Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Superfund Program
Superfund Program Peggy Toler E. Hansen/EVS1001-31 March 31, 2011 Peggy Toler 2 Superfund Program I did not know what a Superfund program was until I looked it up and then I found out that it is an act that is the cornerstone legislation that provides the mechanism and funding for the cleanup of potentially dangerous hazardous-waste sites and the protection of ground water and human health. When you live near a superfund site, you and your family are at risk of developing a disease from the exposure of the different pollutants in these sites and may experience a loss of value of your property.The EPA says that there are steps that we can take to fight back. They have also said that they have set up a â€Å"Post Construction†strategy to ensure that Superfund response actions provide for the long-term protection of human health and the environment. The Construction Completion activities also involve optimizing remedies to increase effectiveness and /or to reduce cost without sa crificing long-term protection. There is still a health hazard for those who live close to a Superfund site.The site that I have found in my state was the Chemtronic, Inc. in Swannanoa, NC. It is about 1,027 acres and only about 20 acres in total are contaminated with these pollutants. This property has had several owners and operators and it was first developed as an industrial site in 1952. After first opening the first products that were manufactured on this site were explosives, incapacitating agents, and chemical intermediates. There are about 23 individual on-site disposal areas that were identified during the investigation activities on this site.During 1971, the disposal practices were not well defined. Solid waste materials and possibly solvents were reportedly incinerated in pits dug in the burning ground these pits are known as the Acid Pit Peggy Toler 3 area. There are the chemical wastes that were also disposed of in the trenches located in the Acid Pit Area. All of the activities at this site ended in 1994, and no new activities are occurring on this site. There is no on-site ground water and surface water being used in any way for anything.This site is bordered up on the North and West sides by woodlands and primarily national forests. There are several industrial facilities to the immediate South of this site. In the contaminants contained in these on-site disposal areas there are volatile organic compounds which include (1,2-dichloroethane, trans-1,2-dichloroethane, trichloroethane, and tetrachloroethane), semi-volatile organic compounds which include benzophenone, benzylic acid, and explosives, and then there are the metals like chromium, copper, lead, nickel and zinc.The contaminants that are detected in the ground water include benzene, chloroform, 1,2-dichloroethane, trans-1,2-dichloroethane, trichloroethane, benzophenone, benzylic acid, picric acid, explosives, chromium, copper, lead, nickel, and zinc. The site cleanup plans were issued i n 1988. The major cleanup elements for this site include the installation of a ground water extraction and treatment system down gradient of the disposal areas in both the front valley and the back valley which is known as the Gregg Valley, capping and fixation/stabilization for contaminated soil in the disposal areas.These capped areas are fence with a chain-link fence and marked. Then they have a monitoring program to be established for the surface water. The ROD has issued an amend for this site in 1989, that specified the deletion of the requirement to solidify soil in Disposal Area (DA-23) as a result of an error in the remedial investigation data which was carried over into the initial ROD. Peggy Toler 4 With the cleanup progress with the capping and stabilization/solidification or the contaminated soil in the disposal area began in 1991, and was completed in 1993. They have placed multi-layer caps in the following areas DA-6, DA-7/8, DA-9, DA-10/11, DA-23 and in the Acid Pit Area. They have also installed a gas venting system at the Acid Pit Area. The Rod of 1988, addressed only those disposal areas that were deemed CERCLA related. The other disposal areas on the property were considered Resource Conservation and Recovery Act also known as (RCRA) areas as prior to 1994.The potentially responsible parties (PRPs) for the site undertook corrective actions to improve the operation of both the extraction systems and treatment systems in both valleys. The corrections that have taken place have significantly reduced the down time to these systems experienced in the past. There have been two reviews that have been developed for the site in 2002 and 2007. The review that was done in 2007, they found that the site was protective of the human health and the environment in the short-term.The NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources requested that the EPA consolidate oversight of all site environmental remediation activities under the EPA’s superfun d authority and relinquished the state’s RCRA oversight responsibilities for the site to the EPA’s Superfund program in March 2007. Recently the PRPs submitted the draft RI/FS Work Plan based on the Administrative Order on Consent (AOC) and accompanying statement of work. These cleanup activities have been undertaken by the PRPs with EPA’s oversight. Peggy Toler 5 There are three viable PRPs for the site that has been identified by EPA and they are Chemtronic, Inc. Northrop Grumman System Corporation, and CAN Holding, Inc. In 2008 the AOC signed by the PRPs and the EPA will address the cleanup for the former RCRA areas at the site that will now be addressed under CERCLA. The EPA has conducted a range of activities for the community to get involved at the Chemtronic site to solicit the community input and to ensure that the public remains informed about any of the site activities throughout the site cleanup process. These outreach activities include public notice s, interviews and public meeting on these cleanup activities and updates.In the future they are monitoring the ground water at the site, they say that the field work for the revised RI/FS should begin in the summer of 2009, and the next FYR for these sites is expected in 2012. As you will find out the more we try to cleanup areas like this, we have other pollutants in the world. There are things that we can do to help with these pollutants like cleaning everything that we can and stop putting things into the ground.References * Boorse, D. F. & Wright, R. T. (2011) Environmental Science (11 Edition) * www. epa. gov/region4/waste/nplnc/chemtrnc. htm
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
The effects of implementation
One may ponder how the school came to be such a beautiful place, that even visitors and strangers pause for admiration. To begin with, in the year 1950-1951 through energetic Mayor Marcia V. Marino, the school of Sat. Brigade was initiated to be opened. During those days the school site was purely a wilderness and abode of wild animals. Luckily in July 1950, some of the loyal and hardworking men in the persons of Mr.. Severe De Leon Villain, and Mrs.. Richard Cruz a barrio lieutenant, and P. T. A. President.They made a petition signed by all the residents of the place that the community Is In dire need of a school site and building to house their future and present citizens. With God's blessing the petition was granted and approved In August 1952 with Mr.. Potential Antonio being the first supervisor. Through his dynamic guidance and supervision a school building was sprung up from the good coordination, help and untiring effort to good people of Sat. Brigade. A lady teacher was assi gned in the person of Miss Marcela Orbs to organized Grade I classes.The class was first housed temporarily in a private house until finally a school site has been surveyed by Engineer Felon Radon and approved by the government under proclamation No. 51 Series of 1962 by the late President MacDougal. Immediately In 1953 a P. T. A. Building was constructed In the school site spear headed by Mr.. Richard Cruz, the barrio captain, and parents of the community, with special mention to the late Mr.. Alexandra ABA, the chief carpenter who made the school building reached Its completion.Year In and year out additional crowded In until finally in June 1958-1959 a complete primary grades were opened under the head teacher Mr.. Edgar Artist. Year 1961-1962, intermediate classes were opened thus made Sat. Brigade a complete elementary school. His administration was marked by the construction of one Marco's type, 2 Type B-A, and one P. T. A. Building. But time flew so fast that by the year 1969 -1970. Mr.. Edgar Artist was transferred to Room Elementary School and was placed by Mrs.. Slalom B. Rodeos cashed teacher.During his first year of office a permanent fence, flagpole and concrete water- sealed toilet was constructed all of which were donated by the good people of Sat. Brigade and at the same time a Marco's Type Building was constructed and completed too. By 1972-1973, the school got a lion share from the ten percent (10%) tax collection, which made the completion of two more buildings and P. T. A. building now seen at the west side of the school site. The following year she was promoted Into a Principal, and together with her promotion was the construction of another
Irony In “The Lottery†by Shirley Jackson Essay
In â€Å"The Lottery†, Shirley Jackson uses foreshadowing, symbolism, and irony throughout her story to show that death is imminent in the end. Not only do time and place bear important clues as to the allegorical meaning of â€Å"The Lottery†but the very names of the characters are laden with significance. What is more, it will be shown what an important role these literary devices play in this short story, enriching the meaning, transforming the cruel act of stoning, and the whole process leading to it into a depiction of relations between an individual and the community. Outline I) Shirley Jackson uses foreshadowing A) People being late for the lottery, when normally people would rush to want to see if they won, and not one person did. * B)The names Mr. Graves, Mr. Warner have interesting meanings and Shirley Jackson uses them to foreshadow. * C)The children picking up stones: evident that the stones are going to be used in a manner not conducive to continued life. * II) Shirley Jackson uses symbolism A) Black box * B) Boys gathering stones and pebbles: Indoctrination or brainwashing that is passed on from one generation to the next. * C) The meaning behind Mrs. Delacroix and Mr. Summers. Mr. Summers has the appearance of normalcy and cheerfulness hiding evil and corruption. * D) Village: That which appears normal and even benevolent but which harbors inner corruption and evil. * III) Shirley Jackson uses irony A) The word â€Å"lottery†suggests that the villagers are going to draw for a prize. * B) The sunny day suggests that a happy event is about to take place. * C) When Old Man Warner hears that the north village is considering ending the lottery, he says, â€Å"Next thing you know, they’ll be wanting to go back to living in caves.†(The lottery is as savage and barbaric a ritual as any practiced by cave dwellers.) *
Monday, July 29, 2019
Outsourcing of American Jobs to Foreign Countries Research Paper
Outsourcing of American Jobs to Foreign Countries - Research Paper Example â€Å"Offshore outsourcing in the services sector is a major shift in how our economy operates, and it will have serious impacts on the tragedy of economic growth, national security, the distribution of income, and the workforce†(Hira and Hira, 2008, p. 95). This is essentially a way in which jobs that would otherwise have been made available to the Americans are being sold out to people outside America, thus causing hundreds of thousands of Americans to remain unemployed and face the consequences. There is a lot of literature that suggests that US is bringing the economy of such other countries as China at par with her own by outsourcing jobs to them, thus creating a two-way negative effect on her own economy, firstly by depriving the Americans of jobs and secondly, by making the economy of other countries stronger and her own weaker. This paper discusses the negative implications of outsourcing jobs to other countries by US. Outsourcing is making the American economy weaker and the American citizens unhappier day by day. Overseas outsourcing is causing loss of jobs for the Americans. â€Å"Over 2 million manufacturing jobs have been lost since the official start of the Great Recession and since the 2000, the United States has lost 5.6 million jobs, or about 33% from year 2000†(Oak, 2011). ... One company that is conventionally loaded with criticism despite the fact that it is the largest retail brand in the US is Wal-Mart. The very reason for which Wal-Mart is criticized is outsourcing. Wal-Mart is accused of outsourcing the services of vendors to make the products it does business from. Wal-Mart is enlisted among the biggest importers of China in the US as it imports up to $7.5 billion from China and roughly just as much from its suppliers (Heal, 2008, p. 115). One of the most vocal critics of Wal-Mart is the organized labor, which is primarily the group of unskilled labor which suffers from the effects of outsourcing. â€Å"Economist Paul Samuelson, a Nobel Prize winner, wrote in a 2004 paper that the economic effect of outsourcing is similar to allowing mass immigration of workers willing to compete for service jobs at extremely low wages†(Bloomberg Businessweek, 2012). Outsourcing of American jobs to the foreign countries exposes the American entrepreneurs to a lot of risks. In the capacity of the importers of services of the foreign vendors, success of the American entrepreneurs is tied to the financial health of those vendors. It is not quite unusual for a foreign vendor to go bankrupt in which case, the American entrepreneur has to bear the consequences. In addition to that, outsourcing endangers the national security interests. One of the main causes of war that happened between the US and Japan in the year 1941 was the Japanese perception that her economic and industrial development was being unjustly hampered by the US as the US had restrained the supply of raw materials and technology into Japan along with restricting the export of goods out of the Empire. Outsourcing of jobs to other
Sunday, July 28, 2019
DTP Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
DTP - Coursework Example I was of the opinion that I had not performed a proper self-analysis as required within the first assignment; but later believed that such an analysis had helped me to realize my shortcomings and strengthen my key abilities. Over the period of the course, the training and teachings have assisted in developing professional as well as personal qualities, which were initial weaknesses in the first assignment (Brockbank and McGill, 1998). The reflective study shall identify and discuss the difference that I have been able to embark upon in the duration of my course. I was of the belief that I lacked largely in terms of interacting with people from different backgrounds and developing communicative abilities so as to yield good results. Given that I had a sheer weakness in terms of shyness to approach people for conversation, the group task allowed me to interact and communicate with individuals not only from different countries and cultures, but also from diverse lines of thought. The course enabled me to overcome shyness and apprehension with conversations. Another major development experienced in the process of this course was the ability to become a good team player. Here, the aspect of ensuring that information flows were correct, group tasks were appropriately divided and also group work was done as per schedule become critical elements (Bohlander and Snell, 2004). I learnt ways to effectively meet my deadlines as well as monitor other people’s approach towards their deadlines. This strategy allowed me to ensure that the cumulative roles were on schedule and the task was attained successfully. Our success can be measured by the fact that we were the only group to have a real client as a part of the project on completion of the group assignment. The first part of the assignment was a reflective study on self through SMART objectives and SWOIT analysis, which helped towards
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Introudation Dissertation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Introudation - Dissertation Example The role of the Saudi press during the recent conflict in Bahrain should be analyzed with respect to the Saudi government system, the Saudi society and the Saudi mass media. 1.1. The Saudi Government System The Saudi Government system comprises on the following three branches, on the basis of its goals, nature, responsibilities of the Country and the correlation of the ruler with the Saudi people. 1. Council of Ministers. 2. Legal and Judicial structure. 3. Consultative Council. 1.1.1. Council of Ministers The King, as the Prime Minister of the State, heads the Council of Ministers. Other members of this body include the Deputy Prime Minister (Crown Prince), the 2nd Deputy Prime Minister and the Cabinet Ministers (Saudi Arabian Information Centre, 1996). The responsibilities of the Council are drafting, supervising the execution of the external, internal, economic, financial, educational and defence policies, and general affairs of the Country. 1.1.2. Legal & Judicial Structure Saudi Arabia possesses a pervasive legal structure, in which the judicial system strictly follows the Shariah (The Islamic Law). At present, the Shariah legal system is governed by the Ministry of Justice through the Shariah Courts. The Special Courts or the Board of Grievances administers the disputes that emerge due to codified regulations. 1.1.3. Consultative Council The Consultative Council, also known as the Majlis Al-Shoura, fundamentally provides its advice to the King on important affairs by consulting its experienced and learned citizens. The Consultative Council, in its present form, comprises of a chairman and 90 advisors/members who are being hired by the King for a tenure of renewable 4 years. 1.2. Saudi-Society It is evident from the above description of the Saudi government system that the Islamic principles and the government permeate all areas of the social life in Saudi Arabia. Therefore, numerous political religious, cultural and economical factors influence the Saudi Arabian society to a great extent. The Saudi society is governed by the primitive ethics and traditions that have their roots deep in Islam as well as in Arabian morals and behavior, for instance, neighborliness and truthfulness (Ministry of Information, n.d.). 1.3. Saudi Mass Media As the case in the Saudi Arabian society, the mass media also cannot be considered individually from the influence of Islamic believes and government policies. 1.3.1. Saudi Press The National Press Agencies Act was approved by the Council of Ministers in January 09, 1964 through the resolution number 600 and a royal decree number 60 with the purpose to allow new people to know about their country, increase the rate of distribution by adding more readers to the national press (The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, 1993). This act was also helpful in expanding the information and news from abroad. Several news offices began their work from outside as well as inside of Saudi Arabia, specifically in the Arab region. The government of Saudi Arabia provided the financial support to the Saudi national press. The press in Saudi Arabia is presently more dependent on advertisements as a result of the economic problems, especially since the year 1991. As for instance, in July-1999 the Saudi newspaper, al-Riyadh allocated more than 60 percent of its space per day to advertisements while the al-Yaum and Okaz newspapers of Saudi Arabia, respectively, dedicated 50 percent and 53 percent of their space to advertisement for
Friday, July 26, 2019
Job Task Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Job Task Analysis - Essay Example ions and submitting them to the human resource manager, scheduling interviews for new employees in the branch, and following up on their progress once employed. Any memos for the department are also to be prepared by the personnel clerk in charge (Reddy, 2004). Behavioral objectives are goals that the military branch will be aiming to accomplish when training the personnel clerk. They include duties and responsibilities that the clerk should be conversant with by the end of the training. Therefore, according to the above tasks the behavioral objectives listed should be that: the personnel clerk will master all the recording procedures in the office; he or she will also be able to understand on how to follow up on the military personnel; he or she will be able to construct a pay roll sheet from the attendance register and lastly, that he or she will be able to prepare all the notices memos of the personnel department if need be. A job task analysis is used to train an employer by laying out all the duties to be performed. (Wolfe, 1991) An analysis for a personnel clerk would be: Enter into the office; Sign in at the register; Check out the attendance of each and every employee of the military branch; Note any absent employees; Identify the events of the day; Ensure all the office records are neatly in place; Arrange any misplaced documents; Prepare any memos required; Receive and attend to any visitors of the personnel department; Ensure that any injured militants are attended to; Ensure the pay roll sheet is in agreement with the attendance list; Check the mail box of the personnel department; Forward and present any available resumes and application mails to the necessary offices; Follow up on the new employees of the organization; Schedule interviews for any new employees and finally sign out the employees after work. Generally, a personnel clerk is important in all organizations since all organizations have employees that need to be managed and yet the
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Strategic plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Strategic plan - Essay Example It is in this regard that this essay is written to evaluate strategic planning at Cornell University in terms of The most important external environmental issues that Cornell University has to contend with are as follows: (1) the financial crisis, (2) political policies regarding government support; and (3) private donations. The global financial crisis would have a profound effect in the strategic plans of Cornell University in terms of its effect to the number of enrollees. As companies become affected by this crisis, employment is drastically altered with worst scenarios leading to unemployment. If parents get unemployed, the enrollment of children would definitely be affected. Also, private donation would potentially be lessened due to the financial crunch. Concurrently, political policies regarding government support would also be affected by the financial crisis. There could be possibilities of cut in government budget allocating funds for educational support. Cornell has an outstanding faculty and record of academic excellence that promote the best traditions of research and scholarship while engaging with the critical issues of the contemporary world (Cornell University 2009). â€Å"Student demand for entry to Cornell is high and continues to grow, as does the talent of our student body at the undergraduate, graduate, and professional levels. The universitys location and academic traditions have enabled the creation of exceptional intellectual community between and among faculty and students.†(ibid.) Due to the challenges identified in the environment, Cornell University has to address the following issues: â€Å"(1) As is true for other institutions of higher education, Cornell must seek new revenue sources to avoid unsustainable tuition increases and/or limits to student access and to faculty and student achievement; (2) Cornell competes for students, faculty, and staff with outstanding universities, some of
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Chemical Companies Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Chemical Companies - Research Paper Example Expenditure in research and development by firms globally summed up to 344bn pounds among the countries with heavy investments in this sector such as Japan, Us, Germany, France Switzerland and the UK. These countries through the respective corporations contribute to a tune of over 82% of the spending in R & D. among the largest sectors with huge spending in R & D globally are the pharmaceuticals company, electric and electrical equipment as well as chemical companies as indicated by a registered growth in their spending on the same. (Shield, Beth, and Miriam pg. 45). On the other hand capital expenditure by firms has never seemed so controversial nor important. Together with R & D, capital spending is the long-term lifeblood of many corporations as it determines the ability of most corporations to generate cash flows enough to service their debts. It is quite hard to determine the capital expenditure of most companies if not all as this is the aspect that results into a variety of ri sks in the business in form of cash flows, competitive position, as well as the ability to price. According from evidence shown by statistics, the top capital spenders also come from the chemical and energy industry and they include corporations from china, south America like Brazil and a great deal of corporations from Europe (Frith pg. 144-8). In Europe the chemicals, plastic and rubber sectors forms a bigger part of the industrial sector generating over 3.2million employment opportunities yearly. It is in record that since the year 2000, the chemical sector in Europe has dominated the manufacturing sector by over 2/3. Among the top 50 ranked corporations is the German giant chemical producer BASF with a sale of $79.8 million, which is even an improvement from the previous period’s sales. The company through its management continues to even have more prospects of growth through increased production despite the looming economic tenacity (Festel pg. 88). A combination of the sales figures for the 50 surveyed firms shows a total of $961.8 billion. This figure indicates how much the chemical industry controls the transactions that take place worldwide. The domination of firms in the chemical industry is the same in the developed countries as it is in the developing countries. Chinese giant Sinopec recorded revenue of $56.4 billion and is ranked at number three worldwide and came closer to even being the number two chemical producer in the whole world (Kain pg. 167-9). Among the top three in terms of capital expenditure as well as research and development is the Dow Chemical at position two in the whole world. Sabic also follows in the list in that order with revenue of $42.2 billion and takes position 5 among the chemical producers. It is worth recording that these firms have shown tremendous progress through dynamic performance in their previous past operations. They have come a long way in which SABIC was all the way number 13 in the whole world to beco me number five. At the same time, SINOPEC was all the way number 14 and look at its ranking today (Shield, Beth and Miriam pg. 92-4). As compared to the year before,
Making reference to appropriate theories and using examples from Essay
Making reference to appropriate theories and using examples from organisation(s) of your choice, evaluate on the role of the HR - Essay Example The HR function is therefore mandatory to have because this shall makes the lives of the employees easier and they would know who to contact in case of a problem or query that arises within their realms. This paper shall discuss the basis of the HR function and how this helps shape up the line managers within an organization in this day and age. Moving ahead with the discussion, the organization’s HR department has a huge role to play whilst dictating the organizational culture to the employees, both old and new. It makes new laws and amends the old ones in order to have uniformity within the norms and procedures that are applicable at the workplace domains (Taylor, 1999). It is important to ascertain the exact gravity of these procedures in order to have a complete mesh between the already accepted norms and behaviors coming directly under the aegis of the HR department, as well as the ones which are being chalked up by the HR department for the sake of the entire organizatio n (Boddy, 2005). It is quintessential that the organization’s HR department clearly understands its role because then only would it be able to decipher the purpose of having a sound organizational culture. ... Furthermore, it is important that the HR department inculcates feelings of oneness and understanding within the contexts of the organization itself. What is needed now is a good measure on the part of the employees to have a proper feel of the cultural manifestations and representations at the workplace. Without this, there could be serious issues arising every now and then (Lee, 2004). An adequately sound organizational culture will bring out sound results on the part of the organization as the employees would very easily relate with the actions and behaviors that are asked of them by the organization courtesy the HR department. Also the HR department could issue circulars and conduct training sessions and seminars in order to properly detail the employees as to how they would go about doing their respective work regimes, keeping in line with the prevalent organizational culture, the values that are taught and the different representations which are usually practiced from time to ti me (Egan, 2001). The HR department within Wal-Mart makes sure that its employees develop an organizational culture where feelings and sentiments could be shared about in a mutual manner. This is the reason why Wal-Mart is renowned for its sophisticated organizational culture developed from the HR domains, all over the world. There is a very significant need to be on board as far as the understanding of the organizational values and principles is concerned. The organizational culture takes all these elements in due consideration and thus provides for a more advanced understanding of all such facets. It is the duty of the HR department to be
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Marketing strategies of low cost airlines in Europe Essay
Marketing strategies of low cost airlines in Europe - Essay Example In the second section, the cross tabulations have been created to relate different questions and variables. The independent variables in this case are five including short distance, direct flights, affordable transport, number of flights per day and affordable hotels. Since I have found that these are the four major attractions for the people traveling in low cost airlines therefore, they are the independent variables. The dependent variable is the sales of the tickets of each low cost airline. The following table describes the result of question that do people prefer to travel with low cost airlines. In the survey 77 people out of 120 claimed that they would prefer travelling in low cost airlines. However, out of 120, 43 people stated that they do not go for low cost airlines. It means more than 63 percent out of the total sample prefer travelling in low cost carriers, which is a significant percentage. Out of 120 individuals, 83 belonged to the age group of 19-25 and 35 belong to the age group of 25-45. On the other hand, only 2 persons fall in age group 45-65. Therefore, majority were professionals and students. Since the survey sample consist of 120 individuals belonging to different professions therefore, following table shows the description of their occupations. 38 respondents are professionals, 32 have managerial occupation and remaining respondents have other occupations (students). The following table shows why people are attracted by the low cost airlines. It is interesting to note that out of 120 respondents, 37 argued that short distance attracts them to travel in low cost airline. On the other hand, 36 argued that they are attracted to fly in these airlines because of their direct flights, 35 go for these airlines because of affordable transport. The major attractions for these people are short distance, direct flights and affordable prices. Basically the low cost airlines are
Monday, July 22, 2019
The roles of entrepreneurs in the society Essay Example for Free
The roles of entrepreneurs in the society Essay Introduction Entrepreneurship is the capacity and willingness to develop, organize and manage a business venture along with any of its risks in order to make a profit. However, some school of thought would define an entrepreneur as one who manages the factors of production in order to first satisfy or meet human needs and not primarily for the desire to make profit. The most obvious example of entrepreneurship is the starting of new businesses. Entrepreneurs occupy a central position in a market economy serving as the spark plug in the economys engine, activating and stimulating all economic activities. A society is prosperous only to the degree to which it rewards and encourages entrepreneurial activity because it is the entrepreneurs and their activities that are the critical determinant of the level of success, prosperity, growth and opportunity in any economy. The most dynamic societies in the world are the ones with the most entrepreneurs, plus the economic and legal structure to encourage and motivate entrepreneurs to greater activities. Some of the roles of entrepreneurs in the society include: 1. Provide solution to societal challenges: Every society has a challenge or a gap. The entrepreneurs identify these challenges and strive to satisfy the needs in the society. For example, the automobile companies found a solution to the challenge of mobility. 2. Creation of goods and services: Entrepreneurs are innovators who work tirelessly to produce goods and services to satisfy their customers or consumers. 3. Job creation: By their activities, entrepreneurs succeed in creating jobs and helping to reduce the rate of unemployment in the society. This eventually contributes to reducing the incidence of vices such as criminal activities in the community leading to improvement in the safety and security of people in the society. It eventually reduces poverty in families who are engaged by these entrepreneurs. 4. Contribute to community development activities: Entrepreneurs perform their social responsibilities to the community by contributing to community development activities. 5. Foster economic growth and development: They increase production of goods and services with possible increase in demand and eventual increase in the Gross and Net Domestic Product of the country. 6. Create wealth: By creating jobs, entrepreneurs create wealth. 7. They are philanthropists: Most entrepreneurs also engage in Philanthropic activities in the society. An example is Alfred Nobel who funds the Nobel Prize. 8. They are agents of change: Entrepreneurs are the regenerators of the society. They act as agents of change. An example is Mark Zuckerberg who started the face-book and linked the world. 9. They create chains of ideas and opportunities by taking one bold step: By taking one bold step, more ideas are generated by people. Hence, entrepreneurs give birth to more entrepreneurs with greater positive impacts on the society. 10. Improve the standard of living of the people and their quality of life: By creating jobs and more job opportunities, entrepreneurs improve the standard of living and quality of life of the people in the society. This will also help to increase life span and reduce the morbidity and mortality rates in the society. 11. Reduction in cost of production of prices of products and services: By producing goods or services needed by other companies or organizations, entrepreneurs help to reduce the cost of producing these goods by these companies and thereby lead to fall in prices of goods and commodities which will help to increase demand and meet consumers’ needs. References
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Field Effects of Climate Change: Literature Review
Field Effects of Climate Change: Literature Review Preliminary review of literature A preliminary review has been compiled to cover on field effects of climate change and agronomical responses to irrigation methods. The literature was reviewed in association mapping studies of durum wheat and for dissection of Global Warming traits. QTL analysis studies for agronomical traits was also reviewed. The literature reviews also covers the current status of research and agriculture status of Mauritania and Senegal. We presented also the material and methods to be used in this study. 1. On field effects of Climate Change The climate change can increase variability and change the seasonality of rainfall, reduce soil moisture, change the dynamics of pests, diseases and weeds, increased heat shock/stress, reduced grain quality or nutrient content. The higher temperatures induce also earlier or extended ripening on the plant. Climate change is projected to have a significant impact on temperature and precipitation profiles in the Mediterranean basin. The incidence and severity of drought will become commonplace and this will reduce the productivity of rain-fed crops such as durum wheat. The major environmental constraints limiting the production of durum wheat in this region are drought and temperature extremes with productivity ranging from 06 t/ha (Nachit and Elouafi, 2004). Changes in total seasonal precipitation and its pattern of variability are both important, and the occurrence of moisture stress during flowering, pollination, and grain-filling is harmful to wheat. Drought at the tillering–booting developmental stages has had a negative impact on durum wheat production (Belaid et al., 2005). Furthermore, crop duration has been shortened by almost one month since 1970 in some areas of southern Morocco. Warmer and drier winters have also exacerbated the effect of some diseases and insects whic h target wheat and are major biotic constraints on production (A Yahyaoui, personal communication). 2. Agronomical responses to irrigation methods The relationships between crop yields and water use are complicated. Yield may depend on when water is applied or on the amount. Information on optimal scheduling of limited amounts of water to maximize yields of high quality crops is essential if irrigation water is to be used most efficiently (Al-Kaisi et al., 1997). The various crop development stages possess different sensitivities to moisture stress (FAO, 1979; English and Nakamura, 1989; Ghahraman and Sepaskhah, 1997). Timing, duration and the degree of water stress all affect yield. Other studies have reported that the relationship between yield and water consumption, including irrigation, is not linear (Yuan et al., 1992). The results of a study showed that crop yields initially improved with increased water consumption, but that beyond a certain water use level yields decreased over irrigation reduced winter-wheat production. (FAO, 2002). The simulated results showed that a single irrigation in wet years, two irrigations in normal years and three in dry years produced maximum profits. The timing of the irrigations would be: at jointing to booting for the single irrigation, at jointing and heading to milky filling for the two irrigations; and before over wintering, jointing, and heading to milky filling for the three irrigations. (FAO, 2002). Water deficits may also affect crop management and production other than the direct effect on plant growth. The efficacy of many herbicides and other pesticides depends on soil moisture. Plants under moisture stress may not respond to foliar applied chemicals, or in some cases, may be damaged by chemical burns. Nutrient utilization and fertilization practices are influenced by the moisture status of the crop plants. Application of pesticides must be scheduled according to irrigation applications or to moisture stress in the crop.(UF/IFAS, 2008) 3. Association Mapping studies of durum wheat A collection of 134 durum wheat accessions, representative of the major gene pools, was assembled and characterized with 70 SSRs for genetic diversity and level of long-rangelinkage disequilibrium (LD). Results evidenced the presence of a structured diversity and high level of LD (M. Maccaferri et al., 2005). A collection of 164 elite durum wheat accessions suitable for association mapping has been tested for leaf rust response at the seedling stage and under field conditions. The collection has been profiled with 225 simple sequence repeat (SSR) loci of known map position and a PCR assay targeting Ppd-A1. Associations showing highly consistent experiment-wise significances across leaf rust isolates and field trials were mainly detected for the 7BL distal chromosome region and for two chr. regions located in chrs. 2A and 2B. Additionally,isolate specific associations and/or associations with smaller effects in the field trials were identified in most of the chromosomes(M. Maccaferri et al., 2009). The genome location of a resistance gene to the stem rust Sr13 was determined in four tet-raploid wheat (T. turgidum ssp. durum) mapping populations involving the TTKSK resistant varieties Kronos, Kofa, Medora and Sceptre. Results showed that resistance was linked to common molecular markers in all four populations, suggesting that these durum lines carry the same resistance gene. Based on its chromosome location and infection types against different races of stem rust, this gene is postulated to be Sr13. Sr13 was mapped within a1.2–2.8 cM interval (depending on the mapping population) between EST markers CD92604 and BE471213, which corresponds to a 285-kb region in rice chromosome 2, and a 3.1-Mb region in Brachypodium chromosome 3. (K. Simons et al., 2010). Association studies were effective for identifying markers associated with host plant resistance to rust and powdery mildew,as well as Grain Yield with five sets of historical breeding wheat germplasm (Crossa et al.2007; Terraciano et al.2013). For the mining of allel that contribute to the tolerance of abiotique stresses, a germplasm collection of 189 elite durum lines was tested across 15 environnements at different regime of water. Association mapping studies with 186 DNA markers identify many of them linked to alleles enhancing adaptation to water stress.(Maccaferi et al, 2011). 4. Association Mapping studies for dissection of Global Warming traits The creation of suitable mapping populations and the development of molecular markers have enabled linkage studies in wheat and many QTLs have been identified for yield under drought environments (Varshney et al., 2006). The coupling of new genomic tools, technologies, and resources with genetic approaches is essential to underpin wheat breeding through marker-assisted selection and hence mitigate climate change. Many traits relating to the plant’s response and adaptation to drought are complex and multigenic, and quantitative genetics coupled with genomic technologies have the potential to dissect complex genetic traits and to identify regulatory loci, genes and networks. Mapping populations have been developed in durum wheat for the study of biotic and abiotic stresses (Blanco et al., 1998; Nachit et al., 2001; Nachit and Elouafi, 2004). Loci for yield, yield components, heading date, plant height, and physiological and developmental traits under drought have also been established in mapping populations (Maccaferri et al., 2008;DZ Habash et al., unpublished data). 5. QTL analysis studies for agronomical traits The genetic basis of grain yield (GY), heading date (HD), and plant height (PH) was investigated in a durum wheat population of 249 recombinant inbred lines evaluated in 16 environments. Among the 16 quantitative trait loci (QTL) that affected GY, two major QTL on chromosomes 2BL and 3BS showed significant effects in 8 and 7 environments. QTL specific for PH were identified on chromosomes 1BS, 3AL, and 7AS. Additionally, three major QTL for HD on chromosomes 2AS, 2BL, and 7BS showed limited or no effects on GY. For both PH and GY, notable epistasis between the chromosome 2BL and 3BS QTL was detected across several environments (Maccaferi et al., 2007). Besides some minor QTLs, one major QTL explaining both reduction of disease severity in the field and increased latency period was found on the long arm of chromosome 7B (Marone et al.,2009).Nine QTL for resistance to stem rust were identified on chromosomes 1AL, 2AS, 3BS, 4BL,5BL, 6AL 7A, 7AL and 7BL (Nachit et al., 2012). 6. Current status of research and agriculture status In Senegal Studies conducted in the 70 and 80 have shown the potential to lead the wheat in particular, in the Senegal River Valley (VFS) but there has been no transfer of results. Analyzing the situation, ISRA has undertaken in recent years, work on wheat and identified promising productive varieties for agro-climatic conditions of the VFS. According to Dr. Madiama Cissà ©, a researcher at the ISRA, the Senegal River Valley has huge potential and with the political willing of the state, Senegal will be a major producer of wheat. A research program was conducted on ten hectares divided between the experimental station Fanaye, located 160 miles from St. Louis, and Ndiole. These ten hectares were used to assess the plant material that comes from Morocco and we found suitable for the cold season and other varieties of Mexico that are being evaluated in order to increase the packet. Today we have over 75 varieties under observation at Fanaye and indicated for intensive cultivation; we will be able to get out a few that are adapted to the Valley. There is also a quarantine which were selected for their temperature tolerance. Technically, the wheat crop is possible. Water is available in the Valley, as this area has not only water resources, but the agro-climatic conditions are very favorable. Thus, in light of the available results, lines of progress is possible by optimizing production techniques to terms should improve the performance of wheat under the conditions of the Senegal River Valley. These performances are conditioned by: Good timing of crop calendar Improved fashion and seeding The optimization of nitrogen fertilizer, phosphate and potassium The weed management Control of pest pressure (pests and diseases) Optimal water management Place the wheat in crop rotations In Mauritania AOAD (Arab Organization for Agricultural deveveloppement) conducts research for the production of wheat in the experimental stage in some areas of the country through the provision of experts to test the degree of adaptation of some varieties of wheat in the Mauritanias environment. Salem Merrakchi, the agricultural engineer who oversees the cultivation of wheat, says that good results are expected in the perimeters have met the technical processes. He says to expect a production of over 3,840 tons of wheat on 1,882 acres, but stresses that some regions have proven to be inadequate for this speculation. Recall that the experience of growing wheat introduced in Mauritania, there are three years, has allowed the use of 6,000 ha in irrigated area and 10,000 ha in rain-fed area with profitability improving season after season. Dr. Walid Al Zaki Yamani, a researcher in the wheat industry and expert AOAD in improving the productivity of wheat cultivation, noted that four experienced variety in Mauritania have a record productivity. Furthermore 29 speculation wheat were tested in four seasons to determine which is best suited to the Mauritanian conditions. Following the results, Mauritania is a fertile land suitable for the cultivation of this species, whether in the area irrigated or rain-fed agriculture. 7. Material and methods Phenotypic characterization In this study the germplasm is a core collection of 380 durum wheat accessions (elite, advanced, wild relatives, and landraces) selected from the ICARDA durum breeding program. The material will be accurately phenotyped for their response to abiotic stresses (drought and heat) and WUE (Water Use Efficiency) under a short cycle. The phenotyping will be conducted along the Senegal River at national experimental stations in Mauritania (Kaedi) and Senegal (Fanaye) were wheat planting will always be performed on lands previously sown with rice to provide indications about wheat-rice crop rotation. We will use the augmented design to control error with 4 checks completely repeated in each of the19 blocks that will accommodate the genotype in a small plot 2.5mx 6 rows. We will record the agronomical responses to short cycle and high temperatures and under various water regimes by annotating on-field data (germination, flowering time, plant height, lodging occurrence of disease and pests) and post-harvest data (yield and thousand kernels weight). Screening for WUE will be conducted in the irrigated trials by providing two water quantities throughout the growing season: ideal amount (500 mm) and sub-ideal (250 mm) and then phenotypic values will be recorded. Genotypic characterization Leaves from this above core collections are collected after growing the 380 lines in the green house. DNA extraction will be effected for the further genotyping. First an approximately 50 PCR-based markers associated with â€Å"drought†traits in wheat will be selected and used in screening the ICARDA core collection to provide a first glimpse at the useful stress tolerance alleles embedded within this collection. In the second time the germplasm will be deeply genotyped with 25,000 markers SNP (Simple Nucleotide Polymorphism) using the AXIOM (Affimetrix) platform available commercially at INRA (Clermont Ferrand). Genetic Studies and statistical analysis We will use GWAS that use the genotypic data in combination with the phenotypic performances to identify the genomic regions and the specific SNP/alleles associated with the response to abiotic stresses. From these associations, the genomic estimate of breeding value (GEBV) can be calculated. This GEBV will allow to design targeted crosses and to merge all the useful alleles found by GWAS in single cultivars. Further, the SNPs found to be associated with the positive traits will be converted into readily available PCR-based assays through the KASPar technology. These assays will be use in further studies using MAS (Marker Assisted Selection) to tag germplasm with useful alleles of interest. To perform GWAS and GWS (Genome Wide Selection) we need to apply statistical models. In this study we will use a specific software (STRUCTURE, Pritchard et al.2000; TASSEL) in combination with Linear Mixed model witch take on account population structure and genetic relatedness and reduce the rate of false positives. We will use R statistic witch is a free and easily software where all statistical commands will be ran. ANOVA table, chi-square, t-test, F-value, P-value and others statistical tools will allow us to identify differences between treatments and all what we need to know in this study.
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Study And Definition Of Total Quality Management Management Essay
Study And Definition Of Total Quality Management Management Essay W. Edwards Deming firstly introduced TQM (Total Quality Management) in 1950s in Japan. It is a modern quality management based on the conventional quality management. Along with the development of science and technology as well as the requirement of management, it has become a strong systematic science. It is a philosophy that involves everyone in an organization with a frequent effort improving quality and achieving customer satisfaction (Boyne and George.2002). Feigenbaum, the famous experts from the United States, gave the definition of TQM in the early 1960s as follows: to be able to make market research, design, manufacturing and after-sales service in the most economical level, and fully meeting customer requirements (Chiaburu and Dan, 2005). Moreover, the quality development, quality maintenance and the quality improvement of various departments in the enterprise constitute an effective integrated system. Specifically, TQM implies main ideas that are, strong customer focus, continuous improvement, and employee authorisation. From the perspective of present and future, the customer has become roles that should never be neglected. Customer-centered management model is gradually being attached great importance by enterprises (Chiaburu and Dan, 2005). TQM focus on customer value and the leading idea is customer satisfaction and recognition is the key to gain market create value for long-term. Therefore, TQM must be taking Customer-centered throughout the enterprise management process, that is in all aspects, from market research to product design, sample, production, inspection, warehousing, sales and after-sales service, it is important to establish the customer priority attitude firmly, not only to produce affordable products, but also good services for customers, and ultimately make customer satisfaction assured. Continuous improvement is a philosophy of never-ending improvement. TQM is a commitment that could never to be satisfied, the quality that can always be improved, There is always a better choice beyond the best. Under the guidance of this concept, enterprises improve the product, service quality and reliability continuously, all of which ensure to access a competitive advantage. As for employee empowerment, TQM enables workers on production line to join in the improvement process and uses the form of teams extensively to identify and solve problems (Grote, 2000). Employees are expected to seek out, identify, and correct quality problems. Besides, some other aspects are also important, such as ongoing employee training in the use of quality tools, design products to meet customer expectations; process management; and extend quality concepts to a companys suppliers. Improvement of TQM cause what kind of improvements of relationship between customers and front line staff? Total quality management means that everyone should be responsible for quality, which not only refers to the quality of the product, but also refers to the quality of services. Meanwhile, the quality of service is not limited to customer service, but also refers to the service for company employees, such as co-ordination among the colleagues, the convergence between departments etc. Nevertheless, everything in the company, should give customers and consumers a good impression (Longnecker and Nykodym, 2000). Therefore, if the concept of TQM is deep into the heart of the staff and implemented effectively, it will guide the staff to give good customer services, so that make customer satisfaction. More importantly, it can improve the relationship between employees and customers. Take the following case as an example: if an employee fails to be motivated by the leader, he may not take active contribution in the meeting to identify problems and to find solutions in the process. What is worse is that he may work passively; his team spirit will be reduced, which will have a negative impact on the whole company. Conversely, if the manager can fully mobilize the enthusiasm of each employee, the departments team spirit will certainly be fully exposed, and the overall objective of the company will be achieved to meet the customers wants, needs and desires. Therefore, it can be effective to strengthen the skills and quality consciousness of workers (Rainey and Pandey, 2000). The following steps are creating appropriately incentive, training the sense of ownership and efficiency in all staffs, and strengthening the sense of Teamwork. All these will make the internal staff work with enthusiasm, thus the target customers will get first-class product and high-standard se rvice quality. How to improve? To improve the TQM, it is necessary to know what customers want, more importantly, understand customers psychology, all of which requires doing market research ahead of time. Then the production of qualified products and quality services should be provided for customers to meet their needs and desires (Janssen and Yperen, 2004). A Significant feature of Total quality management is the preventive, that is to change the after checking to strengthening the idea of advance prevention, and make management results as the management factor. So it is necessary to make clear factors, which affect product quality during the production process. They are Man, Machine, Material, and Method (Rainey and Bozeman, 2000). In the four main factors, the man is the most vital one. Whether the equipment operation, maintenance, or the acceptance and check of materials, and even the compliance and improvement of method, that all depend on workers intelligence and enthusiasm, so they play a most important role during the whole process. Machine (Equipment) management includes the early detection of equipment daily maintenance and appropriate measures and certain standards of maintenance and regular adjustment. Material managements are to enhance the acceptance, improve the storage method, and avoid the damage and the metamorphism of material and so on. As for the method, the best operation method should be standardized, written, and introduced to the workers (Hui and Lam, 2000). All in all, it is necessary to apply the PDCA cycle during the process. That is carrying out all the plans with the quality as the centre basing on full participation. The PDCA cycle is also called Deming Wheel or Continuous Improvement Spiral that is Plan-Do-Check-Action cycle showed in the following graph. In other words, plan is to analyse the situation, identify problems to find out the major factors of the reasons and at last develop an action plan. Do is to carry out the plan. Check is to Check the implementation results of the plan, and A is to sum up the successful experience and develop an appropriate standards, at last ,take the unresolved or emerging issues into the next PDCA cycle ¼Ã‹â€ Briggs and Charlotte, 2003 ¼Ã¢â‚¬ °. Specifically, it is appropriate to seek for what the customer wants at first, and then design a product or service that meets or exceeds customer wants, further more, design processes that facilitate doing the job right the first time, and keep track of results at last to extend these concepts to suppliers. Brief description Hyatt is a globally recognized hospitality company with more than fifty-year history. The Hyatt regency sanctuary cove is a five-star resort hotel and this hotel has a traditional Queensland homestead style. It is also in a beautiful position amid lush, tropical gardens. This resort hotel features a colonial design that is an elegant reminder of former times, offering a unique blend of Australian hospitality and sophistication. There are different types of rooms offered in Hyatt regency sanctuary cove hotel. King room, twin room, lagoon view king, lagoon view twin, club king, club twin, Queenslander suit, homestead suit, federation suite and manor suit. There are 14 dedicated meeting rooms, conference and banquet facilities accommodating groups of 10 to 500. Each room has different types of amenities such as balcony, individual heat control, separate sitting area and so on. This hotel provides special offers to government, AAA or CAA members, senior citizens and corporate or group members. There are variety of services and facilities such as 24-hour in-room dining and resort security, shuttle bus service, Camp Hyatt that offers parents free time to enjoy gym and playing golf while their kids are engaging exciting activities, laundry and valet service and 24-hour medical centre. And also wineries and gourmet trails, national park and waterfalls, theme parks surround this hotel and they are easy to reach from the hotel. TQM implementation process Total quality management is applicable to all kinds of businesses. On the other hand, it is more difficult for hospitality industries to implement TQM because products are intangible, services are produced and consumed at the same time and customers values are different (Vrtodusic, 2000). As Hyatt hotel is well known on the tourist market and the guests are recognising it as a good four-star hotel, it is important to have continuous improvement to keep the business healthy. In hotel industries, people participant in rendering particular services cope directly with other people every day and for that reason they are required to be extremely sensitive to exceed the personal needs, wants and desires (Lakhe and Mohanty, 1995). One of the best ways to achieve quality improvement is obtained by focusing on its customers concerns. By surveying its customers and owners in related to safe operating procedures, attitude, degree of communication, service delivery system and performance, the hot el can improve its TQM effectively. Hyatt must identify and choose processes that are to be of interest to the committee and also likely to give reasonable results. Its reservation processes, from the time guests make bookings until they arrive at their room can be an example. In order to improve and identify this process, first, meetings need to be held with the managers of departments who are directly involved in the process. Second, interviews need to be done with its staff, and lastly observation of the processes is needed (Saunders and Graham 1992). Through these steps, measurement points can be identified such as timeliness, integrity, predictability and satisfaction (See Appendix 1). Hyatt hotel also need to provide quality-training programme. Employees, however, need to be trained from upper management to the in-house trainers and facilitators to emphasise the importance of training. For the management training, it needs to cover basic topics such as importance of customer s atisfaction, background, overview and benefit of TQM. More importantly, managers need to understand steps in implementing TQM, principles of team building and employee empowerment. Furthermore, non-supervisory employees need to be informed clearly about Hyatts vision, mission and guiding principles (Witt and Muhlemann, 1994). Empowerment is the most popular concept in modern management and organisation applications, which means giving workers responsibilities for solving customers complains. It makes employees more productive and esteemed (Wilkinson, 1998). In addition, it is important for employees to take a positive action to find out what went wrong. For instance, handling guests complains on the spot rather than asking their manager and fix it later will reduce the cost. There are some possible improvements when quality improvement teams are established. It will provide increased employee value, informed and skilled employees, employee suggestions and participation, and personal development. Feedback is also an important part of TQM. If Hyatt hotel can reduce the time between identifying guests needs and satisfying these needs, it might increase customer retention. Even though it is significant to increase occupancy rate for the hotel, focusing on quality goals will develop quality of service and products and make more profits. Suppliers also need to improve their quality in terms of the time between ordering and delivery. If they do not improve and have willingness to do that, it is not recommended to deal with them. References Briggs, C. L. Joan, S. (2003). How do we know a continuous planning academic program when we see one? Journal of Higher Education. Vol. 16, No. 2: 361-370. Boyne, G. A. and Richard, M. W. (2002). Total quality management and performance: An evaluation of the evidence and lessons for research on public organizations. Public Performance Management Review. Vol. 26, No. 2: 111-123. Chiaburu, D. S. (2005). The effects of instrumentality on the relationship between goal orientation and leader-member exchange. The Journal of Social Psychology. Vol. 25, No.3, 365-369 Grote,. D. (2000). Public Sector Organizations: Todays Innovative Leaders in Performance Management. Public Personnel Management. Vol. 29, No. 1: 1-20. Hendrick, R. (2002). Comprehensive management and budgeting reform in local government: The case of Milwaukee. Public Performance and Management Review. Vol. 23, No.3: 312-37 Hui, C. Lam, S. S. K., Law, K. K. S. (2000). Instrumental values of organizational citizenship behavior for promotion: A field quasi-experiment. Journal of Applied Psychology. Vol. 85, No.11: 822-828. Janssen, O. Van Yperen, N. W. (2004). Employees goal orientations, the quality of leader-member exchange, and the outcomes of job performance and job satisfaction. Academy of Management Journal. Vol. 47, No.7: 368-384. Lakhe, R. R. Mohanty, R. P. (1995). Understanding TQM in service systems. The international journal of Quality Reliability Management. Vol. 12, No. 9: 139-153. Longnecker, C. O. Nykodym, N.. (2000). Public Sector Performance Appraisal Effectiveness: A Case Study. Public Personnel Management. Vol. 25, No.2: 151-164. Rainey, H. G. Barry, B. (2000). Comparing public and private organizations: Empirical research and the power of a priori. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory. Vol. 10, No.2: 447-69. Rainey, H. G., Pandey, S. and Barry, B. (2000). Research note: Public and private managers perceptions of red tape. Public Administration Review. Vol. 55, No.6: 567-74. Saunders, Ian W. and Graham, Mary Ann (1992). Total quality management in the hospitality industry, Total Quality Management Business Excellence. Vol. 3, No.3: 243-256 Vrtodusic, A. (2000). Standardization and TQM in the hotel industry. Hotel 2000. Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management Opatija, Opatija. Pp. 1. Wilkinson, A. (1998). Empowerment: Theory and Practice. Personal Review. Journal of employee management. Vol. 27, No. 1: 40-56. Witt, C. A., Muhlemann, A. P. (1994). The implementation of total quality management in tourism: some guidelines. Journal of Tourism Management. Vol. 15, No. 6: 416-424.
Plant hormones Essay -- essays research papers
Plant hormones are specialized chemical substances produced by plants. They are the main internal factors controlling growth and development. Hormones are produced in one part of a plant and transported to others, where they are effective in very small amounts. Depending on the target tissue, a given hormone may have different effects. Plant hormones play an integral role in controlling the growth and development of plants. A plant hormone is generally described as an organic compound synthesized in one part of the plant and translocated to another part, where in low concentrations elicits a physiological response. There are five generally recognized classes of plant hormones; some of the classes are represented by only one compound, others by several different compounds. They are all organic compounds, they may resemble molecules which turn up elsewhere in plant structure or function, but they are not directly involved as nutrients or metabolites. Hormone     Source     Action Auxins     apical meristem (only moves down), embryo of seed, young leaves     †¢Ã‚     Control of cell elongation †¢Ã‚     apical dominance (prevents lateral buds) †¢Ã‚     prevents abscission †¢Ã‚     continued growth of fruit †¢Ã‚     cell division in vascular and cork cambium --formation of lateral roots from pericycle --formation of adventitious roots from cuttings Gibberellins     Roots and young leaves     †¢Ã‚     Cell (stem) elongation (works in stems and leaves, but not roots) †¢Ã‚     breaking seed/bud dormancy †¢Ã‚     stimulating fruit set Cytokinins     roots, embryos, fruits actively growing     †¢Ã‚     Promote cell division --signal axillary/lateral bud growth --prevent leaf abscission †¢Ã‚     chloroplast development †¢Ã‚     breaking dormancy in some seeds †¢Ã‚     enhance flowering †¢Ã‚     promote fruit development Abscissic Acid    ... ...ascade ultimately resulting in modification of enzyme activity, altered metabolic processes, and different phenotypes. One thing plant hormones specifically control is gene expression. The exact mechanisms by which hormones regulate gene expression are poorly understood. Gene expression is part of a large amplification process. This process involves repeated transcription of DNA resulting in many copies of mRNA (1st amplification step); mRNA is processed and enters the cytoplasm where it is translated many times by ribosomes into a gene product such as an enzyme (2nd amplification step); enzymes are modified to become functional and capable of high catalytic activity even at low concentrations. They catalyze the production of many copies of an important cellular product (3rd amplification step). It is likely that gene regulation is affected by certain enzymes after initial hormone binding. Genes may be altered by secondary and tertiary messengers of a cellular cascade as well. Hormones may indirectly control gene expression through these enzymes and messengers at a number of control sites such as transcription, mRNA processing, mRNA stability, translation, and post-translation Plant hormones Essay -- essays research papers Plant hormones are specialized chemical substances produced by plants. They are the main internal factors controlling growth and development. Hormones are produced in one part of a plant and transported to others, where they are effective in very small amounts. Depending on the target tissue, a given hormone may have different effects. Plant hormones play an integral role in controlling the growth and development of plants. A plant hormone is generally described as an organic compound synthesized in one part of the plant and translocated to another part, where in low concentrations elicits a physiological response. There are five generally recognized classes of plant hormones; some of the classes are represented by only one compound, others by several different compounds. They are all organic compounds, they may resemble molecules which turn up elsewhere in plant structure or function, but they are not directly involved as nutrients or metabolites. Hormone     Source     Action Auxins     apical meristem (only moves down), embryo of seed, young leaves     †¢Ã‚     Control of cell elongation †¢Ã‚     apical dominance (prevents lateral buds) †¢Ã‚     prevents abscission †¢Ã‚     continued growth of fruit †¢Ã‚     cell division in vascular and cork cambium --formation of lateral roots from pericycle --formation of adventitious roots from cuttings Gibberellins     Roots and young leaves     †¢Ã‚     Cell (stem) elongation (works in stems and leaves, but not roots) †¢Ã‚     breaking seed/bud dormancy †¢Ã‚     stimulating fruit set Cytokinins     roots, embryos, fruits actively growing     †¢Ã‚     Promote cell division --signal axillary/lateral bud growth --prevent leaf abscission †¢Ã‚     chloroplast development †¢Ã‚     breaking dormancy in some seeds †¢Ã‚     enhance flowering †¢Ã‚     promote fruit development Abscissic Acid    ... ...ascade ultimately resulting in modification of enzyme activity, altered metabolic processes, and different phenotypes. One thing plant hormones specifically control is gene expression. The exact mechanisms by which hormones regulate gene expression are poorly understood. Gene expression is part of a large amplification process. This process involves repeated transcription of DNA resulting in many copies of mRNA (1st amplification step); mRNA is processed and enters the cytoplasm where it is translated many times by ribosomes into a gene product such as an enzyme (2nd amplification step); enzymes are modified to become functional and capable of high catalytic activity even at low concentrations. They catalyze the production of many copies of an important cellular product (3rd amplification step). It is likely that gene regulation is affected by certain enzymes after initial hormone binding. Genes may be altered by secondary and tertiary messengers of a cellular cascade as well. Hormones may indirectly control gene expression through these enzymes and messengers at a number of control sites such as transcription, mRNA processing, mRNA stability, translation, and post-translation
Friday, July 19, 2019
Characters as Portrayed Through Themes and Images in The English Patien
Characters as Portrayed Through Themes and Images in The English Patient   While the four main characters of The English Patient are extremely powerful, and important to the reader's understanding of the story, they cannot stand alone without the patterns of imagery, symbolism and metaphor which underpin the text, and offer a complexity which extends beyond the literal level. These patterns reveal information about each character, and provide significant links between characters and ideas which lead to a greater understanding of the novel. Likewise, the plot would have little impact upon the reader were the novel not so densely coloured with these patterns of imagery, symbol and metaphor; amongst which skin, hands, mapping and the elements are particularly important.  A metaphorical idea which resonates throughout the novel, and is present in all of the characters (particularly the English patient and Caravaggio) is the concept of man as a sort of communal Book, whereby every aspect of his life, and his relationships with others are "mapped" onto him. This also operates literally, through the obvious markings of scars on the English patient, and in Caravaggio's case, the loss of both thumbs.  ...his black body, beginning at his destroyed feet... ahove the shins the burns are worst. Beyond purple. Bone.  This description of the English patient's body is gruesome and confronting; it addresses the theme of pain, the construction of identity, and of course the physical evidence of his tortured past, which the reader learns more about as this imagery develops. It is almost as if his body is a landscape; a war zone onto which all evidence of suffering is mapped.  Imagery... ...o mirror the horrors of the wa rin which these four people are involved. The themes explored through the elements in particular, are complex and contradictory, just as the elements are themselves. Sometimes harsh, sometimes cleansing, and almost always painful, these elements shape the characters and plot, and reside in much of the imagery explored in the novel. The techniques of symbolism, metaphor and imagery develop the novel's themes of love, war, suffering and identity, which inform a reading of the novel which would not be as powerful through use of characters and plot alone. The subtlety and eloquence through which these themes are explored really inspire thought and reflection in the reader, which in turn credits a more complex understanding of the novel.  Work Cited Ondaatje, Michael. The English Patient. London: Pan Books, 1993 Â
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Art Evaluation
Art Evaluation Looking around the hallways, I found many interesting paintings. But, I found that a particular painting was more interesting than the rest. The piece of art that I have chosen to talk about is an artwork that is hanging on the wall in the hallway of JJC. The artwork is painted by a girl named Nicole Marie Wilkin in 2007. She titled her work, â€Å"Endless Miles. †The materials that she chose to use were Oil on Canvas. After looking over the painting, I notice many formal elements. The formal elements that are presented in this work are: color, line, space, texture, and motion.The painting is very well balanced; therefore, my attention isn’t focused on a certain part of the painting. The texture of the painting looks smooth. The multiple uses of contrasting colors are what I believe attracted my eyes to this painting. I feel that this formal element is what is most dominant in the picture. Another formal element that caught my eye was the use of motion. The endless amount of swirls and wavy lines make the painting look as if it is moving. I think that this gives the work a cool effect when looking at it.Using the elements, color and motion together, as Nicole did, was a good idea and works well for drawing attention to her work. The use of these two keep me wondering what the artist was actually thinking when painting this picture. There are also a few principles of composition that I see in this painting. I find that the work has no specific place that is weighted in the painting; therefore, the painting has an all over composition. The painting is asymmetrical because it cannot be split into two parts and mirror each other.I feel that this painting does evoke thoughts and emotions. When I look at this painting I feel a sense of freedom. I feel that this artwork represents freedom because of the numerous amounts of implied lines that lead to other implied lines. I feel as if the painting is leading my eyes on never-ending maze. Th e freedom that I feel is because there is no exact focal point of this painting and my eyes are free to follow whichever implied line they choose. I believe that this idea may lead into why this particular artist may have named her art, â€Å"Endless Miles. I think that the formal elements that make this work so free are the use of motion and line together. I feel that the media and materials used in this art make a strong impact. The use of oil on canvas helps to make the painting look smooth and flowing. I feel that since the artist used oil, she was able to blend her colors well and add shading to her colors. Oil is easily blended since the colors dry very slowly. This is why I think that the use of oil was a good choice for her.
Free Will in Christianity Essay
Christianity is derived from a mixture of elements of Roman ghostly myths, Pagan myths and god-men stories, sun worship and Gnosticism. Christianity has no room for on the loose(p) will, but for mental or other reasons, m both Christians take aim believed in genuine individual fall by the wayside will. Every cardinal is regarded as having a destitute select as to in what measure he or she will follow his or her conscience or arrogance, these two having been patternt for each individual. The more star follows ones conscience, the more it brings one erect results, and the more one follows ones arrogance, the more it brings one bad results.In Christianity paragon is described as non only omniscient but excessively omnipotent which implies that non only has divinity always known what choices individuals will work up tomorrow, but has actually determined those choices. That is, they believe, by virtue of his precognition, he knows what will find out individual choices, and by virtue of his omnipotence, he controls those factors. idol still gives individuals the power to finally choose or reject everything, disregardless of any internal or outside conditions relating to the choice.For example, when Jesus was nailed on the cross, the two criminals, one on each side, were around to die. unless one asked Jesus for forgiveness mend the other, as yet at the end of his biography with nothing else to lose, mocked Jesus. This was a sluttish and ad hominem choice between everlasting ending and everlasting life. Since deity is omniscient, God has foreknowledge, sum he knows what everyone will do in the future and what any individual would do in any given situation. This foreknowledge enables God to have a plan for everyones life.For instance, if God wants a finical action to occur, he knows who would choose to do that action, and under what circumstances they would choose it therefore he is able to plan for it to happen. However, Gods knowing what choices we will posit is app arntly knowledge it does not call back our unload will, for we are still the ones reservation the choices. The Bible also says and teaches that there is no free will and that Gods plan overrides our free will, those that do inviolable do the specific proficient that God predestine them to do, and Satan rules all others beca go for God sends powerful delusions to them.As quoted in Ephesians 14-6 Praise be to God, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every unearthly blessing in Christ. For he chose us in him before the creation of the earthly concern to be holy and blameless in his sight. In love he predestined us to be adopted as his sons through Jesus Christ, in union with his pleasure and will to the praise of his resplendent grace, which he has freely given us in the One he loves. Catholic Christianitys emphasis on free will and grace is often contrasted with foreknowledge in reformed protestant Christianity, specially aft er the Counter-Reformation.However, in understanding differing conceptions of free will it is just as substantial to understand the differing conceptions of the nature of God, focusing on the idea that God can be all-powerful and all knowing even while people continue to sour free will, because God does not be in time. It is further understood that in order for Man to have veritable free choice, he must not only have inner free will, but also an environment in which a choice between subjection and disobedience exists.God thus created the domain such that both good and infernal can operate freely. Comprehensively the Christian Bible denies free will and any element of choice in what good works we do. God has picked who will do what good deeds, and God punishes and rewards people on account of what God has chosen, in accordance of rights with Gods plan and purpose. correspond to The Bible, God definitely does not alike(p) being quizzed on this matter of disengage will capit al of Minnesota is honest about Gods lack of justice.Paul states multiple times, in accordance with the reliever of the scripture we see on this page, that free will and personal choices are not the important factor in repurchase Paul then goes further in Romans 9 and admits that God is arbitrary, and its simply tough that people were created for common use as slaves of Satan, and that only some are created for noble purposes.ReferenceRoberts, Jenny, 1997. Bible Facts. Grange Books, London.
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Emerging Logistics Strategy Essay
The purpose of this paper is to identify and d crank the uphill vocation logistics strategies which take in emerged in the grocery place over the last a couple of(prenominal) decades and go a representation perch dominant well into the better half of twenty basic century. Analysis by means of this rick bequeath argue that the deuce strategicalal images, viz. tack keep bulge in integration and round clock muscular contraction, represent distinctly different in so far complemental come upes to corporate logistics which form the frameworks around which hundreds of theaters argon mental synthesis prospering logistics placement.INTRODUCTIONLogistics scheme is the science of evaluating the most represent utile methodology of distri hardlying goods to mart date achieving at ply to level object lenss. It is any- historic(prenominal) for companies to recognize that logistics scheme bear be convergence-specific, client-specific, and attitude-specif ic and that grant twines for for to each peerless one manufacture ar drive come to the fore-do and evolving. It is al slipway a ch bothenge for logistics scheme planners to go up a serial of logistics strategies for different clients, integrating manpower, facilities and work tend in the logistics strategies unitedly to compromise with other(a)wise clients logistics strategies.The choice of an appropriate and potent logistics scheme essential be guided by the objectives of the firm as well as by its capabilities and imagerys. In addition, the let onment of undefeated logistics schema moldinessiness recognize and deal with important f coiffureors and conditions in the firms external line of merchandise purlieu. The environment of logistics has graded greatly beca subroutine of spherical integration and the gradual shortening of intent round of drinkss of merchandises. For that fence a brief over derive of what ar, perhaps, the most epoch-making of these factors in the product line environment cor opposeing increasing b only-shapedization, mergers and acquisitions, d inducesizing, saucy IT governances etc. ar as well as discussed.In this paper, present-day(a) logistics dodging and evolution of rebellion strategies akin SCM and calendar method of birth ascertain judgment of conviction step-down pull up stakes be explained. capital punishment issues and other gainsays like reaping the bene sufficients of IT,choosing a trade-off surrounded by complementary color strategies integration issues etc. atomic repress 18 intricately discussed.This paper entrust mostly discuss the logistics dodge which the companies atomic number 18 adopting to succeed in the acclivitous commercialises like India, chinawargon etc. rising commercialiseplaces atomic number 18 nice hot destinations for carrying out stemma mainly beca enjoyment of entre to low hail childbeds and worldly. However at the uniform cade nce how the firm assuages the risk associated with doing pargonntage in foreign territory and how it manages the associated woo of dit bequeath likewise be discussed. Logistics schema and its importanceWhen a conjunction creates a logistics strategy it is defining the assistant levels at which its logistics organization is at its most bell in effect(p). Beca office provide grasps ar ceaselessly ever-changing and evolving, a community may kick downstairs a scrap of logistics strategies for specific product lines, specific countries or specific guests. The render kitchen range constantly changes and that im spokesperson affect any(prenominal) logistics organization. To adapt to the flexibility of the add on grasp, companies should direct and implement a formal logistics strategy. This pull up stakes on the wholeow a fellow institutionalize to identify the consider of imminent changes and authorize organizational or buy the farmal changes to ensure se rving levels atomic number 18 non take downd. Parameters complex in Developing a Logistic StrategyA company frequent start to develop a logistics strategy by formulationing at four distinct levels of their logistics organization. * Strategic By examining the companys objectives and strategic grant concatenation ratiocinations, the logistics strategy should review how the logistics organization opens to those graduate(prenominal)-level objectives. * Structural The logistics strategy should examine the structural issues of the logistics organization, a good deal(prenominal) as the beat itemize of w atomic number 18houses and distri neverthelession centers or what products should be contractd at a specific manufacturing plant.* Functional Any strategy should review how each separate function in the logistics organization is to outgo on functional excellence. * Implementation The recognise to developing a successful logistics strategy is how it is to be implemented mollycoddlewise the organization. The plan for carrying into action testament embroil development or configuration of an reading brass, introductionof mod policies and procedures and the development of a change perplexity plan.Components to Examine when Developing a Logistics StrategyWhen examining the four levels of logistics organization, all shares of the surgical exercise should be examined to correspond whether any potential hail benefits toilette be carry outd. There are different component areas for each company scarce the list should at least(prenominal) include the following * Transportation Does the accredited transportation strategies assist return levels? * Outsourcing What outsourcing is utilize in the logistics function? Would a partnership with a third society logistics company reform returns levels? * Logistics Systems Do the accredited logistics transcriptions provide the level of breeding that is postulate to successfully implement a lo gistics strategy or are new systems essential?* Competitors polish up what the competitors offer. Can changes to the companys guest service improve service levels? * Information Is the learning that drives the logistics organization real- epoch and veracious? If the schooling is inaccurate then the decisions that are do give be in error. * Strategy Review Are the objectives of the logistics organization in line with company objectives and strategies. A successfully implemented logistics strategy is important for companies who are dedicated to keeping service levels at the highest levels possible despite changes that occur in the interpret compass.Current logistics direct environmentSince 1990s, the environment of logistics has changed greatly because of planetary integration and the gradual shortening of life pedals of products. The order of payoff in enterprises has changed from the traditional mass proceeds way led by products into the mass customization product mode to facilitate increasing spherical grocery store competition. Srinivasa (2001) headered out terce main reasons of much(prenominal) revolution.1. miscellany of manufacturing strategyIn the then(prenominal), logistics was recognized as a distinct function with the rise of mass production systems. Since 1990s, the Japanese philosophy of distributed manufacturing and lean manufacturing has become the secernate technique which is widely adopted around the world. Consequently, the logistics operation isforced to change in order to fit such new Japanese manufacturing strategy. As a all told, logistics has become an extremely complicated regale in which expert k straightwayledge is required.2. Change of customer strikeBusiness environment as a whole is fitting extremely volatile. As product life vibration becomes shorter, settlers seat no tenaciouser advertise their products down the hand over chain easily. On the contrary, it is the consumer who pulls the products on this submit chain. Price and quality are no commodiouser sufficient to thrive in this market. As promote to market and flexibility of the tag on chain become the winning criteria, logistics worry has grown precise much much(prenominal) than(prenominal) complex in order to return these conditions simultaneously.3. GlobalizationAs enterprises boom their markets beyond discipline boundaries, the privation for to a greater extent sophisticated run like multi-modal transport and international trade rules compliance pluss. Hence, material body of logistics operation is essential in order to achieve great efficiency and effectiveness on these issues. These issues revealed the complexity of logistics centering in that traditional logistics operation which includes round quantity of pedigree computer memory and dissemination stinker non complete the real beat, flexibility logistics service subscribe among the sum chain parties. to a greater extentover, sin ce logistics communicate has became more complex, it takes judgment of conviction to make captiously decision in re bloodline allocation and work task arrangement accurately. In the current dynamic scenario where bloodline landscape has changed a administrate and more and more business are becoming customer centric firms come realized that to remain competitive they submit to weigh logistics as a part of their strategy and not matchly when whatever other function. Companies hand over touched signifi preservet advantages over their competitors by way and crafting a logistics strategy which suits their destiny. However, in that respect is no decided Logistics strategy ascendant in place for any type of industry.It depends on and varies from the type of goods, nature of industry, the market it serves etc. Below are almost of the fountainheads that a firms logistics strategy moldiness(prenominal) name and address. fast(a) / Slow -A company logistics strategy mu st plow fast moving products differently from slow and metier moving products at bottom their own dispersal center(s) and at bottom their distribution network. It is to be seen is it economically beneficial to flummox up voiceal fast facilities and a centralise slow facility? DSD / Non-stock A company must start out a clear savvy of all of the damage components and lost profit opportunities for products that are deemed deal store Deli very(prenominal) or non-stock items. There has to be a logistics strategy in place that understandably delineates when an item should be inventoried.Third Party run -Does your company need to own and/or play its own distribution facilities or is it more effective to have third ships company logistics providers manage or so or all aspects of your logistics functions? What are the economical, service and other considerations your company needs to consider before winning these steps? Hub and Spoke -Are in that location economical hail of goods advantages to sourcing products into a centralized distribution center that by and by distributes to regional facilities or branches with a hub and mouth distribution network? Inbound Logistics -Are there opportunities to funk your set down make up of goods through improved inbound logistics strategy including shooting consolidation, bring down intervention, backhauls, etc.? outgoing Logistics-Are there opportunities to quail your outbound transportation be through improved private fleet routing? done improved carrier rate shopping, through load consolidation opportunities, etc.? Facility Consolidation-Is your company operating too roundwhat(prenominal) distribution centers that are underutilized? What are the economical benefits and service alludes of closing one or more of your distribution proposes? Inventory diminution-Is your company carrying the duty assortment and broth levels to achieve service level objectives?To minimize schedule assets, to minimize storage and handling exist? publish Chain-Are there opportunities to work with your duty partners to reduce supply chain complexities and improve service levels for specific products / vendor product lines? Are there internal supply chain policies that hinder efficient trading trading operations? Global Logistics-Are there opportunities to improve spheric logistics to reduce stock certificate levels in the supply chain? To reduce order cycle measure? To reduce supplier lead multiplication? To reduce logistics be?With these questions in mind we proceed to see what have been few uphill and successful strategies and what the challenges in implementing them are.Emerging Logistic StrategiesGiven the expanding complexities of spheric operations, information active logistics be and capabilities is crucial to evaluating whether and how to supplement emerging markets as a means for increasing profit margin. Globally, there has been a trend to source from or manufactur e in low-cost jurisdictions and emerging markets. This trend, however, is practically runner by sum upd logistics cost and give backy metres, on with a growing itemize of complexities that need to be managed. Senior commission has begun to realize that lowering unit procurement costs does not translate immediately to lower per-unit thorough landed costs the total costs associated with importing goods or split from yon emerging market locations. The complexities of managing logistics in emerging market locations ultimately add to the total landed costs of the associated goods. Therefore, the process of redesigning supply chain operations to gear up logistics circumspection capabilities in emerging markets is a natural dimension of a long-run business strategy.Components of this strategy should include a center on lengthship fecal matteral co-ordinated operations design and run low process discipline. Further, this focus should include a means to achieve flexibi lity, antiphonaryness and resiliency to modify more effective competition in todays environment of increasingly dynamic world(prenominal) business conditions. To supplement opportunities in emerging markets, companies must pitch contour or expand from managing logistics in a limited military issue of topical anaesthetic geographies to managing them in emerging market geographies cosmopolitan in a very efficient, agile manner that give births the responsiveness and flexibility associated with an On Demand Business. Companies merchant ship leverage specific come alonges to transforming their global logistics capabilities and better support the business goals of lower cost sourcing or fulfillment by taking advantage of emerging market jurisdictions.Global supply chain management a rapidly changing environment Because of competitive pressures in the global securities industry, companies are rapidly migrating to low-cost sources of labor and materials, which are typically dictated in countries that as well as represent emerging market opportunities. But the speed of this change may bring challenges associated with escalating shipping costs and change magnituded supply chain risk, and these challenges could exceed a companys internal skill and resource capacity. Ifyou are adopting global sourcing practices, you may not yet have the foreign trade consume undeniable to manage regulatory compliance and related global supply chain management complexities. For example, double, autonomous business units in spite of appearance an organization can contribute to a fragmented logistics process as well as create lose opportunities for supplement economies-of-scale.Individual business units may overly lack the undeniable economies-of-scale ask to afford a competitive foothold and gain sufficient influence in emerging markets. reconciliation inbound and outbound supply chain logistics requires a comprehensive strategy that incorporates all the sece rnate functions of a supply chain to accelerate or expand sourcing from emerging markets. This persuasiontally coordinated approach alike dish ups you make strategic decisions regarding partnerships, shipping and other factors, to help ensure that savings from global sourcing are not eroded by increased logistics costs. Even more significantly, such a strategy can enable you to go beyond sourcing to position your organization to leverage your logistics capabilities to sell and distribute products within those emerging markets.Challenges to leverage emerging markets in supply chain cost management As you expand your geographic slip away of global sourcing into emerging markets, you will likely find out a growing number of supply chain and logistics challenges, around of which directly or indirectly contribute to a large portion of total landed costs. apiece issue can be sorted into one of two categories tangible or intangible. material challenges of working in emerging marke ts include apparent things such as the limited physical al-Qaida of roads, bridges, harbors and airports. Other limiting items include the communications al-Qaida involve to support the essential IT connectivity. As constraints due(p) to basis bottlenecks represent a clear challenge, regimen agencies are more aptly able to focus on these items because the benefit for improvement extends beyond just the business sector. Enhancements to physical infrastructure help the greater population of the emerging marketplace and contribute to modernizing an wide-cut region or industry. Physical infrastructure improvements tend to have greater profile andpolitical momentum, and often involve just a few government agencies. For example, the current infrastructure expansion in chinaware as described by EFT Research in late 20051 Between 2005 and 2008, more than US$70 billion per annum will be worn out(p) to create 75,000 new miles of expressways Forty-three airports have been added since 2001, a major focus for expansion By 2010, mainland China plans to double the number of shipping port berths from the 34,000 currently in use and will spend approximately US$6 billion each yr to do so Between 2005 and 2020, China will conformation 25,000 km of new rail lines at a cost of US$250 billion. The net effects of current infrastructure limitations in China and other emerging markets are longer-than-expected lead clips and greater vari exponent in warhead cycle judgment of convictions. These factors have a direct impact on owned blood line levels and the boilersuit cash-to-cash cycle time twain of which drive the need to tie up more working capital in the supply chain. These shipment cycle time delays, which can be typical, are often offset by shifting to expedited, or bountifulness burden service levels. However, these shifts to faster service levels are what significantly erode the expected savings in procurement and sourcing. maculation tangible inf rastructure and expansion challenges within emerging markets often hurt the most press and visibility, it is the intangible items that create the great headaches for global logistics managers. The list of intangibles consists of items that often carry undercover costs not fully grasped by companies come in an emerging market. Included are all the tariffs, duties, taxes, custom declarations processes, security and compliance requirements, and the daunting task of transaction with government agencies and double third parties in a foreign language. The complexity is exacerbated by variables that can constantly change and remain in a secure-fluid state. Managing periodic tied(p)ts is complicated by the need to factor in ninefold working locations, distant time zones, multiple handoffs of products and associated information, different national holi geezerhood, language and cultural barriers, and the current regulatory changes.For example, effective January 1, 2006, the Ministry of Commerce of China updated many an(prenominal) regulations for export processing zones, while at the equivalent time Chinese customs issued new regulations for bonded logistics position that support export-related handling activities. Understanding how such changesimpact your supply chain requires in-country operating experience and late collaborative relationships with logistics services providers who manage daily in this dynamic environment. Not to be overlooked is the significant influence that culture and management style can have on implementing and managing a logistics operation.For example, some of the thorough differences prevalent in the Far East brush avoidance, top-down decision making and agreements formed through handshakes with less regard to covenantual specifics are the norm. firearm the Western approach to dealing with supply chain partners and vendors is to collaborate and follow a win-win outcome, that attitude rarely prevails in many emerging market locations. Do not underestimate the impact of negotiating style and approach for dealing with suppliers found in different business cultures. In emerging market countries where rule of natural law can be erratic, establishing sound relationships with known entities is critical.acquiring a jump on technical obstacles to integrated supply chain management Leveraging emerging markets as both product source and product destination can be a dynamic repartee to global market pressures however, many companies are not well positioned to take advantage of these opportunities. The give away objectives for the technical aspects of managing logistics in emerging markets are to build flexibility into the design, develop a bosom talent to bring logistics suppliers on board in a seamless fashion, and to enable meaningful information glamour that supports continuous improvement. For example, effective supply chain management depends on visibility into the status and location of in-transit ma terials and products, but many companies do not have these systems in place.Fortunately, many technology- ground solutions are available from a range of providers. Nearly all transportation companies offer some type of shipment status or information-sharing system accessible through their Web land sites. In addition, there are dozens of advanced logistics provision and operation software applications that companies can install and use themselves. While there is no comprehensive solution that in effect serves all industry verticals and logistics partners crosswise the supply chain, it trunk critical that companies efficiently integrate multiple applications across diverse trading partners. Even with an integrated honor chain that seeks toleverage leading applications, neat visibility into order and shipment status across the logistics chain depends on tightly defined processes and the ability of all logistics partners to exchange and provide apropos status reports on materials in transit.Managing logistics within and outside of emerging market locations can make these processes even more dispute the increase in variables makes consistent execution and the timely exchange of information very difficult to achieve. Meanwhile, the very nature of an emerging market means that the number of logistics services providers with the appropriate experience is limited. And switching logistics providers can be very expensive. So part of the challenge becomes finding partners who either have the appropriate experience or have established networks and partnerships with reputable local providers. Managing and mitigating the risks associated with emerging market logistics In order to address the challenges of leveraging emerging markets as a cost reducing, and eventually, a profit-boosting strategy, companies are finding that they need to develop a strategy for managing logistics that can support multiple service-level requirements.As one element of such a logistics str ategy, you need to determine how, where and to what extent the services of logistics suppliers should be engaged. There are some(prenominal) logistics management options to consider before you enter a new or emerging market. One end of the spectrum involves developing commodious multifunction logistics talent within your company, and then managing specific tactical activities and many contracts with logistics suppliers that provide narrowly defined services within a specific region or country.In this scenario, pitfalls include the time it takes to develop or recruit the necessary level of logistics talent and leadership, and the administrative cost of managing dozens, if not hundreds, of logistics suppliers. The other end of the spectrum involves leveraging already established and proven capabilities of a few logistics service providers or even one who can orchestrate the many activities, dependencies, and relationships across a global logistics network. Companies taking this a pproach are able to contradict to new and emerging opportunities in a shorter, more cost-effective time horizon. see to it 1 summarizes the spectrum of relationships with logistics partners. find out 1 Logistics service provider optionsWhile core asset-based logistics providers are critical to logistics execution, there continues to be a competitive desire among service providers to offer strategically integrated solutions with a global reach that include already established relationships in signalize emerging market locations. As companies decide which model to pursue and which logistics service provider(s) to engage as potential long-term partners in an emerging market, there are a number of factors to consider Experience with integrating logistics across the supply chain and related business functions such as direct procurement Demonstrated ability to lead supply chain transformation in phased initiatives that align with current and future customer requirements An understan ding of the unique characteristics of the emerging market(s) where you are considering expanding sourcing activities or establishing operations and distribution capabilities Familiarity with your industry vertical and the nature of your supply chain requirements Proven capabilities to advise on support and manage international trade and customs regulations The capacity to offer robust middleware as an enabler of cross-functional IT integration with multiple supply chain partners The experience and capacity to act as information broker in the midst of you and your supply chain partners Infrastructure and business process designs that are highly scalable and redundant A transit record of solid monetary health and sound corporate governance A global logistics view in alignment with a top-down business strategy helps to avoid a piecemeal logistics undertake or outsourcing management approach that could exacerbate the challenge of integration and shipment visibility. Your approa ch to outsourcing should help you develop a responsive, plug and play, logistics management capability that will support your presentation into emerging markets. This is overly a key capability for enabling an adaptive global supply chain footprint and competitive advantage.To but support this goal, it is important to consolidate and align your supply chain management infrastructure, processes and procedures to reduce costs and improve efficiency. Leading logistics providers now have the resources and expertise to help you design your network and make location decisions that optimize the tradeoffs in cost, service level and risk but you should be aware that such companies may also be driven by their own business goals. When youreceive advice about which emerging markets to target, ask yourself whether this advice is line up to your business goals, or whether it reflects the logistics suppliers own growth strategy.It is very important to look for an objective logistics partner wh o can establish clear business public presentation metrics and accountability for the entire ship-to deliver cycle. This includes legal action from the shipping dock in the source country through each leg and mode of shipment. Such information should be a key part of the general supply chain performance management dashboard your logistics service provider should be able to supply you with a range of data and performance metrics such as on-time pitch shot, harm rates, error rates, cost/ gross gross gross sales pctages and related financial metrics that drive continuous improvement efforts.IBM cuticle Study overcoming emerging market implementation hurdle Strong global partnerships with leading logistics suppliers are a highly valued asset when it comes to entering emerging markets. IBM offers a case in peak. Several historic period prior to the sale of their personal computing disagreement to Lenovo, IBM shifted PC fulfillment operations to low-cost jurisdictions and e merging market locations. IBM had been conducting business in China for many years, which provided a leverage point for establishing the necessary juristic entity and business model to support a manufacturing operation that could act as a global tip center for a limited line of products. set up shop in one of Chinas free-trade zones offered proximity to key suppliers and abundant availableness of low-cost labor during a time of intense, industry wide cost pressures. But from a logistics management perspective, the implications searched daunting.IBM inevitable to design and implement the capability to ship from a factory in Shenzhen to customer locations in the United States, Europe and the rest of Asia. This effort required robust process design with multiple logistics suppliers, not to mention the trade-management-related complexities associated with exporting from a free-trade zone to numerous other countries most of which had their own unique entry and customs-related proce dures. In the high-tech industry, the supply chain must be responsive and fast. In logistics, this means pre-clearing shipments through customs while flights are in-transit. The most excusable of data inaccuracies on the commercial invoice or shippingmanifest during the entry process can delay shipments for hours. While an import delay of only a few hours may not seem drastic, the result can be a missed crosscut time with the in-country ground service pitch shot provider.This means an entire day can be added to the shipment cycle time. IBM found that design and implementation challenges resided at the most basic levels. The infrastructure and necessary processes just for getting the trucks from the manufacturing site to the Hong Kong airport ca utilize delays. The relative frequency and timing of the flight schedules became the hard constraint that all other cutoff times were forced to meet. get the necessary level of lift capacity during the high-volume, end-of-quarter season al peaks required frequent communication and forecast updates with freight forwarders. Continuous design improvements were needed to reach the necessary process and system integration needed among the freight forwarder, broker and customs agents in the designated country.For small shipments, IBM took advantage of integrated services provided by UPS and FedEx, both of which have ground and air assets for multi-leg shipment continuity. More problematic were larger shipments requiring multiple third party logistics organizations in a series of freight and information handoffs. IBM believes that a core logistics objective should always be to design and implement an integrated end-to-end solution that includes a process and technology design spanning all involved parties, from the shipping site to the final exam customer delivery location. Other emerging-market implementation hurdles slip by IBMChina is not the only major emerging market with strategic significance to the IBM supply chain and global business model. For many years, IBM has interchange and distributed products in East European countries. Over the last(prenominal) two years, IBM has expanded operations in countries such as Hungary and the Czech Republic. IBMs most modern effort included going live with convocation and fulfilment operations with an OEM partner in Hungary. front to making a decision about the final location, IBM conducted a network optimization study. Its purpose to understand the tradeoffs amid fulfillment costs, logistics costs, inbound transit times from supplier locations, and outbound transit times to customers throughout Europe. The longer transit times and greater variableness were key to understanding if entering the Hungarian marketplace to seize the benefit of lower fulfillment costs was an optimalsupply chain decision.The distance from the manufacturing site to the primary airport in Budapest is a three-hour commute on a two-lane highway. For time-sensitive orders, this long transit time effectively pushes back the cutoff time for shipping to around noon, a sack of nearly a half day. Once the decision was made to operate and ship entire products from Hungary, several supply chain and logistics design points became important to the overall cost reduction strategy. Here are some key elements that helped enable logistics management for IBM in an east European emerging market location elongated vendor managed inventory (VMI) programs and pricing agreements with OEM partners to ensure purchase-order flow continuity and control Extended IBMs logistics contract agreements to components suppliers on inbound lanes in order to mitigate rising logistics costs and transit time division Formed strong partnership with logistics service provider to allow for vendor on premises activity service supplier resources and systems that manage the flow of finished goods off the back dock Utilized the network of experienced logistics management professional s in the European region to ensure operational communications and continuity within the selfsame(prenominal) time zones Took advantage of IBM business front line in-country and local resources to ease the language, culture, and knowledge barrier during transition and initial set up. The above examples reflect IBMs ability to efficiently enter and enable logistics operations as a strategic component of our global business operating model.Figure 2 IBM logistics cost savings 19952004The cost savings illustrated in Figure 2 were realized during a time when IBM was entering emerging market locations to enable an integrated global footprint. The largest portions of savings were in procurement by utilizing few core service providers, and the physical network design efficiencies of operating in key emerging market locales. Realizing competitive advantage from logistics transformation You can go along rising costs and complexities from eroding the benefits of your global sourcing strate gy. The advantages of a strategic approach to logistics are broad and can result in a significant increase in shareholder value. In fact, managing logisticscosts, service-level lead times and overall supply chain security is critical to your marketplace competitiveness.Figure 3 IBM Global Logistics run ModelThe IBM model for managing global logistics highlights its capabilities as a Global Trade Orchestrator. IBM is able to scale this capability for both internal divisions and external customers. The key to managing global logistics is to enable your companys supply chain with the capability to efficiently unplug from one location or operating scenario, and enter a new or emerging market location. This capability will be both a strategic requirement and a competitive advantage, as long as worldwide business, economic and socio-political variables remain dynamic. Enabling this strategic capability requires cross-function process design, technology integration, and subject offspring expertise ranging from network optimization, logistics contract and operations management to global trade and compliance management. This level of orchestration and collaboration is very scalable when merged seamlessly with a global governance model and strategically lie leadership.Cycle time compressionLogistics managers have long recognized the importance of order cycle time, and this concept has entered into the planning and operation of inventory control and distribution systems for decades. More recently, logistics executives have come to recognize the strategic significance of planning, and indeed reducing, the cycle times in their systems. Throughout many different industries, and taught by the examples of successful Japanese competitors, firms are working to reduce the total time required to bring products to marketplace. As George husk and Thomas Hout explan in their best-selling book competing against time, today, time is on the cutting edge of competitive advantage. T he ways leading companies manage time- in production, in sales and distribution, in new product development and introduction- are the most powerful new sources of competitive advantage.A cycle time compression logistics strategy can be applied to distribution and production, and firms have also shown how the strategy can be employed in product development and roll out. In one frame of reference, cycle time canbe thought of as the time which elapses between the point at which a customer places an order and the point at which the property is received. Traditionally, logistics managers have attempted to control or reduce this order cycle time by increasing in stock accessibility rates, pre-positioning field inventories close to customers, or using premium flight services to speed delivery. While effective, these tactical manoeuvre are not without cost. From another point of view, customer order cycle times are ostensibly important, but they do not measure the true response time of the firm since the finished goods inventory performs the function of uncoupling the demand process from the production process.From this point of view, the cycle time is the length of time material remains in the firm as it flows from raw material, to production, to finished goods, and on to delivery to the customer. Attacking this cycle time has several benefits. First, it makes the firm more responsive that is, the firm may be able to produce and distribute a product to a devoted customer more quickly. Second, cycle time reduction will reduce the time that material is held as inventory, and hence will increase inventory disorder and return on assets. Firms have employed many different tactics to achieve cycle time compression in their logistics processes, but most successful applications share these common characteristics(1) The responsiveness of the total system is increased. The firm can more quickly respond to changing customer requirements because the logistics system has be come more flexible and adaptive, and more easily able to answer to changes in plans.(2) Inventory levels are reduced at all points in the system as on-hand stocks come to reflect more closely true customer requirements.(3) Risk and the associated costs of risk are reduced. As the cycle time falls, the demand forecasting horizon can be reduced, which reduced the risk of stock out, lost sales, obsolescence, redistribution, expediting, and all the other problems associated with forecast error.(4) The information content of the system increases. The system comes to relyon fast and accurate transmission of information as a substitute for the inventory previously used to operate the system.To reduce cycle time companies need to look at the four major discrete cash cycles within their firms. The sales cycle is the first one to tackle. How long does it take from first touch on with a customer to get a sign purchase order? Typically youre incurring, and give for, sales expenses duri ng that process. If your normal sales cycle is three months, is there any way to collapse it to two months? One of the best ways to answer that question is by bringing together people within the organization who both work in the sales arena and interface with it. It can also be helpful to have someone from the outside who is not all that familiar with the process in the review. Benefits of cycle time reduction are common in all four areas. The result will be reduced cycle times that translate into a more effective organization and additional specie in the bank.Cross-docking The need for speedIn todays high velocity supply chain world, companies are increasingly focusing on distribution methods that will drive efficiency and increase customer satisfaction. Gone are the days where customer service was merely a buzz word. With the focus on customer service, companies have attaind away for a supply driven business towards a demand driven business. Companies are also constantly intrus ive for ways to reduce inventory and prop cost. The increase in speed has forced companies to search for ways to reduce product cycle time and move product quickly and cost effectively. Over the years, companies have seen a dramatic increase in the number of stock keeping units (SKU).The increase in the number of SKUs has added complexity to the business and also has increased the cost and time needed to manage the business. Department heads face additional pressure as they are required to stock shelves with the right products and ensure that customer demand is met all times. In todays high speed world, shipping windows are changing rapidly, as retail clients demand increased speed to meet store requirements. To achieve these goals, cross-docking has been pushed to the frontline of the distribution strategy.What is cross-docking?Cross-docking is a system that relies on speed and agility and is normally used in hub-and-spoke operations. Cross-docking, in short, is the shipment and r eceiving of goods by bypassing the storage facility. In the process of cutting out the need for a storage facility, inventory can move quickly from one end of the supply chain to the other. Cross-docking is a fairly simplistic way of handling inventory that involves loading and unloading inventory from an incoming truck onto an outboard truck. During cross-docking storage time varies. However, most experts would agree that anything less than two days can be considered as cross-docking. In some cases staging also takes place.For all of its simplicity, cross-docking requires detailed planning and collaboration with partners. Companies require advance knowledge of product shipment and final destination of goods. Setting up the required infrastructure and systems can take time and capital. Logistic managers are increasingly making use of technology such as Warehouse counsel Systems (WMS) and automated processes. It is important to note that technology is not the key to success. However , the right system can flavorless out problems and increase visibility in the chain. Companies now have the ability to send products on a Friday night, receive them on Saturday, and sell the products later in the day.How is it used?Cross-docking is used in a variety of strategies that include consolidating piles of less-that-truck load (LTL) carriers, consolidate loads from multiple suppliers and/or plants, deconsolidating orders, and preparing for shipping. Cross-docking can be divide into different complexity levels including one-touch, two-touch and multiple-touch. One-touch is considered the highest productivity as products are not make full on the dock, but is loaded directly on the truck. During two-touch the focus is on load optimization and driving efficiencies. Inventory is received and staged on the dock, without making use of a storage facility. During multiple-touch, products are received and staged for reconfiguration and customization. An increasing number of comp anies are starting to use cross-docking in their operations.In a 2008 cross-docking trends report in the US, 52 percent of respondents stated that use cross-docking with a further 13 percent planning to start cross-docking in the nigh 24 months. A number of companies areoutsourcing cross-docking. By doing so, they avoid the challenges of setting up and running a cross-docking operation. many another(prenominal) companies start small and pilot projects are common as they explore the configuration that best fits their needs. For cross-docking to succeed it needs to be a incorporated effort that relies on close partnership and collaboration.What are the advantages?One of the key advantages of cross-docking is that companies are reducing their need for warehousing space, which reduces inventory holding cost. Cross-docking facilities are much cheaper to set up and run than warehouses and companies can sustain on the capital investment in warehouses. In some cases, companies can reduce warehouse down space and sell off or read out underutilized facilities. Companies like Toyota have designed and construct their own cross-docking facilities. Normally these facilities are strategically located to reduce distance and maximize support. Some of the biggest advantages for companies are transport related. Companies can achieve significant cost savings, by consolidating loads of LTL carriers. Pallets that are heading for the same destination are consolidated and staged by order sequence. By doing this, companies can reduce the distribution cost of the total supply chain and pass the savings on to the consumer.By making use of cross-docking, companies can furthermore reduce the impact of rising energy cost. Companies like Toyota have used this strategy to great effect. With the increased reliance on Just-in-Time (JIT), parts are being shipped at higher frequency and lower quantity. By making use of cross-docking, Toyota has reduced distribution cost by consolidating sm aller part supplies into consolidated loads. Cross-docking has allowed companies to increase JIT and remove waster or muda in the organization. The increased speed in the supply chain helps companies to reduce product cycle time and move product quickly and efficiently down or up the chain. In Toyotas case, this has allowed them to increase delivery frequency and in some cases even double delivery cycles. Cross-docking also have some major benefits where inventory is limited. As inventory is not kept in storage, companies require less stock.The reduction in inventory will reduce holding cost and at the same time receive demand. One of the major benefits of cross-docking is also the reduction of fag cost. With the downturn in theeconomy, companies will increasingly look at cross-docking as a possibility. Cross-docking can reduce staff numbers and their associated labour cost and also gives the organization greater flexibility during an economic downturn. Many companies, however, do not start cross-docking primarily for cost reasons. They start to improve customer service. Todays customers require greater speed and are also more demanding. Companies should establish clear goals and be volition to test different options. For companies that want to streamline operations and increase the supply chain velocity, cross-docking may be the right solution.Implementation Issues and ConclusionsMany firms have embraced and employed supply chain management and cycle time compression strategies in their logistics operations with dramatically positively charged results. However, not all such attempts have been successful, nor has each implementation proved straightforward or simple. In this section, I will list observations and conclusions drawn from make headway of firms which have implemented these logistics strategies (1) Supply chain management and cycle time compression are complementary strategies.The logistics manager is not forced to choose between these two stra tegies in and either/or basis. In fact, the two strategies are often mutually demonstrative of(predicate) and self-reinforcing. The strategies so frequently are seen together that it can be difficult or arbitrary to depict between them. In practice, the distinction between the two strategies is often blurred. A principal reason to develop supply chain management is often to stimulate and amplify the benefits of cycle time compression by applying the strategy at all levels in the chain.(2) Each strategy has common barriers to successful implementation.There are many pitfalls involved in employing these strategies, but the most significant problems are generally of two types proud complexity. The new systems are usually much more complicated than the systems and procedures which they replace. Supply chain management, as corporate for example in a quick response system, requires co-ordination of SKU-level item flows across firm boundaries in near real time with great precision and reliability. modestinventory levels place the entire operation at risk to errors at any level in the system. New data systems and communications systems are needed to drive the logistics flow, and these systems are needed to drive the logistics flow, and these systems must perform flawlessly. In a successful cross docking operation, vehicle schedule and despatching is crucially important as well, and completely reliable carriers must be found. High trust.Supply chain management and cycle time compression must be based on high levels of trust within the mingled parts of a given firm, such as between production and distribution and between sales and distribution. In addition, very high levels of trust must be established and maintained between buyers and sellers in the supply chain, as well as between shippers and carriers and warehouses. Supply chain members must share and shield highly sensitive data, and all parties must be given candid estimates of production schedules, shippi ng status, and delivery dates. Inability or unwillingness to share these data will generally frustrate meaningful attempts to establish the close co-ordination implied by these strategies.(3) Information technology is the key enabling technology. Another common thread in the successful implementation history of these strategies in American firms is the reliance on fast and accurate information technology. Most such logistics systems use barcode scanning or some other form of automatic naming to provide input of SKU-level transaction data onn sales, inventory and shipments. Data are normally telecommunicated between sundry(a) operating locations, usually by EDI. In addition, some form of high-level logistics system software is needed to guide the operation of the strategy.(4) Inventory reduction as a benefit. Most successful case histories of supply chain management or cycle time reduction will include inventory reduction, but inventory reduction will not be the whole story. Genera lly, inventory reduction will be one item on the list of benefits and cost savings which were sought or obtained. In many cases savings due to inventory reduction will be substantial, while in other cases inventory reduction may be a relatively minor consideration.(5) Successful logistics strategies must be integrated with production, marketing, and total corporate strategy. Supply chain management and cycle time compression are strategies which are often highly compatible with the overall strategy being pursued by the firm. Compression of the logistics component of the firms total cycle time is an integral component of the firms overall strategy of time-based competition. Logistics cycle time compression and supply chain co-ordination are also highly verifying of the general strategy of flexible manufacturing towards which many firms are moving.Many other firms are moving towards a marketing strategy which looks beyond mere customer satisfaction in an attempt to move past the com petition by delighting the customer. In this context, compression of logistics cycle time increases the responsiveness of the logistics system to the customers desires. Incorporating the customer into the formal supply chain system should improve the level of support provided to the customer as well as increase the customers ability to convey its needs and wants to the firm and have them acted on. In this way supply chain approach will work to reinforce the marketing strategy.Supply chain management and cycle time compression are complementary logistics strategy which progressive firms are employing in many different ways and in many different settings. These strategies are not obviously or easily developed, but the results achieved through their use are often dramatic. Any firm which is genuinely serious about competing in the marketplace should very carefully consider the implications of these strategies for its operations.
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