the worth of a white manâ„ ¢s vote. As if only counting as three-fifths of a person wasnâ„ ¢t bad enough, this clause was only made to satisfy white slave owners. If it had not been beneficial to slave owners, then the clause would never had came into being. The ideas of self-government and democratic rule were fitting to whites but not blacks. These two ideas are based on the belief that the people of a society should make the rules and govern the society. If society were strictly white, then these two ideas were real and alive. The upper class white men did make the rules and they were the people governing the country. However, African Americans had no say so in laws or policy, and they never held office. It they have no say so or no representation then how can it be assumed that they were self-governing One of the more obvious ways in which minorities were not treated equal can be found in Article 4, Section 2 of the Constitution. This article demonstrates how all minorities, not just African Americans, were treated as lesser people. This section confined citizenship to white property holding males. As for immigrants, only free white persons could become citizens. The white men who wrote the constitution believed n the ideas and goals of liberty, freedom, self-government, and democratic rule. However, these ideas only pertained to themselves. All minorities were excluded from these ideas and goals because it would interfere with the white men achieve the same goals. The white men stayed in government and on top of the social chain by treating minorities unjustly. White men enjoyed all of these ideas and goals, but minorities were never treated anywhere near equal during the period from 1776-1850.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
The Role of Interjections in English Grammar
The Role of Interjections in English Grammar Shortly after Steve Jobss death in the fall of 2011, his sister, Mona Simpson, revealed that Jobss final words were monosyllables, repeated three times: OH WOW. OH WOW. OH WOW. As it happens, interjections (such as oh and wow) are among the first words we learn as children- usually by the age of a year and a half. Eventually, we pick up several hundred of these brief, often exclamatory utterances. As the 18th-century philologist, Rowland Jones observed, It appears that interjections make up a considerable part of our language. Nevertheless, interjections are commonly regarded as the outlaws of English grammar. The term itself, derived from Latin, means something thrown in between. Why Interjections Are Overlooked Interjections usually stand apart from normal sentences, defiantly maintaining their syntactic independence. (Yeah!) They arent marked inflectionally for grammatical categories such as tense or number. (No sirree!) And because they show up more frequently in spoken English than in writing, most scholars have chosen to ignore them. (Aw.) Linguist Ute Dons has summarized the uncertain status of interjections: In modern grammars, the interjection is located at the periphery of the grammatical system and represents a phenomenon of minor importance within the word class system (Quirk et al. 1985: 67). It is unclear whether the interjection is to be considered an open or closed word class. Its status is also special in that it does not form a unit with other word classes and that interjections are only loosely connected with the rest of the sentence. Furthermore, interjections stand apart as they often contain sounds which are not part of the phoneme inventory of a language (e.g. ugh, Quirk et al. 1985: 74).(Descriptive Adequacy of Early Modern English Grammars. Walter de Gruyter, 2004) But with the advent of corpus linguistics and conversation analysis, interjections have recently begun to attract serious attention. The Study of Interjections Early grammarians tended to regard interjections as mere sounds rather than words- as outbursts of passion rather than meaningful expressions. In the 16th century, William Lily defined the interjection as a parte of speche, whyche betokeneth a sodayne passion of the mynde, under an unperfect voice. Two centuries later, John Horne Took argued that the brutish, inarticulate interjection . . . has nothing to do with speech, and is only the miserable refuge of the speechless. More recently, interjections have been variously identified as adverbs (the catch-all category), pragmatic particles, discourse markers, and single-word clauses. Others have characterized interjections as pragmatic noises, response cries, reaction signals, expressives, inserts, and evincives. At times interjections call attention to a speakers thoughts, often as sentence openers (or initiators): Oh, you must be kidding. But they also function as back-channel signals- feedback offered by listeners to show theyre paying attention. (At this point, class, feel free to say Gosh! or at least Uh-huh.) Its now customary to divide interjections into two broad classes, primary and secondary: Primary interjections are single words (such as ah, ouch, and yowza) that are used only as interjections and that dont enter into syntactic constructions. According to linguist Martina Drescher, primary interjections generally serve to lubricate conversations in a ritualized manner.*Secondary interjections (such as well, hell, and rats) also belong to other word classes. These expressions are often exclamatory and tend to mix with oaths, swear words, greeting formulas, and the like. Drescher describes secondary interjections as derivative uses of other words or locutions which have lost their original conceptual meanings- a process known as semantic bleaching. As written English grows more and more colloquial, both classes have migrated from speech into print. One of the more intriguing characteristics of interjections is their multifunctionality: the same word may express praise or scorn, excitement or boredom, joy or despair. Unlike the comparatively straightforward denotations of other parts of speech, the meanings of interjections are largely determined by intonation, context, and what linguists call pragmatic function. Geez, we might say, you really had to be there. Ill leave the next-to-last word on interjections to the authors of the Longman Grammar of Spoken and Written English (1999): If we are to describe spoken language adequately, we need to pay more attention to [interjections] than has traditionally been done. To which I say, Hell, yeah! * Quoted by Ad Foolen in The Expressive Function of Language: Towards a Cognitive Semantic Approach. The Language of Emotions: Conceptualization, Expression, and Theoretical Foundation, ed. by Susanne Niemeier and Renà © Dirven. John Benjamins, 1997.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Models and Frameworks for Adult Care Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Models and Frameworks for Adult Care - Essay Example Furthermore care plan is constructed adopting holistic approach for each problem. Moreover, it is also explained how various interventions work together for the achievement of final goals. Mr. A, who is 37 years old adult, was facing acute back pain because of his daily activities. He was a businessman who used to sit for several hours. This was the basic reason why Mr. A was facing acute low back pain. John Popp has defined low back pain in his book named A Guide to the Primary Care of Neurological Disorder as an acute problem affecting the population all around the world. This problem is considered the most common cause of disability in the individuals at the age of 40 years and plus. The reasons behind acute low back pain may differ from one individual to another. It may occur spontaneously or because of trauma event. In an online publication put forward by Baylor College of Medicine, acute low back problems are defined as the situation when activities and daily lifestyle routine limits due to lower back problem or the symptoms less than of 4 weeks. Mr. A was also facing difficulties in carrying out daily activities in a normal way. However, it is a fact that acute low back pain is diagnosable. About 90% of patients of acute low back problems recover within 1 month. Furthermore, Low back pain can be divided into different categories. For example, none radiating, radiating, loss of motor functions, spinal fractures and infections. Mr. A was losing motor functions and developed internal infections because of acute low back pain issue. Peter A. Rives, MD., Alan B. Douglass, MD. 2004 divided low back pain into acute and chronic conditions. Mr. A was passing through acute low back pain issue. The website of European Guidelines for the Management of Acute Nonspecific Low Back Pain in Primary Care defines acute low back pain as duration of pain less than 6 weeks. While low back pain is defined as a pain or discomfort below the costal portion, with or
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Mysticism in Hinduism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Mysticism in Hinduism - Essay Example The essay "Mysticism in Hinduism" talks about the philosophy of Hinduism as an ideal model for understanding the world. The study of mysticism will bring joy to our heart and self-realization to our life. However, we should not give a definition to it and should not try to interpret it, because we will anyway fail. We receive the experience from the science, scientific discovery, history, philosophy, religion. In these experiences, we see the presence of subject and object, essence and existence, vision and sight. But the mystical experience that is the momentary unanimity overcomes all the similar discrepancies. Mystical experience is the unity with something â€Å"out of limits†that always remains inexpressible. It is a valuable experience that can’t and should be rejected. Maya is the illusiveness of existence and the Universe. While Brahman is the only reality, all the rest is the illusion. An ignorant individual can’t see the reality and perceives only the illusory world of suffering. The salvation is received through realization. Brahman is the supreme reality, the soul of the world without any form. It can’t be realized and described; it is a creation and a creator at the same time. The most important achievement for Hinduism is to realize that he is Brahman and he and the Universe is a single whole. We can argue upon the statement of Shankara â€Å"If the universe is true, let it then be perceived in the state of deep sleep also. As it is not at all perceived, it must be unreal and false, like dreams†.
Sunday, November 17, 2019
The New Rave Generation Essay Example for Free
The New Rave Generation Essay Electronic Dance Music, better known as EDM, has the potential to be the largest genre of music in the near future. From the start this music has acted as a spiritual and emotional release for anyone who listens, this being one of, if not the most innovative forms of music in the history of entertainment. Throughout the existence of this genre there were many struggles amongst the industry. After nearly 40 years of efforts, EDM has revealed itself to the mainstream of music entertainment. â€Å"For an industry increasingly reliant on aging headliners like Bruce Springsteen, Madonna and the Rolling Stones the appeal of a genre with fresh stars and a huge young audience is undeniable.†(The New York Times) In other words, the older generations of music are fading out for a new wave to come in. Without this new generation, the rise of EDM may not have occurred. The origin of this music varies depending upon the specific type of EDM. The United States progression from traditional acoustic music to Electronic Music started in the 1970’s and now grows larger than ever expected. The true origin of this genre was in the 1960’s in Jamaica. Artists would overlay multiple tracks (normally instrumentals of existing tracks) on reel to reel tape players, which were commonplace at the time, to create their own unique tracks. They’d hook the reel to reel tape player up to an amp, along with an MC, and then throw large parties. Disco being one of the original forms of EDM was heard during the mid to late 1970’s among a very diverse but specific crowd which included the black, Latino, gay, and psychedelic communities. Donna Summer’s 1977 hit â€Å"I Feel Love†took the recent birth of this music put a slight twist on it which in turn expanded the electronic music culture. Although Donna Summer experimented with many genres, her impact on electronic dance music was substantial. Pairing with producer Giorgio Moroder was a defining moment for not just the sub-genre disco but for all of EDM. Disco’s combination of beats, strings, horns, and synths significantly impacted, whether directly or indirectly, every electronic artist from burgeoning house music DJs and New Order in the ‘80s to modern producers, like Calvin Harris and Avicii, revisiting those same sounds. Donna Summer’s career and more specifically her hit song â€Å"I Feel Love†is in some way responsible for every mainstream genre of EDM due to the explorative diversity of her music. Upon entering the 1980’s disco’s short lived popularity diminished. From the ashes of disco arose many new genres of EDM featuring electro, freestyle, techno and house. The musical aspect of the Jamaican culture, dub music was soon carried over to the US where artists such as Frankie Knuckles, known as the â€Å"Godfather of House†, began to introduce this magical genre. Due to the low demand for this electronically crafted music concerts were non-existent. In place of concerts, fans heard this music at warehouse parties and nightclubs. Using RB records, Frankie Knuckles and other artists used a mixer and two turntables. These records were not just left to play, the DJs reconstructed their sounds by mixing two records together at the same time, adjusting their tempos, and layering percussive beats over the top. This was the start of mainstream House Music. Night clubs and discos such as Paradise Garage and Studio 54 in New York City, or The Wharehouse in Chicago started employ DJs for every night they were open with the demand for EDM rising. These venues would have their sound system prepared more for DJs rather than the traditional live acts. At this point the interest for the DJs themselves had surpassed any expectation. In other words, fans began to appreciate the talent and dedication these artists possessed. With sudden interest in the DJs, they began to produce more of their own music. The increase in production led to the making of remixes. Remixing music proceeded to increase the popularity of this music and the individual DJs. By the 90s there was enough content and a large enough response to EDM where large concerts would be held indoors or outdoors casually known as raves. Raves feature loud, live music with breathtaking light shows which will put almost any person in awe. â€Å"Happy people, dancing happily without a hint of cynicism.†(Huffington Post) describes the atmosphere of any rave, perfectly. Raves gave off a sense of happiness among the whole crowd which is an indescribable feeling. Over years raves varied in styles to broaden the appeal, the venues started adding additional interactive entertainment including paint, glow sticks, foam and other stimulating accessories. Although the rave scene should have boosted the fan base substantially, EDM had reached the boundaries of its popularity for many years. Recently the electronic dance music scene has expanded past any expectations. Currently EDM is one of the most popular genres among all cultures. â€Å"If you’re 15 to 25 years old now, this is your rock ‘n’ roll,†said Michael Rapino, the chief executive of Live Nation Entertainment, the world’s largest concert promoter. This young audience is known as the new rave generation and they are nearly growing in numbers and variety. There are more performers, better technology and larger events every year. This scene is expanding with no intentions of slowing down. Electric dance music festivals are the hosts of the craziest events in the United States. These festivals took the average rave and super-sized it in every way possible. Most festivals are held over multiple days some providing overnight accommodations. Fans will spend thousands of dollars in preparation for these unforgettable couple days. The Electric Daisy Carnival in 2011 had over 200,000 guests at the Las Vegas Motor Speedway. These fans gathered from all around the world to hear the top DJs of the industry give the crowd everything they had. As the crowd roars across the many stages thousands of people share something they will take with them forever. This remarkable experience gives out a vibe like no other and greatly impacts the lives of everyone attending. Electric Dance Music has not only impacted the music entertainment industry forever but also the lives of millions of people. With roots from all over the world EDM has collectively created something nobody could have ever had predicted. Bringing thousands of enthusiasts from around the world together for a spiritual journey creates a surreal experience nobody can dislike. EDM is a genre that is here to stay and will continuously influence generations to come.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Illness Among the Chickens :: Creative Writing Essays
Illness Among the Chickens The outbreak began in early June, following the first major rush of tourism for the summer. The streets were crowded with tourists--many American, but some Japanese, Koreans, and Europeans as well. As the townspeople focused on selling their wares to the tourists, none noticed the lethargy of their poultry. As I moved passed my neighbor's poultry shed, headed toward the street to sell my copied music cds (for I am rather well off, having moved to this neighborhood to care for my ailing parents), I noticed that the chickens were lethargic, and had not seemed to have eaten. My neighbor cursed them to me when I saw him, claiming that what few eggs they laid were soft and broke when he picked them up. I moved when he kicked one, and set up my shop for the day. The next day, as I passed the chicken shack, I noticed one chicken lying next to the shack--its face was swollen, and the combs of the cocks had taken on a blueish coloration. The chicken also seemed to be sneezing, but I can never tell. I did not see my neighbor that morning, and I moved on. When I returned home, however, I saw him standing in his yard, staring down. He was flushed, and sweating, but in the heat, I took it for granted. One thing however, stopped me cold--all around him, his chickens were dead. It seemed to have come suddenly--some were dead in the water trough, as if they had been struck down while drinking. After putting on my gardening mask (I have terrible hayfever), I helped pile the corpses into a wheelbarrow and carry them off out of the town to bury them. My neighbor spit and cleared his throat a lot, and complained of a headache and said his arthritis was acting up. I gave him some aspirin, and went home for the night. Several days passed as normal, and I did not think too much of the chickens. After all, this was the busy season, and I had to make sure that I made enough to last my sister a year, when I left her [to watch] my parents [after] I returned home. However, when my neighbor's daughter crawled to my door and passed out, I knew that [the illnesses of my neighbor and his chickens] were somehow related. Illness Among the Chickens :: Creative Writing Essays Illness Among the Chickens The outbreak began in early June, following the first major rush of tourism for the summer. The streets were crowded with tourists--many American, but some Japanese, Koreans, and Europeans as well. As the townspeople focused on selling their wares to the tourists, none noticed the lethargy of their poultry. As I moved passed my neighbor's poultry shed, headed toward the street to sell my copied music cds (for I am rather well off, having moved to this neighborhood to care for my ailing parents), I noticed that the chickens were lethargic, and had not seemed to have eaten. My neighbor cursed them to me when I saw him, claiming that what few eggs they laid were soft and broke when he picked them up. I moved when he kicked one, and set up my shop for the day. The next day, as I passed the chicken shack, I noticed one chicken lying next to the shack--its face was swollen, and the combs of the cocks had taken on a blueish coloration. The chicken also seemed to be sneezing, but I can never tell. I did not see my neighbor that morning, and I moved on. When I returned home, however, I saw him standing in his yard, staring down. He was flushed, and sweating, but in the heat, I took it for granted. One thing however, stopped me cold--all around him, his chickens were dead. It seemed to have come suddenly--some were dead in the water trough, as if they had been struck down while drinking. After putting on my gardening mask (I have terrible hayfever), I helped pile the corpses into a wheelbarrow and carry them off out of the town to bury them. My neighbor spit and cleared his throat a lot, and complained of a headache and said his arthritis was acting up. I gave him some aspirin, and went home for the night. Several days passed as normal, and I did not think too much of the chickens. After all, this was the busy season, and I had to make sure that I made enough to last my sister a year, when I left her [to watch] my parents [after] I returned home. However, when my neighbor's daughter crawled to my door and passed out, I knew that [the illnesses of my neighbor and his chickens] were somehow related.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Interpersonal Communication Complete Course Essay
Many people believe that communication skills are easy and should come naturally. As we have learned this week, learning effective interpersonal communication skills requires a lot of time and practice. Of all the skills listed in Chapter Two of Making Connections: Understanding Interpersonal Communication, which skill(s) are you most excited about improving in your interpersonal relationships? Why do you feel that you need to make improvements in this area? Based on the course material that you read this week, what are some ways that you plan on using these skills in your everyday life? DQ 2 In Chapter Three of Making Connections: Understanding Interpersonal Communication, the author lays out many psychological concepts concerning the â€Å"self.†How do all these concepts relate to interpersonal communication? Also, give an example of how your â€Å"self-concept,†â€Å"self-image,†or â€Å"self-esteem†has affected your interpersonal communication. Week 1 Assignment: Week 1 Assignment Article Critique (Making Poor Communication) (550+ Words) Week 2 DQ 1 In Chapter Four of Making Connections: Understanding Interpersonal Communication, the author discusses the power of language and how verbal communication can affect interpersonal relationships. The author also mentions ways in which you can improve your verbal communication. Explain how you will use these skills to make your interpersonal verbal communication more effective. Use a specific example of someone in your life (past or present) that is difficult to communicate with. Describe how using these skills could improve your communication with this person. DQ 2 Nonverbal communication is one of the most powerful ways that we communicate in our interpersonal relationships. Sometimes, however, we may find ourselves unintentionally communicating something that we do not mean to. This tends to happen quite often in intercultural communication situations (when we are communicating across different cultures). Provide an example of a time when you nonverbally communicated something other than what you meant. Or, use an example of when someone else nonverbally communicated something to you that was different than what they meant. What happened in this situation? Be specific in your example and also discuss what you will do in the future to avoid this. Week 2 Assignment: Week 2 Assignment Article Critique (Talking Styles). (600+ Words) Week 2 Qiuz 10 Q’s and A’s. Week 3 DQ 1 Some students think that they do not have much of a cultural background because they were not born outside of the United States or because they do not speak another language. The truth is that everyone has a culture! This can be in regards to your race, ethnicity, gender, age, nationality, religion, sexual orientation, ability, etc. Take some time to write about your own culture and share with us what makes you who you are. Try to not focus on just one aspect of yourself, but try to utilize as many cultural elements as possible. Also, address why culture is important in communication. How does your culture affect your communication with others? DQ 2 Some of the work from communication expert, James McCorskey, has been very influential in research within the interpersonal communication field. He is especially well-known for his communication research scales. Go to the Willingness to Listen website and complete the â€Å"Willingness to Listen Measure.†Follow the directions on the website to score your results. Based on your results, do you have a high, moderate, or low willingness to listen to others? How do you think your willingness to listen score could impact your interpersonal relationships? Do you think that this measure was accurate for you? What about the measure do you think was or was not accurate? Week 3 Assignment: Week 3 Assignment Final Paper Outline (Rough Draft for Letter of Advice) (950+ Words) Week 3 Assignment Article Critique (Self-Disclosure, Gender, and Communication). (450+Words) DQ 1 One of the most frustrating situations in the professional world is to work with someone who is not professional in their job. This often makes it a very disheartening work environment because of the low level of professionalism. Have you ever found yourself in a situation where the work environment was not professional? How did you handle the situation? Share an example. If your work experience is limited, consider a time when you were working with others in a different context, such as school or a club. Also, address how you can combat this in the future with effective communication skills. DQ 2 Social media (e.g., email, blogs, Face book, Skype, and Twitter) has played a major role in changing the way that we all engage in interpersonal communication. As we have learned this week, this form of communication through electronic media is referred to as mediated communication. As with everything, there are many pros and cons to using mediated communication in our interpersonal relationships. How has mediated communication improved your interpersonal relationships? How has it hurt them? Provide examples to illustrate your point.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Fast food †Pizza Hut Essay
Food that is prepared and served quickly is termed as ‘fast food’. Fast food such as McDonald, KFC, Pizza Hut, Burger King and others already suits perfectly into the fast paced life of a modern era. There are about 400 KFC’s restaurant, more than 150 McDonald’s restaurant and about 50 Burger King’s restaurant in Malaysia. Despite all the debate about the advantages and disadvantages that fast food has, the industry is flourishing. The most evident advantage of fast food is that it saves time. At the end of a hard-working day, when one returns home all tired and hungry, there is nothing better than getting a ready meal such as pizza or burger. Besides time, cost saving gives fast food an edge over the meal prepared in the kitchen. If one lives alone, then it is cheaper to buy a meal at the supermarket instead of cooking it at home. Usually, fast food is higher in soya, fat, sugar, oil, fried meat, salt, cheese, mayonnaise and obviously calories. In fact, fast food is more unhealthy than home-cooked meals, because it contains higher amounts of unwanted nutrients like salt, fat and various types of additives (artificial chemicals). The disadvantage of fast food is it will cause obesity in population, high blood pressure, strokes and related diseases of the heart. Nowadays, fast food restaurant becomes a good place for youngsters to hangout with friends and peers. This is a factor that is making a number of families spend less and less time together. As a result, relationship between family members become bad. Fast food has its own pros and cons. If we making some smart choices while placing the order for fast food, we can definitely minimize the drawbacks of fast food. Salads are a smart choice. If you could choose between the fried and boiled options, order the boiled preparation. Avoid ordering carbonic drinks when you are thirsty, go for fruit juices, low-fat milk, diet soda.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
History of Gunpowder essays
History of Gunpowder essays It could easily be argued that one of the most important inventions or discoveries in history has been gunpowder. And there are many things that can be argued about gunpowder itself. Such as where was it originated, when was it originated, and how did it spread across the world. These are three questions I will be looking at in this paper. However the purpose of this paper is to prove that gunpowder gave rise to the powerful western world while it inevitably left the China and the Eastern World behind. It is generally determined that the discoverers of gunpowder were the Chinese. As early as in the T'ang dynasty (AD 618-906) there seem to have existed what were called "fire trees" and "silver flowers." Chinese legend has it that some herdsmen who were trying to keep warm saw their campfire leap and fizzle around like a torch. They soon discovered that the fire pit was built on sulfur with a rock containing potassium perchlorate, the ingredients of gunpowder. This soon became a common mixture to make fire. To transport the mixture with so much firepower, the herdsman used a hollow bamboo stick with mud at both ends. The stick, accidentally fell into a fire and exploded with a bang. Thus the fire trees and silver flowers were born. Later on in the year 1161, when the Chinese were suffering invasion from the Chin Tatars from the north some historical documents state that they successfully used explosives to defeat their attackers. This seems to be definite proof of a knowledge of gunpowder among the Chinese at this period. However there has been considerable argument as to whether these references to explosives indicate that the Chinese knew about the use of a cannon and also if the explosives were in fact gunpowder. Chinese records state that when the Mongols laid siege to the North China city of Kaifeng in 1232, the people within the city terrified the Mongols with ...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Grasshoppers, Crickets, and Katydids, Order Orthoptera
Grasshoppers, Crickets, and Katydids, Order Orthoptera If youve walked through the grass on a warm summer day, youve likely encountered members of the order Orthopterathe grasshoppers, crickets, and katydids. Orthoptera means straight wings, but these insects would be better named for their characteristic jumping legs. Description Crickets, grasshoppers, and katydids undergo incomplete or gradual metamorphosis. Nymphs look similar to mature adults but lack fully-developed wings. Powerful hind legs, built for jumping, characterize the Orthopteran insects. The muscular legs propel grasshoppers and other members of the order for distances up to 20 times their body lengths. Insects in the order Orthoptera are known for more than their jumping skills, however. Many are accomplished singers as well. Males of some species attract mates by producing sounds with their legs or wings. This form of sound production is called stridulation and involves rubbing the upper and lower wings or the hind leg and wing together to create a vibration. When males call for mates using sounds, those species must also have ears. Dont look at the head to find them, however. Grasshoppers have auditory organs on the abdomen, while crickets and katydids listen using their front legs. Orthopterans are usually described as herbivores, but in truth, many species will scavenge other dead insects in addition to feeding on plants. The order Orthoptera is subdivided into two groupsEnsifera, the long-horned insects (with long antennae), and Caelifera, the short-horned insects. Habitat and Distribution Members of the order Orthoptera exist in terrestrial habitats throughout the world. Though often associated with fields and meadows, there are Orthopteran species that prefer caves, deserts, bogs, and seashores. Worldwide, scientists have described over 20,000 species in this group. Major Families in the Order Gryllidae - true or field cricketsAcrididae - short-horned grasshoppersTetrigidae - grouse locusts or pygmy grasshoppersGryllotalpidae - mole cricketsTettigoniidae - long-horned grasshoppers and katydids Orthopterans of Interest Oecanthus fultoni, the snowy tree cricket, chirps the temperature. Count the number of chirps in 15 seconds and add 40 to get the temperature in Fahrenheit.Ant crickets of the subfamily Myrmecophilidae live within ant nests and are wingless.Large lubber grasshoppers (family Romaleidae) raise their hindwings when threatened and produce a foul-smelling liquid from pores in the thorax.The Mormon crickets (Anabrus simplex) are so named for a legend. In 1848, the first crops of Mormon settlers were threatened by a swarm of these voracious eaters, only to be eaten by a flock of gulls themselves. Sources: Insects: Their Natural History and Diversity, Stephen A. MarshallKaufman Field Guide to Insects of North America, Eric R. Eaton, and Kenn KaufmanOrthoptera - Dept. of Entomology, North Carolina State University
Sunday, November 3, 2019
The Use of Music in Sports Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
The Use of Music in Sports - Article Example Lately, however, music has found its way into sports, and things haven’t been the same. The concepts of fitness and diet gained a lot of followers in the last decade. What was previously regarded as just a fad has become a way of life for the majority. Consequently, more people have become aware of the importance of engaging in physical activities, and thus, the interest in sports – in general – has correspondingly increased. In this light, music has made otherwise tedious activities like aerobics, jogging, ballroom dancing a lot more enjoyable, fun and exciting. Thus far, the topic has been more on music and sports for the beginners. On the more professional level of sports, however, studies show that music can positively affect an athlete’s performance in his respective activity. In one study, music has been found to ‘be a facilitator to athletic performance’ and ‘allows athletes to disassociate from feelings of fatigue and perceived exertion rates’ (Sorenson In this manner, the athletes are pushed to go beyond their normal performance capacity and are always in their peak form as they go about playing their game. Music may not entirely guarantee that the athlete will do well but studies have shown that music does enhance the athlete’s achievement. Music is also widely used these days in psyching up sports figures before, during and after the competition: that is, slow music to relax and reduce anxiety before and after, and fast ones shortly before the actual games. Most athletes utilize upbeat music – usually hip hop, rap or rock -- before a competition because it gets them pumped up, aggressive and energetic on the field (Sorenson, hence, the increasing demand for these types of music in the sports arena. Who wouldn’t remember the songs â€Å"We will Rock You†or â€Å"We are the Champions†by the rock band Queen? Or Sirius by the Alan Parsons Project? Eye of the Tiger by Survivor?
Friday, November 1, 2019
Busniess communication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1
Busniess communication - Essay Example More importantly, however, women who are better educated have a better chance of supporting themselves and not relying on sex (either through prostitution or more informal relationships where one person supports the other in exchange for sexual favors). In fact, the ratio of girls to boys in elementary and secondary school in a country correlate incredibly highly with the prevalence of AIDS: in Chad and the Central African republic, for instance, only 4 girls are in school for every ten boys, and the AIDS rate is among the highest in the continent. Mouritania, however, with 20% better education numbers, is having the first steps of containing its AIDS outbreak (World Bank). In America, the ratio of girls to boys in education is actually higher than one because of better female attendance at the post-secondary level, and when this statistic is compared to the best countries in Africa, which have ratios of .6:1, it’s clear why Africa is
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Human resource development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 3
Human resource development - Essay Example The training program should include: The program for the advisor should focus on the improvement of resources provision, conveyance of realities and supply of organizational information to the employees. The training and development program for the advisor should include: Consultant works like a referral agent whose training and development program should focus on assisting employees with their goals through networking with resources and people. Therefore, the plan should include training for: The reason for the evaluation is to document and determine the degree to which the stated objectives have been achieved by the training. In the evaluation process, analysis of the efficiency, effectiveness, appropriateness and the adequacy of the training are carried out. There are four levels of evaluation, impact evaluation, transfer evaluation, learning level and the reaction level. Through the evaluation, we can improve the training programs defined initially. Effective training and evaluation cannot be separated from one another. Evaluation should be carried out by a Quality Inspector who should evaluate the entire training program in a top-down approach. The training program should be evaluated to check whether the training program is effective, whether the resources being provided for the training program are sufficient or not and whether the program itself is training the members as needed. The evaluation should be carried out twice a year for the analysis of the regular training programs and annually after the annual training program has been completed at the end through feedback and control. Evaluation is necessary to ensure that the program delivers maximum incentives to everyone involved (ONeill, Albin, Storey, Horner, & Sprague, 2014). The evaluation should be carried out twice a year for the analysis of the regular training programs and annually after the annual training program has been completed at the end through feedback
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Capital Punishment Should Be Banned From Bangladesh Philosophy Essay
Capital Punishment Should Be Banned From Bangladesh Philosophy Essay According to great author and noble prize winner writer George Bernard Shaw, says that Capital Punishment is a vague term. He illustrates the victims as mad dogs, cobras or adders which causes ill to our society. Either we should kill them or educate them to become eligible for remaining in the society. The real problem is the criminal you cannot reform: the human mad dog or cobra. The answer is, kill him kindly and apologetically, if possible without consciousness on his part. Let him go comfortably to bed expecting to wake up in the morning as usual, and not wake up. His general consciousness that this may happen to him should be shared by every citizen as part of his moral civic responsibility. There is a considerable class of persons who become criminals because they cannot fend for themselves, but who under tutelage, superintendence, and provided sustenance are self-supporting and even profitable citizens. They make good infantry soldiers and well-behaved prisoners. But throw them out into the street and they are presently in the dock. They also present no problem. Reorganize their lives for them; and do not prate foolishly about their liberty. Capital punishment is the death penalty given by the government of a country, to people who have committed hideous crimes like homicide, rape, etc. Capital punishment has been a way of punishing people since ages. Although there are some countries that have abolished death penalty from their law, there are still many which still practice the act of killing a person for crime. Capital punishment is prevalent in the US, Asian and Middle Eastern countries. Some of the ways of executing criminals are hanging, shooting, electrocution and giving lethal injections. People have different opinions on the issue of capital punishment given to a convict. While some think that death penalty is necessary for those who have committed a terrible crime, there are others who consider it as an immoral act that goes against the values of humanity. Pros of Capital Punishment ( Taken from a website and edited in a very small amount because all statements are self-explanatory) A person who has committed a crime like killing or raping another person should be given death penalty, which is as severe punishment as the act. It is said that when a criminal is given a capital punishment, it dissuades others in the society from committing such serious crimes. They would refrain from such crimes due to fear of losing their lives. This would definitely help in reducing crime rate in society. If a criminal is jailed, he may again commit the same crime after being released from prison. Giving him capital punishment would make sure that the society is safe from being attacked by criminals. It seems to be an appropriate punishment for serial killers and for those who continue to commit crimes even after serving imprisonment. Some believe that instead of announcing life imprisonment for the convicts, where they would have to live a futile life behind closed bars, it is better to kill them. It is said that imprisoning someone is more expensive than executing him. Rather than spending on a person who may again commit terrifying crime, it is better to put him to death. Capital punishment is equated as revenge for pain and suffering that the criminal inflicted on the victim. Some people strongly believe that a person who has taken the life of another person does not have a right to live. Sentencing such a criminal can give relief to the family members of the victim that their loved one has obtained justice. It is also important for the safety of fellow prison inmates and guards, as people who commit horrifying crimes like murder are believed to have a violent personality and may, in future, attack someone during imprisonment. These reasons emphasize the importance of capital punishment for the betterment of human society. However, there is another section of people who believe that it is an immoral and unethical act of violence. Cons of Capital Punishment If we execute a person, what is the difference between us and the criminal who has committed the horrifying crime of killing another individual. Capital punishment is not always just and appropriate. Usually, it has been seen that poor people have to succumb to death penalty as they cannot afford good lawyers to defend their stance. There are very rare cases of rich people being pronounced capital punishment. Also, an individual from minority communities are more likely to be given death penalty. Every human being is entitled to receive a second chance in life. Putting a convict behind bars is always a logical option than killing him, as there is a chance that he may improve. People who have served life sentences are reported to have bettered their earlier ways of living and have made worthwhile contribution to the society. There is also a chance that an individual is innocent and is wrongly charged for a crime he has never committed. There have been cases where individuals were released after being given death sentence, because they were proved innocent. There are also cases where a persons innocence was proved after he was put to death. Hence, it is best to avoid executing a person. It is reported that there is no relation between capital punishment and crime rate i.e giving death penalty does not decrease crime rate in the society. Crimes are prevalent in countries where capital punishment exists and also where it has been abolished. Bangladesh Perspective and My Opinion: Bangladesh is a country where there is no right to life. By the various way this right has been violating there. The causes of violation to this right are death penalty, extra judicial killings etc. Here is a common practice of death penalty and killings without justice. Every year many peoples are killed by death penalty and by the extra judicial killings. How many people have killed since independence to till today we dont have this statistics. It is no doubt that, death penalty is one kind of killing. Recently five persons were killed in death penalty within a day in Bangladesh. On 28th January, 2010 Bangladesh was executed this death penalty which decision was made by the Bangladesh Supreme Court. The killed persons were self declared killers of Bangabondhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. Bangabondhu is the father of the nation of Bangladesh. Though, question has arisen on the execution procedure of this death penalty. I want to inform some statistics on Bangladesh to the national and international community. Especially it for the human rights organization and bodies which are working national and international level for the human rights. We have been seeing and reading the news on death penalty almost every week from Bangladesh which was declared by several courts for various charges. Only by extra judicially at least 1,600 people were killed in Bangladesh since 2004. 58 persons were killed during the Operation clean heart in 2002 led by army. We couldnt remember the horrible mass killings in so-called mutiny at BDR headquarters on 25-26 February, 2009. By that mutiny at least 74 were killed inhumanly including 57 meritorious army officers. After that mutiny at least 71 BDR members was died (Source: the daily Bhorer Kagoj, 25 February, 2010). Most of the died BDR were tortured before death, it was alleged. Anyhow, execution of death penalty is very inhuman, degrading and cruel. And no where it approved. Especially it is prohibited by the Constitution and the Universal Declaration for Human Rights. But, Bangladesh has executing the death penalty as normal. According to the Spinney Press, The UN reaffirmed and strengthened its position against the death penalty in December 2007 when the General Assembly passed a resolution calling upon member states to establish a moratorium on executions with a view to abolishing the death penalty. Evidence from around the world has shown that the death penalty has no unique deterrent effect on crime. Many people have argued that abolishing the death penalty leads to higher crime rates, but studies in the USA and Canada, for instance, do not back this up. In November 2009 the Crimes Legislation Amendment (Torture Prohibition and Death Penalty Abolition) Bill 2009 was introduced before the House of Representatives. The legislation fulfils Australias obligations under the Second Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights which requires Australia to take all necessary measures to abolish the death penalty. As a consequence, the death penalty will not be able to be re-in troduced anywhere in Australia. Although the world is gradually moving towards abolition of capital punishment, in 2008 an estimated 1,718 people were executed in 25 countries and at least 8,864 people were sentenced to death in 52 countries. Three quarters of those executions took place in Asia, with China carrying out more executions than the rest of the worlds nations put together. Since 1967 when the last Australian (Ronald Ryan) was hanged, the Australia has maintained a policy of opposition to the death penalty. (It was written in the book-The death penalty). According to this book, most of the executions in 2008 were carried out in Asia, where 11 countries continue to practise the death penalty: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, China, Indonesia, Japan, North Korea, Malaysia, Mongolia, Pakistan, Singapore, and Viet Nam. China alone accounted for at least 1,718 executions although the figure is believed to be much higher as statistics on death sentences and executions remain state secrets. The Middle East and North Africa was the region with the second highest number of executions (508). In Iran, stoning and hanging were among the cruel and inhumane methods used, with at least 346 people put to death, including eight juvenile offenders. In Saudi Arabia, where execution is usually by public beheading, at least 102 people were executed. In the Americas, only the USA consistently executes people, with 37 executions carried out in 2008 including more in Texas than in any other state. The release of four men from death row in the USA on grounds of inn ocence brings to more than 120 the number of such cases released since 1975. The only other country in the Americas to execute in 2008 was St Kitts and Nevis, the first Caribbean state to carry out an execution since 2003. According to the Amnesty International, 93 percents of the world death penalty has executed in China including other four countries. DW-Bengali online section writes (25-2-2010), the European Union was published a declaration on an anti-death penalty. Europe is the first place which is a death penalty free. A proposal of European on anti-death penalty in the Human Rights Commission of Geneva and general assembly of UNO in 1998, was spoiled by the contradictory of USA, China, Africa and some countries of Asia. Though, in 2007 that proposal was passed in general assembly of UNO. And the 58 percents people of China are support to death penalty. In the mean time 93 countries have already abolished to death penalty by making the law. At least 141 country havent giving death penalty, now. We know the Italy has a historical background on anti-death penalty movement. So, we want to thanks and salute to the Italy as well as the countries of European Union for their dedications to the right to life and for the human rights. Our hope, Bangladesh should obey to national and international treaties and declaration for human rights. And Bangladesh government should abolish the death penalty system immediately. If they have believe a little bit on human rights. Islamic Perspective: If anyone kills a person unless it be for murder or for spreading mischief in the land it would be as if he killed all people. And if anyone saves a life, it would be as if he saved the life of all people (Quran 5:32). Life is sacred, according to Islam and most other world faiths. But how can one hold life sacred, yet still support capital punishment? The Quran answers, Take not life, which God has made sacred, except by way of justice and law. Thus does He command you, so that you may learn wisdom (6:151). The key point is that one may take life only by way of justice and law. In Islam, therefore, the death penalty can be applied by a court as punishment for the most serious of crimes. Ultimately, ones eternal punishment is in Gods hands, but there is a place for punishment in this life as well. The spirit of the Islamic penal code is to save lives, promote justice, and prevent corruption and tyranny. Islamic philosophy holds that a harsh punishment serves as a deterrent to serious crimes that harm individual victims, or threaten to destabilize the foundation of society. According to Islamic law (in the first verse quoted above), the following two crimes can be punishable by death: Intentional murder Fasad fil-ardh (spreading mischief in the land) Intentional Murder The Quran legislates the death penalty for murder, although forgiveness and compassion are strongly encouraged. The murder victims family is given a choice to either insist on the death penalty, or to pardon the perpetrator and accept monetary compensation for their loss (2:178). Fasaad fi al-ardh The second crime for which capital punishment can be applied is a bit more open to interpretation. Spreading mischief in the land can mean many different things, but is generally interpreted to mean those crimes that affect the community as a whole, and destabilize the society. Crimes that have fallen under this description have included: Treason / Apostacy (when one leaves the faith and joins the enemy in fighting against the Muslim community) Terrorism Land, sea, or air piracy Rape Adultery Homosexual behavior Actual methods of capital punishment vary from place to place. In some Muslim countries, methods have included beheading, hanging, stoning, and firing squad. Executions are held publicly, to serve as warnings to would-be criminals. It is important to note that there is no place for vigilantism in Islam one must be properly convicted in an Islamic court of law before the punishment can be meted out. The severity of the punishment requires that very strict evidence standards must be met before a conviction is found. The court also has flexibility to order less than the ultimate punishment (for example, imposing fines or prison sentences), on a case-by-case basis. At the end I want to say that Capital Punishment is necessary, if the situation is applicable. This is not unethical or immoral but it has to be seen that the griminal is passes with ease and relief.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Aquatic Fitness Routine :: Water Aerobics
In order to achieve and maintain the benefits of exercise, an aquatic exercise program must follow the main principles of a workout. It should begin with warm-up stretches on the pool deck, followed by an in-pool aerobic warm-up session. Then the actual conditioning activity begins, consisting of 20 to 30 minutes of vigorous "aerobic" activity. A cool-down period in the pool can end the session, although a toning period is recommended following the cool-down. The following section discusses the aquatic fitness routine in detail. Warm-up Stretches It is very important to include proper warm-up routines before each day's activity. Physiologically, the muscles need to be warmed slowly through increased circulation, and the heart rate needs to be raised gradually. Psychologically, each participant needs to begin to think about the workout and perhaps set some personal goals for the day. Warm-ups are also an important safety precaution. Cold, tight muscles are inefficient for a good workout and may tear with sudden movements. A general idea to keep in mind while structuring a warm-up routine is to try to simulate the movements of the activity to be performed in the main body of the workout. The warm-up should simulate the workout movement but should be of a much lower intensity. Because of the nature of the exercises, they should be performed before entering the pool. A good warm-up should move quickly but thoroughly from the top of the body to the bottom of the body. In lap swimming and aerobic workout, special attention should be given to these areas: shoulder complex, obliques, abdominal, groin, hamstrings, quadriceps, gastrocnemius. Aerobic Warm-up Exercises Once the participants have entered the pool, they need to slowly raise their heart rates and get their body temperatures acclimated to that of the pool. Some fun activities for a good aerobic warm-up are to walk, jog, skip, or hop back and forth the width of the pool. As further variation, participants can do front kicks or skips and hops across the pool width. Finally, long strides, called skiing, can be used across the pool width. There are several fun games, such as musical kick-board, water basketball, and tug of war, that may be appropriate for your group as an aerobic warm-up. These games should be played for approximately 5 minutes as a warm-up activity. Conditioning Activities Circuit Training: Circuit training is a conditioning activity using stations. Different activities are designated for each station to provide a relief from the monotony of lap swimming.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Over-the-counter (OTC) medicines
Over-the-counter (OTC) medicines are drugs you can buy without a prescription compared to prescription drugs, which may only be sold to consumers with a prescription. Some OTC medicines relieve aches, pains and itches. Some prevent or cure diseases, like tooth decay and athlete's foot. Others help manage recurring problems, like migraines. When it comes to treating such common ailments as coughs and colds, fever, heartburn, and aches and pains, people are using more types of non-prescription, over-the-counter medicines than ever before.Once consisting of a relatively small number of medications, OTC medicines now account for the majority of all medications used, including many that were once available only by prescription. There are more than 100,000 OTC products on the market today, and the market is worth  £500million-plus a year and is growing every year. Some of the most common examples of OTC drugs are pain relievers, antihistamines, cough medicines. Pain relievers are medicin es used to treat pain caused by any number of conditions. They can be used to treat headaches, joint pain, muscle cramps or minor injuries.Some examples of OTC painkillers are Anacin Tylenol and Excedrin. Generic versions of these brand-name medications can also be found. Some generic examples include aspirin, ibuprofen, and ketoprofen. Antihistamines are medications used to treat or prevent the symptoms of allergies. OTC antihistamines can be divided into two types: first and second generation. Some examples of first-generation antihistamines are Dimetapp, Benadryl. Second-generation examples include Claritin and Zyrtec. While both types can be used to treat allergies, first-generation antihistamines can also be used to treat colds. Both types can be mixed with other medications, such as painkillers, to treat several symptoms at once.OTC cough medicines are split into two separate categories: antitussives and expectorants. Antitussives function as cough suppressants. They relieve c oughing fits by blocking the reflex to cough. Expectorants thin the mucus that causes coughing, making it easier to break up and lessening the duration of the cough. Examples of OTC antitussives include Triaminic Cold and Cough and Robitussin Cough. Examples of OTC expectorants include Mucinex and Robitussin Chest Congestion. The benefits of OTC drugs are the costs to the patients and the NHS.People seeking relief from symptoms of common ailments and some diseases can avoid the cost of a doctor's visit by purchasing OTC drugs and can still have confidence that the medicine meets necessary criteria. Also, OTC drugs are generally less expensive than prescription medicines this both benefitting the NHS and the patient. Some problems with OTC drugs have arisen with patients abusing ovOTCr the counter drugs. They are readily available to the general public. According to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, the number of people abusing prescription and OTC drugs jumped from 4.7 million to 6.9 million between 2005 and 2007.OTC drugs are deemed safe if used as directed. However, it seems clear that not everyone is following the directions. A big reason OTC drug abuse is prevalent is because these drugs are accessible and relatively cheap. Many people already have OTC drugs in their medicine cabinets or cupboards. There is no need to hide the drugs for fear of raising suspicions or getting arrested. Illegal drugs, which can produce the same effect as OTC drugs, are more dangerous to obtain and typically more costly. As well as abuse of OTC drugs there’s addiction Alone, codeine phosphate is only available on prescription. But it has been available OTC in low doses and in combination with aspirin, paracetamol, or ibuprofen for many years.The most common addiction is to the OTC drug Solpadeine – a combination of paracetamol and codeine. There are 4,000 known people registered that are currently have this problem. In conclusion OTC drugs can have t here pluses and negatives on the general public. It saves a lot of NHS money by having over the counter drugs by saving a lot of doctor’s time for minor ailments. However there have been a lot of problems with abuse and addictions that have arose from this questioning where some are safe for patients to be getting such access to.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
No Child Left Behind and English Language Learners
No Child Left Behind ( NCLB ) was intended to be instruction ‘s reply to â€Å" divide but equal. †Between 1979 and 2007, the figure of school age kids who spoke a linguistic communication other than English at place increased from 3.8 to 10.8 million ( NCES, 2009 ) . This represents an addition from 9 per centum to 20 per centum for this clip period. Spanish is the first linguistic communication of about 12 per centum of all pupils in public schools. More than 400 different linguistic communications are spoken by the 5.5 English Language Learners ( ELL ) in the United States. 49 per centum of Hispanic 4th graders were classified as proficient in basic reading compared to 77 per centum proficient white pupils on the same trial. In math, 69 per centum of Hispanic 4th graders were adept compared to 91 per centum for white pupils ( NCES, 2009 ) . Merely 4 per centum of 8th class ELLs and 20 per centum of pupils classified as â€Å" once ELL †scored at the proficient or advanced degrees on the reading part of the 2005 National Assessment for Educational Progress ( NCES, 2009 ) . ELLs have some of the highest drop-out rates. They besides are more disposed to be placed in lesser accomplishment groups. Since NCLB was implemented in 2001, there appears to be an addition in the figure of high school ELLs non having a sheepskin because they failed high-stakes trials even though satisfactorily finishing all other graduation demands. The United States is going more and more diverse both ethnically and linguistically. The per centum of ELLs in schools is on the rise more fleetly than the existent Numberss. While the figure of pupils with restricted ability in English has grown exponentially across the United States, their degree of academic accomplishment has lagged radically behind their linguistic communication bulk equals. ELLs academic public presentation degrees are significantly below those of their equals in about every step of accomplishment. In the 2005 National Assessment of Educational Progress, merely 29 per centum of ELLs scored at or above the basic degree in reading, compared to 75 per centum of non-ELLs ( NCES, 2009 ) . The Good The NCLB Act has drawn a good trade of coveted consciousness to the achievement spread of ELL pupils. Under NCLB, the academic advancement of every kid, including those larning English, will be assessed in reading, math and finally scientific discipline and societal surveies. This will supply parents and instructors with information as to how good the pupils are executing and provinces will be held accountable for consequences ( NCLB, 2001 ) . The jurisprudence has generated some benefits for ELLs by pulling attending to these pupils, and doing their public presentation count. NCLB requires that pupils are to be tracked as a subgroup and instructors and decision makers are more concerned about what is working and what is non working. They besides are more aware of looking for what could work with ELLS. Most provinces now have criterions for kids larning English as a 2nd linguistic communication. Annual appraisals based on those criterions and marks are to guarantee more pupils are come oning and making English linguistic communication proficiency over clip ( NCLB, 2001 ) . NCLB requires that all kids, including ELLs range high criterions in English linguistic communication humanistic disciplines and mathematics. In add-on, Title III of NCLB requires ELLs to make proficiency in English in several countries including reading, composing, hearing, and speech production and that their advancement be assessed yearly ( Abedi, 2004 ) . Schools and territories must assist ELLs, among other subgroups ; do changeless betterment toward this aim as measured by public presentation on province trials, or hazard austere effects. States and territories must guarantee that there are extremely qualified instructors in all schoolrooms, including those with ELLs. NCLB does non order a peculiar method of direction for larning English and other academic topics. Districts and schools have the privilege to take the methods of direction that best meets the demands of pupils, including methods of teaching in another linguistic communication or in English ( NCLB, 2001 ) . The jurisprudence is flawed but it does concentrate on English linguistic communication scholars and makes their achievement count. The Bad Ells are the fastest turning population in our public schools and many of them are really born in the United States, the kids of immigrants ( NCES, 2009 ) . The challenges for ELLs are hard. This population continues to swell quickly in volume, with mostly surging concentrations in a little figure of provinces. Accurate ELL designation remains a challenge. As presently implemented, ELLS are to be assessed under the same conditions in testable topics as adept English talkers. Many provinces and school territories are non tracking high school graduation rates for ELLs ; the fastest turning population of pupils ( Zehr, 2009 ) . NCLB was supposed to rectify this. Merely eleven provinces met their answerability ends for ELLs under NCLB in the 2007-2008 school twelvemonth ( Zehr, 2009 ) . NCLB intended to do teacher quality betterment by holding instructors attain â€Å" extremely qualified †position. But â€Å" extremely qualified †does non intend the instructor of ELLs is extremely qualified to learn ELLs ( Harper & A ; de Jong, 2009 ) . High bets proving is coercing direction to alter from enquiry, lifelong larning to learning to the trial by utilizing a method called â€Å" drill and putting to death †. Teaching to the trial is extinguishing the chance for instructors to learn pupils higher order believing accomplishments ( Ravitch, 2010 ) . This reduces clip that instructors are able to learn creativeness, self guided enquiry, and motivational subjects for all pupils. Ells are being taught trial taking schemes alternatively of content related aims. The usage of trial homework worksheets and â€Å" bore and kill †exercisings does non turn to the demand for direction in academic English. To do equal annual advancement ( AYP ) , each territory and school is required to demo that every subgroup has met the province proficiency end in reading and math. Accurately measuring these pupils in English, which is compulsory by jurisprudence, is really demanding, dearly-won, and clip consuming. The cogency of AYP is in hazard when schools inconsistently label English proficient pupils ( Abedi, 2004 ) . NCLB gives provinces authorization to categorise ELLs. Different provinces and even school territories within a province usage different ELL categorization standards. Besides, the ELL subgroup stableness remains inconsistent when ELL pupils reach proficiency degree and are moved out of this group. This straight affects the truth of AYP coverage ( Adebi, 2004 ) . States with high ELL pupil populations in their school territories face greater challenges when learning ELLs and doing AYP as compared to provinces with sparse ELL pupil populations ( Abedi, 2004 ) . ELLs need clip and readying to larn academic English. Unfortunately, in many ways, NCLB is increasing the accomplishment spread by puting greater demands on instructors to supply trial tonss that will lend to the school doing AYP. Possibly, the most toxic defect in NCLB is its legislative bid that all pupils in every school must be adept in reading and mathematics by 2014, including pupils with particular demands, pupils whose native linguistic communication is non English, pupils who are stateless and missing in social advantage, and pupils who have every social advantage but are non interested in school assignment ( Ravitch, 2010 ) . If they are non, so their schools and instructors will endure the effects. What Can Be Done? Teachers must concentrate on learning reading. Abedi ( 2004 ) states that ELL pupils who are better readers perform better. Reading is the key to all academic topics and without adept reading accomplishments, all pupils, including ELLs will make ill on all trials ( Abedi, 2004 ) . Teachers should be learning and non worrying about ways to do certain that they make the tonss needed in order to maintain instruction. Focus on ELLs public presentation, both for persons and groups to place forms of betterment or deficiency of betterment, ideally utilizing multiple steps ( Adebi, 2004 ) . The ELL subgroups must stay stable over clip. When a pupil ‘s degree of English proficiency has improved to a degree considered proficient, that pupil is moved out and non counted in that subgroup ( Abedi, 2004 ) . Testing must be just for all pupils particularly ELLs. Academic accomplishment trials are constructed for native English talkers. Modifying linguistic communication on trial inquiries to decrease the degree of gratuitous lingual and cultural prejudice could increase public presentation of ELLs ( Abedi, 2004 ) . Lack of academic English accomplishments topographic point ELLs at a greater disadvantage for understanding what is being assessed. Testing should be fair for all pupils. NCLB has placed undue trial public presentation force per unit area on schools with big Numberss of ELL pupils. This is particularly unrealistic when schools may still fight with the same limited school resources as earlier. We must hold a clear vision of what is considered a good instruction ( Ravitch, 2010 ) . Goals should be meaningful and come-at-able and non based on a apparently unapproachable ideal. As a state of immigrants, it is perfectly indispensable that we meet the demands of those pupils larning English as a 2nd linguistic communication. It has long been a challenge within the schoolroom to at the same time learn English alongside the other mandated topics such as mathematics, composing, scientific discipline, and societal surveies. Along with this, best pattern learning modes must be identified and used and instructors must be given appropriate preparation to implement these best patterns. Along with this, support must be provided to adequately implement these learning best patterns. Teachers must hold preparation in order to transport out these aims. Last, lawgivers must look at NCLB and find its achievability. Is the authorization for each pupil to be adept in English linguistic communication humanistic disciplines and mathematics by the twelvemonth 2014 idealistic or realistic?
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