Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Human resource development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 3
Human resource development - Essay Example The training program should include: The program for the advisor should focus on the improvement of resources provision, conveyance of realities and supply of organizational information to the employees. The training and development program for the advisor should include: Consultant works like a referral agent whose training and development program should focus on assisting employees with their goals through networking with resources and people. Therefore, the plan should include training for: The reason for the evaluation is to document and determine the degree to which the stated objectives have been achieved by the training. In the evaluation process, analysis of the efficiency, effectiveness, appropriateness and the adequacy of the training are carried out. There are four levels of evaluation, impact evaluation, transfer evaluation, learning level and the reaction level. Through the evaluation, we can improve the training programs defined initially. Effective training and evaluation cannot be separated from one another. Evaluation should be carried out by a Quality Inspector who should evaluate the entire training program in a top-down approach. The training program should be evaluated to check whether the training program is effective, whether the resources being provided for the training program are sufficient or not and whether the program itself is training the members as needed. The evaluation should be carried out twice a year for the analysis of the regular training programs and annually after the annual training program has been completed at the end through feedback and control. Evaluation is necessary to ensure that the program delivers maximum incentives to everyone involved (ONeill, Albin, Storey, Horner, & Sprague, 2014). The evaluation should be carried out twice a year for the analysis of the regular training programs and annually after the annual training program has been completed at the end through feedback
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Capital Punishment Should Be Banned From Bangladesh Philosophy Essay
Capital Punishment Should Be Banned From Bangladesh Philosophy Essay According to great author and noble prize winner writer George Bernard Shaw, says that Capital Punishment is a vague term. He illustrates the victims as mad dogs, cobras or adders which causes ill to our society. Either we should kill them or educate them to become eligible for remaining in the society. The real problem is the criminal you cannot reform: the human mad dog or cobra. The answer is, kill him kindly and apologetically, if possible without consciousness on his part. Let him go comfortably to bed expecting to wake up in the morning as usual, and not wake up. His general consciousness that this may happen to him should be shared by every citizen as part of his moral civic responsibility. There is a considerable class of persons who become criminals because they cannot fend for themselves, but who under tutelage, superintendence, and provided sustenance are self-supporting and even profitable citizens. They make good infantry soldiers and well-behaved prisoners. But throw them out into the street and they are presently in the dock. They also present no problem. Reorganize their lives for them; and do not prate foolishly about their liberty. Capital punishment is the death penalty given by the government of a country, to people who have committed hideous crimes like homicide, rape, etc. Capital punishment has been a way of punishing people since ages. Although there are some countries that have abolished death penalty from their law, there are still many which still practice the act of killing a person for crime. Capital punishment is prevalent in the US, Asian and Middle Eastern countries. Some of the ways of executing criminals are hanging, shooting, electrocution and giving lethal injections. People have different opinions on the issue of capital punishment given to a convict. While some think that death penalty is necessary for those who have committed a terrible crime, there are others who consider it as an immoral act that goes against the values of humanity. Pros of Capital Punishment ( Taken from a website and edited in a very small amount because all statements are self-explanatory) A person who has committed a crime like killing or raping another person should be given death penalty, which is as severe punishment as the act. It is said that when a criminal is given a capital punishment, it dissuades others in the society from committing such serious crimes. They would refrain from such crimes due to fear of losing their lives. This would definitely help in reducing crime rate in society. If a criminal is jailed, he may again commit the same crime after being released from prison. Giving him capital punishment would make sure that the society is safe from being attacked by criminals. It seems to be an appropriate punishment for serial killers and for those who continue to commit crimes even after serving imprisonment. Some believe that instead of announcing life imprisonment for the convicts, where they would have to live a futile life behind closed bars, it is better to kill them. It is said that imprisoning someone is more expensive than executing him. Rather than spending on a person who may again commit terrifying crime, it is better to put him to death. Capital punishment is equated as revenge for pain and suffering that the criminal inflicted on the victim. Some people strongly believe that a person who has taken the life of another person does not have a right to live. Sentencing such a criminal can give relief to the family members of the victim that their loved one has obtained justice. It is also important for the safety of fellow prison inmates and guards, as people who commit horrifying crimes like murder are believed to have a violent personality and may, in future, attack someone during imprisonment. These reasons emphasize the importance of capital punishment for the betterment of human society. However, there is another section of people who believe that it is an immoral and unethical act of violence. Cons of Capital Punishment If we execute a person, what is the difference between us and the criminal who has committed the horrifying crime of killing another individual. Capital punishment is not always just and appropriate. Usually, it has been seen that poor people have to succumb to death penalty as they cannot afford good lawyers to defend their stance. There are very rare cases of rich people being pronounced capital punishment. Also, an individual from minority communities are more likely to be given death penalty. Every human being is entitled to receive a second chance in life. Putting a convict behind bars is always a logical option than killing him, as there is a chance that he may improve. People who have served life sentences are reported to have bettered their earlier ways of living and have made worthwhile contribution to the society. There is also a chance that an individual is innocent and is wrongly charged for a crime he has never committed. There have been cases where individuals were released after being given death sentence, because they were proved innocent. There are also cases where a persons innocence was proved after he was put to death. Hence, it is best to avoid executing a person. It is reported that there is no relation between capital punishment and crime rate i.e giving death penalty does not decrease crime rate in the society. Crimes are prevalent in countries where capital punishment exists and also where it has been abolished. Bangladesh Perspective and My Opinion: Bangladesh is a country where there is no right to life. By the various way this right has been violating there. The causes of violation to this right are death penalty, extra judicial killings etc. Here is a common practice of death penalty and killings without justice. Every year many peoples are killed by death penalty and by the extra judicial killings. How many people have killed since independence to till today we dont have this statistics. It is no doubt that, death penalty is one kind of killing. Recently five persons were killed in death penalty within a day in Bangladesh. On 28th January, 2010 Bangladesh was executed this death penalty which decision was made by the Bangladesh Supreme Court. The killed persons were self declared killers of Bangabondhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. Bangabondhu is the father of the nation of Bangladesh. Though, question has arisen on the execution procedure of this death penalty. I want to inform some statistics on Bangladesh to the national and international community. Especially it for the human rights organization and bodies which are working national and international level for the human rights. We have been seeing and reading the news on death penalty almost every week from Bangladesh which was declared by several courts for various charges. Only by extra judicially at least 1,600 people were killed in Bangladesh since 2004. 58 persons were killed during the Operation clean heart in 2002 led by army. We couldnt remember the horrible mass killings in so-called mutiny at BDR headquarters on 25-26 February, 2009. By that mutiny at least 74 were killed inhumanly including 57 meritorious army officers. After that mutiny at least 71 BDR members was died (Source: the daily Bhorer Kagoj, 25 February, 2010). Most of the died BDR were tortured before death, it was alleged. Anyhow, execution of death penalty is very inhuman, degrading and cruel. And no where it approved. Especially it is prohibited by the Constitution and the Universal Declaration for Human Rights. But, Bangladesh has executing the death penalty as normal. According to the Spinney Press, The UN reaffirmed and strengthened its position against the death penalty in December 2007 when the General Assembly passed a resolution calling upon member states to establish a moratorium on executions with a view to abolishing the death penalty. Evidence from around the world has shown that the death penalty has no unique deterrent effect on crime. Many people have argued that abolishing the death penalty leads to higher crime rates, but studies in the USA and Canada, for instance, do not back this up. In November 2009 the Crimes Legislation Amendment (Torture Prohibition and Death Penalty Abolition) Bill 2009 was introduced before the House of Representatives. The legislation fulfils Australias obligations under the Second Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights which requires Australia to take all necessary measures to abolish the death penalty. As a consequence, the death penalty will not be able to be re-in troduced anywhere in Australia. Although the world is gradually moving towards abolition of capital punishment, in 2008 an estimated 1,718 people were executed in 25 countries and at least 8,864 people were sentenced to death in 52 countries. Three quarters of those executions took place in Asia, with China carrying out more executions than the rest of the worlds nations put together. Since 1967 when the last Australian (Ronald Ryan) was hanged, the Australia has maintained a policy of opposition to the death penalty. (It was written in the book-The death penalty). According to this book, most of the executions in 2008 were carried out in Asia, where 11 countries continue to practise the death penalty: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, China, Indonesia, Japan, North Korea, Malaysia, Mongolia, Pakistan, Singapore, and Viet Nam. China alone accounted for at least 1,718 executions although the figure is believed to be much higher as statistics on death sentences and executions remain state secrets. The Middle East and North Africa was the region with the second highest number of executions (508). In Iran, stoning and hanging were among the cruel and inhumane methods used, with at least 346 people put to death, including eight juvenile offenders. In Saudi Arabia, where execution is usually by public beheading, at least 102 people were executed. In the Americas, only the USA consistently executes people, with 37 executions carried out in 2008 including more in Texas than in any other state. The release of four men from death row in the USA on grounds of inn ocence brings to more than 120 the number of such cases released since 1975. The only other country in the Americas to execute in 2008 was St Kitts and Nevis, the first Caribbean state to carry out an execution since 2003. According to the Amnesty International, 93 percents of the world death penalty has executed in China including other four countries. DW-Bengali online section writes (25-2-2010), the European Union was published a declaration on an anti-death penalty. Europe is the first place which is a death penalty free. A proposal of European on anti-death penalty in the Human Rights Commission of Geneva and general assembly of UNO in 1998, was spoiled by the contradictory of USA, China, Africa and some countries of Asia. Though, in 2007 that proposal was passed in general assembly of UNO. And the 58 percents people of China are support to death penalty. In the mean time 93 countries have already abolished to death penalty by making the law. At least 141 country havent giving death penalty, now. We know the Italy has a historical background on anti-death penalty movement. So, we want to thanks and salute to the Italy as well as the countries of European Union for their dedications to the right to life and for the human rights. Our hope, Bangladesh should obey to national and international treaties and declaration for human rights. And Bangladesh government should abolish the death penalty system immediately. If they have believe a little bit on human rights. Islamic Perspective: If anyone kills a person unless it be for murder or for spreading mischief in the land it would be as if he killed all people. And if anyone saves a life, it would be as if he saved the life of all people (Quran 5:32). Life is sacred, according to Islam and most other world faiths. But how can one hold life sacred, yet still support capital punishment? The Quran answers, Take not life, which God has made sacred, except by way of justice and law. Thus does He command you, so that you may learn wisdom (6:151). The key point is that one may take life only by way of justice and law. In Islam, therefore, the death penalty can be applied by a court as punishment for the most serious of crimes. Ultimately, ones eternal punishment is in Gods hands, but there is a place for punishment in this life as well. The spirit of the Islamic penal code is to save lives, promote justice, and prevent corruption and tyranny. Islamic philosophy holds that a harsh punishment serves as a deterrent to serious crimes that harm individual victims, or threaten to destabilize the foundation of society. According to Islamic law (in the first verse quoted above), the following two crimes can be punishable by death: Intentional murder Fasad fil-ardh (spreading mischief in the land) Intentional Murder The Quran legislates the death penalty for murder, although forgiveness and compassion are strongly encouraged. The murder victims family is given a choice to either insist on the death penalty, or to pardon the perpetrator and accept monetary compensation for their loss (2:178). Fasaad fi al-ardh The second crime for which capital punishment can be applied is a bit more open to interpretation. Spreading mischief in the land can mean many different things, but is generally interpreted to mean those crimes that affect the community as a whole, and destabilize the society. Crimes that have fallen under this description have included: Treason / Apostacy (when one leaves the faith and joins the enemy in fighting against the Muslim community) Terrorism Land, sea, or air piracy Rape Adultery Homosexual behavior Actual methods of capital punishment vary from place to place. In some Muslim countries, methods have included beheading, hanging, stoning, and firing squad. Executions are held publicly, to serve as warnings to would-be criminals. It is important to note that there is no place for vigilantism in Islam one must be properly convicted in an Islamic court of law before the punishment can be meted out. The severity of the punishment requires that very strict evidence standards must be met before a conviction is found. The court also has flexibility to order less than the ultimate punishment (for example, imposing fines or prison sentences), on a case-by-case basis. At the end I want to say that Capital Punishment is necessary, if the situation is applicable. This is not unethical or immoral but it has to be seen that the griminal is passes with ease and relief.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Aquatic Fitness Routine :: Water Aerobics
In order to achieve and maintain the benefits of exercise, an aquatic exercise program must follow the main principles of a workout. It should begin with warm-up stretches on the pool deck, followed by an in-pool aerobic warm-up session. Then the actual conditioning activity begins, consisting of 20 to 30 minutes of vigorous "aerobic" activity. A cool-down period in the pool can end the session, although a toning period is recommended following the cool-down. The following section discusses the aquatic fitness routine in detail. Warm-up Stretches It is very important to include proper warm-up routines before each day's activity. Physiologically, the muscles need to be warmed slowly through increased circulation, and the heart rate needs to be raised gradually. Psychologically, each participant needs to begin to think about the workout and perhaps set some personal goals for the day. Warm-ups are also an important safety precaution. Cold, tight muscles are inefficient for a good workout and may tear with sudden movements. A general idea to keep in mind while structuring a warm-up routine is to try to simulate the movements of the activity to be performed in the main body of the workout. The warm-up should simulate the workout movement but should be of a much lower intensity. Because of the nature of the exercises, they should be performed before entering the pool. A good warm-up should move quickly but thoroughly from the top of the body to the bottom of the body. In lap swimming and aerobic workout, special attention should be given to these areas: shoulder complex, obliques, abdominal, groin, hamstrings, quadriceps, gastrocnemius. Aerobic Warm-up Exercises Once the participants have entered the pool, they need to slowly raise their heart rates and get their body temperatures acclimated to that of the pool. Some fun activities for a good aerobic warm-up are to walk, jog, skip, or hop back and forth the width of the pool. As further variation, participants can do front kicks or skips and hops across the pool width. Finally, long strides, called skiing, can be used across the pool width. There are several fun games, such as musical kick-board, water basketball, and tug of war, that may be appropriate for your group as an aerobic warm-up. These games should be played for approximately 5 minutes as a warm-up activity. Conditioning Activities Circuit Training: Circuit training is a conditioning activity using stations. Different activities are designated for each station to provide a relief from the monotony of lap swimming.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Over-the-counter (OTC) medicines
Over-the-counter (OTC) medicines are drugs you can buy without a prescription compared to prescription drugs, which may only be sold to consumers with a prescription. Some OTC medicines relieve aches, pains and itches. Some prevent or cure diseases, like tooth decay and athlete's foot. Others help manage recurring problems, like migraines. When it comes to treating such common ailments as coughs and colds, fever, heartburn, and aches and pains, people are using more types of non-prescription, over-the-counter medicines than ever before.Once consisting of a relatively small number of medications, OTC medicines now account for the majority of all medications used, including many that were once available only by prescription. There are more than 100,000 OTC products on the market today, and the market is worth  £500million-plus a year and is growing every year. Some of the most common examples of OTC drugs are pain relievers, antihistamines, cough medicines. Pain relievers are medicin es used to treat pain caused by any number of conditions. They can be used to treat headaches, joint pain, muscle cramps or minor injuries.Some examples of OTC painkillers are Anacin Tylenol and Excedrin. Generic versions of these brand-name medications can also be found. Some generic examples include aspirin, ibuprofen, and ketoprofen. Antihistamines are medications used to treat or prevent the symptoms of allergies. OTC antihistamines can be divided into two types: first and second generation. Some examples of first-generation antihistamines are Dimetapp, Benadryl. Second-generation examples include Claritin and Zyrtec. While both types can be used to treat allergies, first-generation antihistamines can also be used to treat colds. Both types can be mixed with other medications, such as painkillers, to treat several symptoms at once.OTC cough medicines are split into two separate categories: antitussives and expectorants. Antitussives function as cough suppressants. They relieve c oughing fits by blocking the reflex to cough. Expectorants thin the mucus that causes coughing, making it easier to break up and lessening the duration of the cough. Examples of OTC antitussives include Triaminic Cold and Cough and Robitussin Cough. Examples of OTC expectorants include Mucinex and Robitussin Chest Congestion. The benefits of OTC drugs are the costs to the patients and the NHS.People seeking relief from symptoms of common ailments and some diseases can avoid the cost of a doctor's visit by purchasing OTC drugs and can still have confidence that the medicine meets necessary criteria. Also, OTC drugs are generally less expensive than prescription medicines this both benefitting the NHS and the patient. Some problems with OTC drugs have arisen with patients abusing ovOTCr the counter drugs. They are readily available to the general public. According to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, the number of people abusing prescription and OTC drugs jumped from 4.7 million to 6.9 million between 2005 and 2007.OTC drugs are deemed safe if used as directed. However, it seems clear that not everyone is following the directions. A big reason OTC drug abuse is prevalent is because these drugs are accessible and relatively cheap. Many people already have OTC drugs in their medicine cabinets or cupboards. There is no need to hide the drugs for fear of raising suspicions or getting arrested. Illegal drugs, which can produce the same effect as OTC drugs, are more dangerous to obtain and typically more costly. As well as abuse of OTC drugs there’s addiction Alone, codeine phosphate is only available on prescription. But it has been available OTC in low doses and in combination with aspirin, paracetamol, or ibuprofen for many years.The most common addiction is to the OTC drug Solpadeine – a combination of paracetamol and codeine. There are 4,000 known people registered that are currently have this problem. In conclusion OTC drugs can have t here pluses and negatives on the general public. It saves a lot of NHS money by having over the counter drugs by saving a lot of doctor’s time for minor ailments. However there have been a lot of problems with abuse and addictions that have arose from this questioning where some are safe for patients to be getting such access to.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
No Child Left Behind and English Language Learners
No Child Left Behind ( NCLB ) was intended to be instruction ‘s reply to â€Å" divide but equal. †Between 1979 and 2007, the figure of school age kids who spoke a linguistic communication other than English at place increased from 3.8 to 10.8 million ( NCES, 2009 ) . This represents an addition from 9 per centum to 20 per centum for this clip period. Spanish is the first linguistic communication of about 12 per centum of all pupils in public schools. More than 400 different linguistic communications are spoken by the 5.5 English Language Learners ( ELL ) in the United States. 49 per centum of Hispanic 4th graders were classified as proficient in basic reading compared to 77 per centum proficient white pupils on the same trial. In math, 69 per centum of Hispanic 4th graders were adept compared to 91 per centum for white pupils ( NCES, 2009 ) . Merely 4 per centum of 8th class ELLs and 20 per centum of pupils classified as â€Å" once ELL †scored at the proficient or advanced degrees on the reading part of the 2005 National Assessment for Educational Progress ( NCES, 2009 ) . ELLs have some of the highest drop-out rates. They besides are more disposed to be placed in lesser accomplishment groups. Since NCLB was implemented in 2001, there appears to be an addition in the figure of high school ELLs non having a sheepskin because they failed high-stakes trials even though satisfactorily finishing all other graduation demands. The United States is going more and more diverse both ethnically and linguistically. The per centum of ELLs in schools is on the rise more fleetly than the existent Numberss. While the figure of pupils with restricted ability in English has grown exponentially across the United States, their degree of academic accomplishment has lagged radically behind their linguistic communication bulk equals. ELLs academic public presentation degrees are significantly below those of their equals in about every step of accomplishment. In the 2005 National Assessment of Educational Progress, merely 29 per centum of ELLs scored at or above the basic degree in reading, compared to 75 per centum of non-ELLs ( NCES, 2009 ) . The Good The NCLB Act has drawn a good trade of coveted consciousness to the achievement spread of ELL pupils. Under NCLB, the academic advancement of every kid, including those larning English, will be assessed in reading, math and finally scientific discipline and societal surveies. This will supply parents and instructors with information as to how good the pupils are executing and provinces will be held accountable for consequences ( NCLB, 2001 ) . The jurisprudence has generated some benefits for ELLs by pulling attending to these pupils, and doing their public presentation count. NCLB requires that pupils are to be tracked as a subgroup and instructors and decision makers are more concerned about what is working and what is non working. They besides are more aware of looking for what could work with ELLS. Most provinces now have criterions for kids larning English as a 2nd linguistic communication. Annual appraisals based on those criterions and marks are to guarantee more pupils are come oning and making English linguistic communication proficiency over clip ( NCLB, 2001 ) . NCLB requires that all kids, including ELLs range high criterions in English linguistic communication humanistic disciplines and mathematics. In add-on, Title III of NCLB requires ELLs to make proficiency in English in several countries including reading, composing, hearing, and speech production and that their advancement be assessed yearly ( Abedi, 2004 ) . Schools and territories must assist ELLs, among other subgroups ; do changeless betterment toward this aim as measured by public presentation on province trials, or hazard austere effects. States and territories must guarantee that there are extremely qualified instructors in all schoolrooms, including those with ELLs. NCLB does non order a peculiar method of direction for larning English and other academic topics. Districts and schools have the privilege to take the methods of direction that best meets the demands of pupils, including methods of teaching in another linguistic communication or in English ( NCLB, 2001 ) . The jurisprudence is flawed but it does concentrate on English linguistic communication scholars and makes their achievement count. The Bad Ells are the fastest turning population in our public schools and many of them are really born in the United States, the kids of immigrants ( NCES, 2009 ) . The challenges for ELLs are hard. This population continues to swell quickly in volume, with mostly surging concentrations in a little figure of provinces. Accurate ELL designation remains a challenge. As presently implemented, ELLS are to be assessed under the same conditions in testable topics as adept English talkers. Many provinces and school territories are non tracking high school graduation rates for ELLs ; the fastest turning population of pupils ( Zehr, 2009 ) . NCLB was supposed to rectify this. Merely eleven provinces met their answerability ends for ELLs under NCLB in the 2007-2008 school twelvemonth ( Zehr, 2009 ) . NCLB intended to do teacher quality betterment by holding instructors attain â€Å" extremely qualified †position. But â€Å" extremely qualified †does non intend the instructor of ELLs is extremely qualified to learn ELLs ( Harper & A ; de Jong, 2009 ) . High bets proving is coercing direction to alter from enquiry, lifelong larning to learning to the trial by utilizing a method called â€Å" drill and putting to death †. Teaching to the trial is extinguishing the chance for instructors to learn pupils higher order believing accomplishments ( Ravitch, 2010 ) . This reduces clip that instructors are able to learn creativeness, self guided enquiry, and motivational subjects for all pupils. Ells are being taught trial taking schemes alternatively of content related aims. The usage of trial homework worksheets and â€Å" bore and kill †exercisings does non turn to the demand for direction in academic English. To do equal annual advancement ( AYP ) , each territory and school is required to demo that every subgroup has met the province proficiency end in reading and math. Accurately measuring these pupils in English, which is compulsory by jurisprudence, is really demanding, dearly-won, and clip consuming. The cogency of AYP is in hazard when schools inconsistently label English proficient pupils ( Abedi, 2004 ) . NCLB gives provinces authorization to categorise ELLs. Different provinces and even school territories within a province usage different ELL categorization standards. Besides, the ELL subgroup stableness remains inconsistent when ELL pupils reach proficiency degree and are moved out of this group. This straight affects the truth of AYP coverage ( Adebi, 2004 ) . States with high ELL pupil populations in their school territories face greater challenges when learning ELLs and doing AYP as compared to provinces with sparse ELL pupil populations ( Abedi, 2004 ) . ELLs need clip and readying to larn academic English. Unfortunately, in many ways, NCLB is increasing the accomplishment spread by puting greater demands on instructors to supply trial tonss that will lend to the school doing AYP. Possibly, the most toxic defect in NCLB is its legislative bid that all pupils in every school must be adept in reading and mathematics by 2014, including pupils with particular demands, pupils whose native linguistic communication is non English, pupils who are stateless and missing in social advantage, and pupils who have every social advantage but are non interested in school assignment ( Ravitch, 2010 ) . If they are non, so their schools and instructors will endure the effects. What Can Be Done? Teachers must concentrate on learning reading. Abedi ( 2004 ) states that ELL pupils who are better readers perform better. Reading is the key to all academic topics and without adept reading accomplishments, all pupils, including ELLs will make ill on all trials ( Abedi, 2004 ) . Teachers should be learning and non worrying about ways to do certain that they make the tonss needed in order to maintain instruction. Focus on ELLs public presentation, both for persons and groups to place forms of betterment or deficiency of betterment, ideally utilizing multiple steps ( Adebi, 2004 ) . The ELL subgroups must stay stable over clip. When a pupil ‘s degree of English proficiency has improved to a degree considered proficient, that pupil is moved out and non counted in that subgroup ( Abedi, 2004 ) . Testing must be just for all pupils particularly ELLs. Academic accomplishment trials are constructed for native English talkers. Modifying linguistic communication on trial inquiries to decrease the degree of gratuitous lingual and cultural prejudice could increase public presentation of ELLs ( Abedi, 2004 ) . Lack of academic English accomplishments topographic point ELLs at a greater disadvantage for understanding what is being assessed. Testing should be fair for all pupils. NCLB has placed undue trial public presentation force per unit area on schools with big Numberss of ELL pupils. This is particularly unrealistic when schools may still fight with the same limited school resources as earlier. We must hold a clear vision of what is considered a good instruction ( Ravitch, 2010 ) . Goals should be meaningful and come-at-able and non based on a apparently unapproachable ideal. As a state of immigrants, it is perfectly indispensable that we meet the demands of those pupils larning English as a 2nd linguistic communication. It has long been a challenge within the schoolroom to at the same time learn English alongside the other mandated topics such as mathematics, composing, scientific discipline, and societal surveies. Along with this, best pattern learning modes must be identified and used and instructors must be given appropriate preparation to implement these best patterns. Along with this, support must be provided to adequately implement these learning best patterns. Teachers must hold preparation in order to transport out these aims. Last, lawgivers must look at NCLB and find its achievability. Is the authorization for each pupil to be adept in English linguistic communication humanistic disciplines and mathematics by the twelvemonth 2014 idealistic or realistic?
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Should people have the right to choose to die essays
Should people have the right to choose to die essays Should People Have The Right To Choose To Die? Je vous demande le droit de mourir. I ask the right to die. So went the refrain from Vincent Humbert who for 3 years lay in a hospital bed knowing that he would never walk, see, speak, smell or taste. Yet, he could live into his 80s. His only means of communicating was his right thumb, which he would press into his mothers hand as she recited the alphabet, to spell out words. His family supported his request and his mother campaigned on talk shows and even spoke with the President of France to ask that her son be allowed to die legally. Euthanasia is illegal in France, though historically their justice system has been lenient with cases of mercy killing. Other European countries have legalized euthanasia, but the family could not afford to travel. In 2001, the Netherlands became the 1st country to legalize physician assisted suicide and euthanasia, with Switzerland and Belgium having followed suit. Since the case of Vincent Humbert, Frances National Assembly will now debate a euthanasia law. Oregon is the only state in the U.S. in which euthanasia is legal. Legal requirements are in affect in each of the countries to insure patients rights. Doctors are not supposed to suggest euthanasia as an option and must make a patient aware of all other medical options. A request for euthanasia must be made voluntarily and repeatedly by a patient of sound mind. The doctor-patient relationship must be long term. Written requests for euthanasia at a doctors discretion should a patient become too physically or mentally ill to decide for themselves is also an option. Opponents of euthanasia have a laundry list of complaints. They say patients are shopping for doctors who are sympathetic to their cause and that many of these patients are depressed. They say 80% of euthanasia deaths are not reques...
Monday, October 21, 2019
Siege of Charleston in the American Revolution
Siege of Charleston in the American Revolution The Siege of Charleston took place from March 29 to May 12, 1780, during the American Revolution (1775-1783) and came about after a change in British strategy. Shifting their focus to the southern colonies, the British first captured Savannah, GA in 1778 before mounting a major expedition against Charleston, SC in 1780. Landing, Lieutenant General Sir Henry Clinton conducted a brief campaign that drove American forces under Major General Benjamin Lincoln back into the Charleston. Conducting a siege of the city, Clinton compelled Lincoln to surrender. The defeat resulted in one of the largest single surrenders of American troops and created a strategic crisis in the South for the Continental Congress. Background In 1779, Lieutenant General Sir Henry Clinton began making plans for an attack on the Southern colonies. This was largely encouraged by a belief that Loyalist support in the region was strong and would facilitate its recapture. Clinton had attempted to capture Charleston, SC in June 1776, however the mission failed when Admiral Sir Peter Parkers naval forces were repulsed by fire from Colonel William Moultries men at Fort Sullivan (later Fort Moultrie). The first move of the new British campaign was the capture of Savannah, GA. Arriving with a force of 3,500 men, Lieutenant Colonel Archibald Campbell took the city without a fight on December 29, 1778. French and American forces under Major General Benjamin Lincoln laid siege to the city on September 16, 1779. Assaulting the British works a month later, Lincolns men were repulsed and the siege failed. On December 26, 1779, Clinton left 15,000 men under General Wilhelm von Knyphausen in New York to hold General George Washingtons army at bay and sailed south with 14 warships and 90 transports for another attempt on Charleston. Overseen by Vice Admiral Mariot Arbuthnot, the fleet carried an expeditionary force of around 8,500 men. Armies Commanders Americans Major General Benjamin LincolnCommodore Abraham Whipple5,500 men British Lieutenant General Sir Henry Clintonrising to 10,000-14,000 men Coming Ashore Shortly after putting to sea, Clintons fleet was beset by a series of intense storms which scattered his ships. Regrouping off Tybee Roads, Clinton landed a small diversionary force in Georgia before sailing north with the bulk of the fleet to Edisto Inlet approximately 30 miles south of Charleston. This pause also saw Lieutenant Colonel Banastre Tarleton and Major Patrick Ferguson go ashore to secure new mounts for Clintons cavalry as many of the horses that had been loaded in New York had suffered injuries at sea. Unwilling to attempt forcing the harbor as in 1776, he ordered his army to begin landing on Simmons Island on February 11 and planned to approach the city by an overland route. Three days later British forces advanced on Stono Ferry but withdrew upon spotting American troops. Returning the next day, they found the ferry abandoned. Fortifying the area, they pressed on towards Charleston and crossed to James Island. In late February, Clintons men skirmished with American forces led by Chevalier Pierre-Franà §ois Vernier and Lieutenant Colonel Francis Marion. Through the rest of the month and into early March, the British wrested control of James Island and captured Fort Johnson which guarded the southern approaches to Charleston harbor. With control of the southern side of the harbor secured, on March 10, Clintons second in command, Major General Lord Charles Cornwallis, crossed to the mainland with British forces via Wappoo Cut (Map). American Preparations Advancing up the Ashley River, the British secured a series of plantations, such as Middleton Place and Drayton Hall, as American troops watched from the north bank. While Clintons army moved along the river, Lincoln worked to prepare Charleston to withstand a siege. He was aided in this by Governor John Rutledge who ordered 600 slaves to construct new fortifications across the neck between the Ashley and Cooper Rivers. This was fronted by a defensive canal. Only possessing 1,100 Continentals and 2,500 militia, Lincoln lacked the numbers to face Clinton in the field. Supporting the army were four Continental Navy ships under Commodore Abraham Whipple as well as four South Carolina Navy vessels and two French ships. Not believing he could defeat the Royal Navy in the harbor, Whipple first withdrew his squadron behind a log boom which protected the entrance to the Cooper River before later transferring their guns to the land defenses and scuttling his ships. Though Lincoln questioned these actions, Whipples decisions were backed by a naval board. In addition, the American commander would be reinforced on April 7 by the arrival of Brigadier General William Woodfords 750 Virginia Continentals which raised his total strength to 5,500. The arrival of these men was offset by British reinforcements under Lord Rawdon which increased Clintons army to between 10,000-14,000. The City Invested Having been reinforced, Clinton crossed the Ashley under the cover of fog on March 29. Advancing on the Charleston defenses, the British began constructing siege lines on April 2. Two days later, the British constructed redoubts to protect the flanks of their siege line while also working to pull a small warship across the neck to the Cooper River. On April 8, the British fleet ran past the guns of Fort Moultrie and entered the harbor. Despite these setbacks, Lincoln retained contact with the outside via the north shore of the Cooper River (Map). With the situation rapidly decaying, Rutledge escaped the city on April 13. Moving to completely isolate the city, Clinton ordered Tarleton to take a force to sweep away Brigadier General Isaac Hugers small command at Moncks Corner to the north. Attacking on at 3:00 AM on April 14, Tarleton surprised and routed the Americans. After the fighting, Vernier was killed by Tarletons men despite asking for quarter. It was the first of several brutal actions taken by Tarletons men during the campaign. With the loss of this crossroads, Clinton secured the north bank of the Cooper River when Tarleton joined with Lieutenant Colonel James Websters command. This combined force advanced down the river to within six miles of the city and cut off Lincolns line of retreat. Understanding the severity of the situation, Lincoln called a council of war. Though advised to continue defending the city, he instead elected to parley with Clinton on April 21. In the meeting, Lincoln offered to evacuate the city if his men were permitted to depart. With the enemy trapped, Clinton immediately refused this request. Tightening the Noose Following this meeting, a massive artillery exchange ensued. On April 24, American forces sortied against the British siege lines but to little effect. Five days later, the British began operations against the dam that held the water in the defensive canal. Heavy fighting began as the Americans sought to protect the dam. Despite their best efforts, it was nearly drained by May 6 opening the way for a British assault. Lincolns situation further worsened when Fort Moultrie fell to British forces under Colonel Robert Arbuthnot. On May 8, Clinton demanded that the Americans unconditionally surrender. Refusing, Lincoln again attempted to negotiate for an evacuation. Again denying this request, Clinton began a heavy bombardment the following day. Continuing into the night, the British pounded the American lines. This, coupled with the use of hot shot a few days later, which set several buildings on fire, broke the spirit of the citys civic leaders who began pressing Lincoln to surrender. Seeing no other option, Lincoln contacted Clinton on May 11 and marched out of the city to surrender the following day.  Aftermath The defeat at Charleston was a disaster for American forces in the South and saw the elimination of the Continental Army in the region. In the fighting, Lincoln lost 92 killed and 148 wounded, and 5,266 captured. The surrender at Charleston ranks as the US Armys third largest surrender behind the Fall of Bataan (1942) and Battle of Harpers Ferry (1862). British casualties before Charleston numbered 76 killed and 182 wounded. Departing Charleston for New York in June, Clinton turned over command at Charleston to Cornwallis who quickly began establishing outposts across the interior. In the wake of the citys loss, Tarleton inflicted another defeat on the Americans at Waxhaws on May 29. Scrambling to recover, Congress dispatched the victor of Saratoga, Major General Horatio Gates, south with fresh troops. Rashly advancing, he was routed by Cornwallis at Camden in August. The American situation in the southern colonies did not begin stabilize until the arrival of Major General Nathanael Greene that fall. Under Greene, American forces inflicted heavy losses on Cornwallis at Guilford Court House in March 1781 and worked to regain the interior from the British.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Corpus Callosum and Brain Function
Corpus Callosum and Brain Function The corpus callosum is a thick band of nerve fibers that divides the cerebral cortex lobes into left and right hemispheres. It connects the left and right sides of the brain allowing for communication between both hemispheres. The corpus callosum transfers motor, sensory, and cognitive information between the brain hemispheres. Function The corpus callosum is the largest fiber bundle in the brain, containing nearly 200 million axons. It is composed of white matter fiber tracts known as commissural fibers. It is involved in several functions of the body including: Communication Between Brain HemispheresEye Movement and VisionMaintaining the Balance of Arousal and AttentionTactile Localization From anterior (front) to posterior (back), the corpus callosum can be divided into regions known as the rostrum, genu, body, and splenium. The rostrum and genu connect the left and right frontal lobes of the brain. The body and splenium connect the hemispheres of the temporal lobes and the hemispheres of the occipital lobes. The corpus callosum plays an important role in vision by combining the separate halves of our visual field, which process images separately in each hemisphere. It also allows us to identify the objects we see by connecting the visual cortex with the language centers of the brain. In addition, the corpus callosum transfers tactile information (processed in the parietal lobes) between the brain hemispheres to enable us to locate touch. Location Directionally, the corpus callosum is located underneath the cerebrum at the midline of the brain. It resides within the interhemispheric fissure, which is a deep furrow that separates the brain hemispheres. Agenesis of the Corpus Callosum Agenesis of the corpus callosum (AgCC) is a condition in which an individual is born with a partial corpus callosum or no corpus callosum at all. The corpus callosum typically develops between 12 to 20 weeks and continues to experience structural changes even into adulthood. AgCC can be caused by a number of factors including chromosome mutations, genetic inheritance, prenatal infections, and other causes that are unknown. Individuals with AgCC may experience cognitive and communication developmental delays. They may have difficulty understanding language and social cues. Other potential problems include vision impairment, lack of movement coordination, hearing problems, low muscle tone, distorted head or facial features, spasms, and seizures. How are people born without a corpus callosum able to function? How are both hemispheres of their brain able to communicate? Researchers have discovered that the resting state brain activity in both those with healthy brains and those with AgCC look essentially the same. This indicates that the brain compensates for the missing corpus callosum by rewiring itself and establishing new nerve connections between the brain hemispheres. The actual process involved in establishing this communication is still unknown.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Theory used in Social Work Practice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Theory used in Social Work Practice - Essay Example The social scientific texts, which focus on culture does not make it abstract and hence culture is important in social sciences. Narrative theory is also important in describing every aspect including the looking after the people who lost lives of their near and dear ones. The narrative realities include individual emotions, psychic realities as referred by Freud and thus evade all narrative formalizations. The point in this paper is about 'tragic' news narratives of an Asian Lady suffering from depression due to sudden death of her mother. In the above aspect, style holds the important place as it depends on both culture and nature of the individual. In some cases of tragic narratives style can define the culture and the extent of depression of the subject. As the present situation is about the Asian lady suffering from depression, understanding the differences in narration due to culture can help in understanding her. Though some writers feel that the narratives reduce personal and social meanings to glib fables, the other writers emphasize on cohesion and repetition (Corinne Squire, 2000). 1 The application of theory depends on the subject chosen. The subject here is an Asian lady suffering from depression due to loss of her mother due to sudden death. ... The psychological orientation in social service and work can be fulfilled by applying narrative theory to the subject in the present context. The changes that occur in the work of a social service practitioner will be from the expressions of the subject and narrative theory helps in understanding them in a clear manner. The notions of expertise in narrative theory can influence work education and can enable direct change in the subject with the help of research of the practitioner. In addition to above mentioned aspects, narrative theory helps in reshaping qualitative enquiry, which helps in recovery of a subject in depression. The thematic, structural, dialogic and visual things in the research will critically analyze the data and thus the researcher can choose the approach to deal with the subject. The subject in the context of the paper needs pragmatic approach and narrative theory is suitable for the meant treatment and to modify the social work contexts. The narration in the cou rse of treatment helps the researcher to collect different types of data and to compare it in different ways to know Th exact point of the treatment (Jan Fook, 2002). 2 Advantages in Applying the Theory The important advantage in using the narrative theory is avoiding suicide by the subject by the treatment that involves narration. As the depression in United States is substantial and it is more in Asian population, the qualitative research in narrative theory helps in coping up with depression motivated suicide. As the lady in the present context is suffering from the depression of sudden death of mother, there is every chance of attempting suicide and narrative theory helps in avoiding it. The subjects of depression of above mentioned
Friday, October 18, 2019
Human motor development a lifespan approach Research Paper
Human motor development a lifespan approach - Research Paper Example The lifespan approach studies an individual over the relapsing and progressive stages of growth. Socialization in human motor development is very important because through it people learn who they are and how we are connected to other people. When a child is born, the process of socialization starts and this period is most crucial for the process because it is at this stage that we acquire identities like culture, language and acquire personality. This process continues further even into adult life. As a child grows, it enters into different stages and are expected to socialize with different people. There are different ways that are used to teach socialization to their children as they grow (ONeil, 2011). Formal education, one of the ways, is the knowledge that teachers pass onto children and is a crucial period for children as they grow into adults so as to socialize properly with the people with whom they will interact. The other one is informal education which can be passed on through many forums and it involves imitating what is done by others, experimenting and practicing basic skills that are being done by others. Cognitive development is the growth of the thought process which includes the ability to remember things and events, solve problems, and arrive to decisions through from childhood to adult hood. It is known that babies start to be interested in their surroundings and to explore them from birth. As children go through different levels of growth, they are able to for example, smile, recognize close family members, respond to name become inquisitive and do various other things as they undergo cognitive development. Unless the child undergoes cognitive impairment, or the affecting of this process by factors like autism and other leaning disabilities or illnesses, this process is systematic throughout life. When there is deprivation, research has shown that it affects motor development. Children who have been brought
Historian root of the devil's highway Assignment
Historian root of the devil's highway - Assignment Example Thus entering America by any means had become a necessity for the Mexican people. For that they are ready to do any compromise, even sacrificing their lives also. The book â€Å"Devil’s Highway†is based on the same issue of illegal immigration from Mexico to United States. It is a true story that involves many aspects such as border issue, gangsters, deprived conditions of the immigrants, the business involved in illegal migration, political issues from both sides and many more. In this paper following major aspects of the story have been discussed 1. Migrant Labour 2. Federal Economy 3. Border policy History of Migrant Labors, border policies and the Economical Factors: Though the story is shocking, it is not an unexpected or new. â€Å"Two thousand people died crossing the border in the five years before these 26 men hit the road.†(Marc Ramirez 2012) The migration is a common phenomenon, which has its root in the history of American immigration. The beginning of migration of Mexican people to United States started in the early years of twentieth century. It happened in around 1907, when the Japanese immigration was abridged. When America officially entered World War I, the country was in need of Mexican laborers. After the war the US Border Patrol was created and it culminated into the restrictions the Mexican immigrations. Yet unskilled migrants started entering US for meeting their economic demands. Many times it was an illegal immigration. In early 1930s there was a slight drop in the migration. The demand for Mexican laborers again increased after Pearl Harbor. There was an agreement between US and Mexican government for a large number of Mexican laborers. This is known as braceros. During wartime the source of food supply was the Mexican laborers. A professor of Mexican and Latin American politics and economics, Jorge Dominguez Madero states, â€Å"It was Mexicans and Rosie the Riveter who ran the American economy and enabled Amer ican citizens to go to war,†The US growers pressurized to continue the same immigration process even after the end of the war. But there was an acute shortage of the documented or legal laborers, hence the illegal recruitment of Mexican laborers continued. The illegal immigrants became the major support for the US agricultural economy. In 1964 the US government ended the Bracero program and after that the problem of illegal migration started growing. In 1968 the economic condition in Mexico was horrible and it led to the number of undocumented immigration. â€Å"Mexican immigrants became convenient scapegoats for widespread joblessness and budget shortfalls. Paradoxically, they were blamed simultaneously for â€Å"taking away jobs from Americans†and â€Å"living off public relief.††(Douglas Massey, Jorge Durand, and Nolan J. Malone Pg.33) Economic condition/ poverty of Mexican: Both Mexican Government and US government did not pay much attention to the immigration issue till 1980. Many reasons were involved in it. In 1986, the United States passed the Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA), but there was no voice from the side of Mexican Government. In political and economic unrest there is no substitute for Mexican immigrants to move to United States. The financial crisis led immigration. ‘Enrique Landeros Garcia was thirty years old. His wife, Octavia, was only twenty-three. They had a son named Alexis. He had recently turned seven, and he was ready for school, but Enrique and Octavia didn’
SLP Time Warp 3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
SLP Time Warp 3 - Essay Example This paper thus attempts an implementation of the suggested theories, and in this way attempts at discovering the most effective strategy that can be used with the three products (Abbing & van Gessel, 2008). Pricing is largely regarded as a viable marketing strategy that the company can pursue. In this regard, the cost at which product X5 is sold needs an increment since the simulation results proved that the product was still in its growth phase and thus has a greater potential for growth before it attains maturity. On the contrary, the product X7, out of the simulation results, shows that it lies in the pre-growth phase. An increase in its product, though a risky course to take, seems to be the most logical path at the moment in a bid to determine the market reception, as well as acting as a means by which to test its market limits. The third product, the product X6, revealed to be in the maturity phase from the simulation results. Given its relatively impressive market run, it is a wise choice to further push its marginal profit through a slight price increment. The reason for stressing on slight is to avoid a scenario where it is too highly priced making the cost an issue that makes customers opt for competing brands (Beverland, Napoli & Farrelly, 2010). As a marketing procedure, this final strategy takes the combined strategy approach in achieving optimum product performance in terms of sales generation and profits accrued from these sales. In this regard, an implementation of the simulation results taking into account the initial R & D allocation increment (Bivainiene, 2010). Increasing the expenditure allocation of the R & D is done through an increase of that of the product X5, a product in its growth phase, as well as in the introductory phase of the product X7. The projected results out of these changes are as shown below: Year 2012 Product Price $ R&D Allocation % Profits X5 265 33 121, 288, 230 X6 420 34 264, 830, 873 X7 230 33 -22, 254, 435 Total 3 63,864,668 In the succeeding year, the pricing marketing strategy will prove the most logical strategy to be applied. In this strategy, the prices of products X5 and product X7 are reduced in relative margins. The price of the product X6, is however, left constant without any changes made to it. The rationale behind this direction is because the two products, X5 and X7 are relatively weakly established; the strategy to be applied needs to be focused upon two main issues, the increase in sales volumes, and the quick and efficient penetration of the market to establish its niche amongst the more established products in the same category as them (Slotegraaf & Pauwels, 2008). The strategies that call for an increase in the expenditure of the R & D are, however, left to continue. The expected profits changes on the application of the price changes and allocation of the R & D are as reflected below: Year 2013 Product Price $ R&D Allocation % Profits X5 240 35 79, 643, 368 X6 420 28 264, 8 30, 950 X7 180 36 0 Total 344, 474, 318 A thorough application of the strategy is reflective of the continued product success in terms of gaining market ground and penetration. The price reductions were necessary since it is the variable that can be modified as far as the marketing mix is
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Journaling Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Journaling - Essay Example daily behaviors about how to realize and reach a middle ground to be able to be an effective teacher-journalist in class in a class which shows affection to learning. Wages are what a worker gets from money or solid appreciation of their work. This differs according to education and constitution the worker belongs to and works in. It is negotiable and thus the worker could offer more for his working time the more the appreciated he is and the effect of such behavior is the giving efficiently into the work done. If improperly done, the law has the right on the side of the customer and employer to cut down the wages until proven better in the way of handling the work(referring to the worker)if the worker does not efficiently prove him or herself worthy of the wages they get they are either fired or demoted or given a lesser salary or wages than the primary wages they have been given before the time of the inefficiency. The fact that workers could be differentiated among due to racial or religious backgrounds is uncontroversial but is not the purpose of this essay unless referred t o later on when wanted. When a worker deals with the surrounding environment they are affected upon and affect upon and this is directly proportional or inversely proportional according to the manner that the environment is dealt with and how the worker is dealt with. The main thing is that the more appreciated the environment is to the worker the more efficient the worker works and thus the increase of productivity and quality and quantity of the product. But is the wages a measure of such appreciation? sometimes ,if not under constrictions of strict law rules or employers who employ their relatives and friends who could not efficiently work in their positions, the wages to a great sect, if not most of the sect, deal with wages as being the best thing to measure the way that performance in such field by the worker has been progressing. The worker applies his methods of working and of
The UK public sector Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
The UK public sector - Case Study Example In doing so, there was a definite movement towards policies that would influence the industrial relations and the trade union movement. (Driver et al, 1998) This was followed by changing political ideals and approaches towards the public sectors in the following decades. In recent times however, it has been seen that there is significant unrest and discontent within the trade union regarding perspectives on the public sector in terms of pay and industrial relations. This paper will discuss the causes and extent of such discontent through the context of theories, events and various facts related to the civil services in general. It is imperative to first define the public sector in UK. A country's public sector generally defines the horizon on which the various developments towards progression and growth of infrastructure take place. It is also the regulating force that underscores the activities within the market and that of the private sector as well. It is no different for UK's public sector which consists of basic amenity providing bodies like the postal service, the fire department, education, health and prison service, to name a few. Any country or organisation's basic and most important resource lies with its human element. The working force behind the industrial sector is in fact the work force, popularly known as the human resources. In giving the trade unions a large and important role to play as far as industrial relations were concerned, the UK government was trying to achieve the following results: Make optimum utilisation of its workforce. Create enough scope though accelerated production for economic growth which would in turn compensate the ravages of the two world wars Keep maximum resources and service provision bodies in the public sector through a demonstration of high capacity and capability. (Driver et al, 1998) With the identification of such goals, came the emergence of the trade unions which realised that it could exploit the public sector to a greater advantage. To make use of human resources for the achievement of such goals, the UK government gave into the demands of the employees. Thus, it can be seen that the public sector was governed closely by a set of standards set forth by the trade unions in context of pay and conditions of work. The trade union was thus a body that regulated the operational sphere of the public sector as it had important roles to play in various processes like decision making and centralisation of collective bargaining methods. This was not to last though. With the advent of the Thatcher government, there was a steady change in the equation enjoyed by the trade union within the public sector. (Driver et al, 1
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Journaling Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Journaling - Essay Example daily behaviors about how to realize and reach a middle ground to be able to be an effective teacher-journalist in class in a class which shows affection to learning. Wages are what a worker gets from money or solid appreciation of their work. This differs according to education and constitution the worker belongs to and works in. It is negotiable and thus the worker could offer more for his working time the more the appreciated he is and the effect of such behavior is the giving efficiently into the work done. If improperly done, the law has the right on the side of the customer and employer to cut down the wages until proven better in the way of handling the work(referring to the worker)if the worker does not efficiently prove him or herself worthy of the wages they get they are either fired or demoted or given a lesser salary or wages than the primary wages they have been given before the time of the inefficiency. The fact that workers could be differentiated among due to racial or religious backgrounds is uncontroversial but is not the purpose of this essay unless referred t o later on when wanted. When a worker deals with the surrounding environment they are affected upon and affect upon and this is directly proportional or inversely proportional according to the manner that the environment is dealt with and how the worker is dealt with. The main thing is that the more appreciated the environment is to the worker the more efficient the worker works and thus the increase of productivity and quality and quantity of the product. But is the wages a measure of such appreciation? sometimes ,if not under constrictions of strict law rules or employers who employ their relatives and friends who could not efficiently work in their positions, the wages to a great sect, if not most of the sect, deal with wages as being the best thing to measure the way that performance in such field by the worker has been progressing. The worker applies his methods of working and of
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
A Better Way to Keep the Net Open and Accessible Research Proposal
A Better Way to Keep the Net Open and Accessible - Research Proposal Example Customers are different, and so are their demands. As the Internet is becoming a commonplace instrument of communication, many of them also want to use chats and web messenger interfaces to contact potential suppliers. More often than not, it is the quality of communication and sales support that guides customers in their purchasing decisions. One morning, this manager notices that access to web interfaces and chat applications was blocked by the Internet provider, on the premise that they may threaten the safety of the online environment. In the meantime, the Internet provider also provides a list of chat and web interfaces to be used by the manager. Does it benefit the sales manager and the organization, for which he works? Certainly, it does not. It is the same as being unable to watch YouTube videos and using Facebook and other social networks to talk to people from all over the world. Network neutrality guarantees that Internet providers cannot use their advantageous position to discriminate against individual rights and freedoms of online users.  Customers are different, and so are their demands. As the Internet is becoming a commonplace instrument of communication, many of them also want to use chats and web messenger interfaces to contact potential suppliers. More often than not, it is the quality of communication and sales support that guides customers in their purchasing decisions. One morning, this manager notices that access to web interfaces and chat applications was blocked by the Internet provider, on the premise that they may threaten the safety of the online environment. In the meantime, the Internet provider also provides a list of chat and web interfaces to be used by the manager. Does it benefit the sales manager and the organization, for which he works? Certainly, it does not. It is the same as being unable to watch YouTube videos and using Facebook and other social networks to talk to people from all over the world. Network neutralit y guarantees that Internet providers cannot use their advantageous position to discriminate against individual rights and freedoms of online users.  Network neutrality is essential to freedom and openness in the networked world. In other words, network neutrality guarantees that all web resources are available for users, irrespective of whether Internet providers benefit or lose from making these web resources available and accessible. This makes sense because, on the one hand, online users need freedom in accessing and using information and, on the other hand, only network neutrality can guarantee fair competition in the online world. Imagine a situation, when online providers block access to online newspapers and magazines, merely because these newspapers and magazines do not pay a share of their profits to Internet providers. Frustrated and lost, these users find themselves in a mist of unawareness. They do not read the news; they do not know about political and economic c hanges in the world.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Speaker Driver: Comparison of Options
Speaker Driver: Comparison of Options Speaker driver choice is a very important consideration, since the transducers themselves are of course the most fundamental part of the speaker. Regardless of other factors, one can never expect inferior drivers (and hence the system as a whole) to perform well. There are two main options when choosing drivers; electrostatic or conventional voice-coil designs. Although many seem under the impression that electrostatic loudspeakers are a modern invention this is not the case; Janszen was granted the first U.S. patent for such a device in 1953[1]. Considering the relatively small market penetration of electrostatic transducers and the fact that they tend to appear largely in high-end designs, one might be led to assume that electrostatic panels are superior to conventional drivers. This however is only partially true. One advantage of electrostatic panels is that full-range designs are possible, eliminating the need for crossovers and hence the associated problems with frequency and phase response in the crossover band. Another advantage is that the electrostatic panel is generally very light and hence offers excellent transient response, whilst also offering very good directionality and imaging. The latter may also be seen as disadvantage, since it effectively makes the ideal listening position rather narrow. In terms of disadvantages, the chief problem with electrostatic designs is a difficulty in reproducing bass frequencies at high SPLs. Generally the panel excursion is small, which makes it hard for electrostatic transducers to move the required volume of air at low frequencies. Furthermore, since electrostatic transducers are not meant for use with an enclosure, phase cancellation is an issue, again resulting in reduced bass performance. Audiostatic, a company that manufactures audiophile full-range electrostatic speakers, admit of their own devices with regard to bass that â€Å"Obviously because of the limited membrane excursion they wont produce ear shattering levels at that frequency†[2]. As a result of the aforementioned bass performance, many high-end electrostatic speakers are in fact hybrids, using voice-coil woofers for low frequencies with electrostatic panels covering the mid and high range. One example is the Martin Logan Summit[3], which whilst described as â€Å"our most advanced and sophisticated full-range loudspeaker†nevertheless makes use of two 10†woofers for low-end reproduction. Of course in this situation a crossover is still required, so the advantage of the possibility of a full-range design is often nullified in practice. Still, electrostatics may prove very attractive as high quality mid to high frequency drivers, although they are certainly not cheap. In choosing conventional voice-coil drivers, there are many factors to consider. In terms of quality, it is certainly true that one does indeed get what one pays for. Whilst high quality manufacturers such as SEAS[4] are happy to provide detailed frequency response plots and Thiele-Small parameters for their transducers, many cheaper manufacturers are less transparent about their devices. One common trick to beware of, often used by less scrupulous manufacturers, is the quoting of a recommended frequency range without stating the variation in output (in dB) across this range. A recommended operating range without any indication of the actual performance within the frequency band is virtually meaningless. Many assume a  ±3dB range is implied when reading such data; it is unwise to make such assumptions. Furthermore, even if frequency response across a range is qualified with the variation in output in dB, this is still not ideal. Obviously one desires that any variation in output magnitude will be a smooth variation; one still has no idea of how â€Å"lumpy†the response might be. For these reasons it is best to choose drivers that are accompanied by frequency plots, since this gives a far more accurate representation of true performance. Another important consideration in choosing a driver is the application for which it is intended. For example, a woofer with a high maximum cone excursion and low Fs may perform very well in a large sealed cabinet but be totally unsuited to a ported implementation (Dickason, 2000). One can make use of the quoted Thiele-Small parameters to ascertain whether the driver is suitable for its intended purpose. Construction materials also give an indication of how the driver may sound. In terms of woofer and midrange drivers, for example, an aluminium cone may indicate greater bass precision than an otherwise equivalent transducer with a paper cone; softer cones are associated with greater distortion than their stiffer counterparts. However, as Larsen (2003) notes â€Å"cone break-up behaviour and frequency response was shown to be strongly dependant on the Geometrical Stiffness of the Cone†. Hence the geometry of the design may be more important than the material used. Diameter of the driver is also a hugely important factor for woofers, although of minor importance for tweeters. To reproduce bass frequencies at good SPLs, a large volume of air must be moved by the driver. To this end, there is absolutely no way a 6†driver can compete with a 12†driver of similar quality in terms of bass extension; it is simply not physically possible. Power handling is another consideration that must be given thought when choosing a driver; the peak short-term power dissipated by a transducer can easily be double its long-term rating. Naturally for the best performance it is desirable to ensure that the driver is not operating too close to its quoted limits. One should think carefully about how hard the driver is likely to be driven and ensure its power handling is adequate; overdriving a unit at best will result in distortion and at worst may cause irreversible damage. In many cases users overdrive and damage units in an attempt to achieve a higher SPL, particularly in the bass region. If the system requirements are adequately specified and designed for, this should not happen. For the high-budget client, the best solution will either be high-quality voice-coil drivers carefully selected to complement each other, or a hybrid electrostatic implementation. It is difficult to recommend a fully electrostatic solution due to the associated problems with low frequency performance, although for some clients this may be acceptable. For the low-budget client, standard voice-coil drivers are the only solution. The quality of the drivers used will largely be influenced by pricing; one should carefully consider all factors and attempt to find the best solution within budget. Datasheets should be closely scrutinised to identify the strengths and weaknesses of each option before a solution is chosen. In conclusion, notwithstanding the electrostatic debate, driver choice is largely influenced by price and performance. In general, the better specified the driver, the more expensive it is likely to be. If working with a high budget, one is likely to simply choose the best specified drivers. Conversely, with a limited amount of capital, one must make the best compromise that can be reached within budget. Sources Larsen, Peter. (2003). Geometrical Stiffness of Loudspeaker Cones, Loudsoft. Borwick, John. (2001). Loudspeaker and Headphone Handbook, Focal Press. Dickason, V. (1995). The Loudspeaker Design Cookbook, Audio Amateur Publications. Rossing, T. (1990). The Science of Sound, Addison-Wesley. 1 Footnotes [1] United States Patent 2,631,196 [2] http://www.audiostatic.com/faq.html [3] http://www.uk.martinlogan.com/speaker_intro/summit.html [4] http://www.seas.no Effect of Globalisation on Culture: Annotated Bibliography Effect of Globalisation on Culture: Annotated Bibliography John Tomlinson Globalization and Culture John Tomlinson analyses the globalization and the culture relationship, Globalization is in the center of modern culture; cultural practices are in the globalization center. In John Tomlinson view, globalization and culture could be interpreted as relationship that they complement each other. John Tomlinson thinks that researching Globalization from the fields of political science, economics, sociology and communication to lead the field of culture, cultural practices are designed to reveal the meaning of globalization On globalization, John Tomlinson thinks the point of view from the daily life experience and to analyze the sense of intimacy, uniqueness. On culture, John Tomlinson reflect on the cultural and political and economic relationship between the practice to clarify the complex cultural purposes, that is what makes life full of meaningful experience. John Tomlinson focused on the Deterritorialization of the concept that deterritorialization of our current globalization and cultural conditions, it exists in everyday experience among the grasp of many aspects of cultural globalization. Globalization fundamentally is the place we live, it makes our cultural practices, cultural identity and cultural experience and the relationship between the occurrences of the transition, it reduces or removes the daily dynamic between cultural and territorial positioning Contact; This culture, the opportunities and pitfalls. So, John Tomlinson called for world unity. Hardt, Michael; Negri, Antonio, (2000) Extract from Hardt, Michael; Negri, Antonio, Empire pp.xi-xvi,3-21, Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press Hardt, Michael; Negri, Antonio, hardt criticize the globalization, their bookempire could be considered as the representative of the anti-globalization works. They argue that the globalization is the capitalist production and economic relations have become more autonomous from political controls ,But with the traditional left to some of the different anti-globalization, this book address the global changes in an attempt to put forward in the context of globalization, new practice ideas. Hardt, Michael; Negri, Antonio books argument can be roughly simplified as follows: Globalization has led to changes in capitalism, the nation-state boundaries disappear, the new Empire has been formed, showing a new form of sovereignty, is composed of many countries and a joint supranational organizations . Empire does not establish a power center, nor rely on fixed boundaries or barriers. Empire is a decentralized to the regions with the tools of the rule, and gradually areas into the global expansion of its open and whole. Such an abstract rather than concrete empire how to rule? Finally, Hardt, Michael; Negri, Antonio called the masses are a utopian construct. Sociology of knowledge that, in the absence of any organized sports, leadership, and the dominant ideology, even if there is no amount of suffering, it will only submit to humiliation. The authors argue that the masses is the seed of the revolution, they need international links to change the empire, but these people in todays nation-states under the barrier, how could the international links, how to overcome language differences Saskia Sassen (2008), Neither global nor national: novel assemblages of territory, Authority and rights Columbia University, USA, Ethics Global Politics, Vol. 1, No. 1 2, 2008, pp. 61 79 Saskia Sassen is the Professor of Sociology, Columbia Universityà ¯Ã‚ ¼Ã…’the globalization leads the Unequal distribution of material resources, cultural colonialism and the depletion of non-renewable raw materials, the source of political conflict between North and South. Consequences of this phenomenon, such as global climate change to all social classes and the widening between the poor countries gap between the rich have led to greater social crisis. Sassen thinks that the world only about 40 nodes in a transnational influence in the city, most of them located in the North Atlantic global subsystem; Globalization and World Cities Study Group believes that the world only 50 World City , and another 60 to 70 cities to show the world the city part of the evidence Saskia Sassen states that Economic globalization not look at the globalization of capital accumulation, but also the production process of globalization. If the economic globalization, the globalization of the production process as we see more than just capital, capital is only one aspect of economic globalization, it is another aspect of the globalization of labor, especially in the international movement of labor. In the process of economic globalization, the cities, especially global cities, a place of convergence of capital and labor, the coordination center of the world economy, and thus become the problem of inequality in the globalization process of strategic intervention place. Specifically, how interventions, A Brief History of Neoliberalism, David Harvey, Oxford University Press David Harvey Examine the new liberalism in the past few decades to stir up trouble, and largely reshaped the pattern of international politics, not only for our understanding of the financial crisis, but also for understanding the development of global capitalism. With the new round of financial crisis sweeping the world and impact on all walks of life, people have tried from all aspects, directly or indirectly, to discuss the origin and development of the crisis, including the re-study of world history over the past few decades in the political and economic theory and practice. In this context, there is a scholar claim that the capitalist world have long been in crisis for a long time. People who make this assertion is David â‚ ¬Ã‚ ¢ Harvey At the beginning, David Harvey analyze the U.S. war in Iraq, the United States in the implementation of the new Chilean liberal reform, pointed out that neo-liberal reforms, but at outside the United States once again in the experiment, then it could be the sample as their internal reform Of course, we should not forget the teachings of Marx In the past philosophers only interpret the world, but the important thing is to change the world. For understanding the status of our world today and the new liberalism of the context, although this small book may be many areas for improvement, but still occupies an important position. Arjun Appadurai, Disjuncture and Difference in the Global Cultural Economy, 1990 7: 295 Theory Culture Society, DOI: 10.1177/026327690007002017. Arjun Appadurai thinks that disjuncture and difference are normally in the global cultural economy, today, the central issue is the tense relationship between global interaction heterogeneity and cultural homogeneity. Homogenization is globalization and the universal, heterogeneous, that the pursuit of ethnic, indigenous rights and the maintenance of cultural identity. As mentioned earlier, the key is, homogeneity of the substance at the expense of heterogeneity as the price, The basic efforts are to discuss the disadvantaged and marginalized groups in the cultural status quo from the inequality freed. From an academic perspective, the demands of cultural heterogeneity consist of the following reasons: First, the cultural standpoint, it has a position of cultural relativism. The need for different cultures to maintain their autonomy, because whether it is strong or weak culture, are equal in rights, no one culture is superior to other cultures, nature. Therefore, there is no one culture can be for other cultural legislation, and its own advantages and disadvantages of other cultures for the evaluation criteria. Thus in Arjun Appadurai thinks that which derived from the resistance of a strong culture means that it is not for the emphasis on their own than any other culture their own special appeal, but in Europe or the male-centered center of power has become a universal rule in the context of intercultural the pursuit of equal status. Ulrich Beck, the Terrorist Threat: World Risk Society Revisited, 2002 19: 39 Theory Culture Society, DOI: 10.1177/0263276402019004003 the British sociologist Ulrich Beck, with his point of view, representation of contemporary social structures and life patterns generated by the many changes in availability of a second modern the character, and different from the traditional modern / post-modern painting points.  In this book, the second modern and cosmopolitanism, points out the first modern over-development, will turn off the collapse of global market and the nation-state patterns, and will generate reflection type of cultural development. Cultural development in the reflection type, the modern rational and the Universe would have been a powerful challenge of all; society will also be the inner self to begin conversion. Peoples cultural experience and experience in space, including the cultivation of various degree of recognition, diversity of life forms of the cross, the Political Action Without Borders, etc., will have a more diversified development. Risk society has the global common foundation, because in the second modernity, whether political, economic or ecological crisis, the risk of the spread is no national boundaries; so modern risk society, must put in the context of globalization down interpretation. However, Baker on the second modern in the description of the world, the globalization of the past simply is not the same. In order to interpret more in line with the concept of global development community, and puts forward a cosmopolitan, containing the words all men are brothers, David held Anthony McGrew, David Goldblatt Jonathan Perraton, Global Transformation Early in the 20th century, David held and the famous sociologist Anthony Giddens, Professor, who put together the relevant risk society of the concepts and theories Ecological, financial, military, terrorists, biochemical and information, and other risks in our contemporary world in a way there is overwhelming. To the risk we experience everywhere; we could only make the following three types of reaction: denial, indifference and transformation. The first approach is largely rooted in modern culture, but it ignored this attitude has denied that the political risks; second approach succumb to the kind of postmodern nihilism which type of argument; The third approach led to my theory of world risk society issues raised: the future of man and the diversity of the expected consequences with the risk of changes in how the impact and awareness of modern society, survival conditions and the system? Global default is a rational increase in demand uncertainty. Caused by industrial society because of the uncertainty does not necessarily lead to confusion or disaster. Rather, the uncertainty can not be calculated can also a source of creativity, which is a contingency to allow reason and experiment new things. Thus, the current end of a pervasive sense of the kind of odds Mike Featherstone, Global Culture: Nationalism, Globalization, and Modernity Mike Featherstone is currently Britains consumer culture theorists. In this book, consumer culture, as his object of study, reviews the theory of consumer culture Featherstone three main aspects: first by an aesthetic theory of everyday life, this is the theory of consumer culture Featherstone core and foundation. While the previous practice of daily life and consumption has some research, and creation of daily life for the Featherstone laid the foundation of aesthetic theory, but he did not think life is a tool that strict control of rational consumer space, but also do not think life is a fragment of a fragmentation. Featherstone believes that everyday life is consumer spending the main field of practice, and in this field, the emergence of consumer practice of aesthetic tendencies. Featherstone follows the performance of the control and resistance theory. practice in the analysis of consumption during the fight right to speak, on the one hand explains how to control the ideology of everyday life cultural practices of consumers, but also pointed out how consumers the possibility of a boycott., on the whole, daily control of the consumer ideology is growing, but from specific consumer practice, consumers have been symbols of consumer culture transformation and substitution. Mike Featherstone lamented that some disorder of literature, Michael Gurevitch, Culture, Society and the Media Michael Gurevitch based on the world, from an interdisciplinary and cross-cultural perspective of globalization and democratization of the media between the complex and sometimes mutually reinforcing and sometimes conflicting multi-faceted relationship. This book proposed a new theory about generalities, but not to provide a description of the micro, but the relevant proposition was different theoretical and historical sort, from which new problems. firstly discusses the theory of globalization and the globalization of media organizations in the media, marketing, form, movement, effects and management aspects of change, and the media bottom-up globalization process and practice. Then, the article in English literature of the existing market liberals, liberals in the public domain, and the radical democrats of different concepts of democracy and the spread of globalization and its significance for the different media analysis were reviewed, Finally, the book was put forward, including media ownership diversity, multi-directional flow of the global media in the political and theoretical significance, the Western model and views the adequacy or relevance media for political information than the broader identity role during the formation of macro issues such as 7, to promote the breadth and depth of study. The globalization and democratization of media there are complex interactions between the relationships between two, which is far from even a discussion of two books could come to an end. Oliver Boyd-Barrett, Terhi Rantanen. The Globalization of News  Oliver Boyd-Barrett, Terhi Rantanen research from the social perspective ,and emphasizes the role of government era of globalization, and the Government can play a complementary effect and the market potential to give more attention. Using of statistical methods proved that external risks can not be ignored, but the state is playing an important integral role in providing social security and protection of social justice. Government maintains economic openness and balance between domestic needs of the community as a crucial and irreplaceable role. The implication is: If the Government is up to the role that globalization will be able to smooth the contrary, this process will be reversed.  Oliver Boyd-Barrett,Terhi find some latest new which find the process of globalization, which in many ways is very different. For example, todays international financial system from the conclusions of historical research in analysis and interpretation should be applied to contemporary events, there will be quite limited indeed. But the basic values of the market mechanism and social hundred years did not occur in a large change fundamentally. Since the markets expansion on a global scale in fact has brought individuals and the income gap between countries and the widening gap of economic welfare, just as happened 80 years ago as; it will be useful to draw lessons from history. How is Hamlet Character Influenced by Greek Philosophy? How is Hamlet Character Influenced by Greek Philosophy? Hamlet, protagonist of Shakespeares tragedy of the same name, is one of the most ambiguous and enigmatic characters of the history of literature. He is a thinker, and extremely philosophical, meditative and suspicious, indeed, he is always pondering about question with no answer. His monologues are very contemporary, because they are about psychological struggles that are still unresolved. His character is strongly influenced by philosophy and, particularly, by Greek philosophy. We can understand that Hamlet was interested in Greek culture by his numerous references to Greek mythology, and by the main topics of his soliloquies: the conflicts between right and wrong, thought and action, life and death, and the importance of the mind and thoughts of an individual. They all refer to important philosophical concepts of Greek philosophy, such as relativism, skepticism and humanism, which are rooted in ancient Greek philosophers thoughts and studies. About the references to Greek mythology, we can observe citations about many characters belonging to myths. Hyperion, Satyr, Niobe, Hercules (Act I, Scene II, 140-153), where Hyperion is a Titan or a byname of Helios, God of the sun; a Satyr is a lecherous creature, half-man and half-goat; Niobe was the Queen of Thebes, who wept for her dead children even when she was turned to stone; and Hercules is a mythical Greek hero, notorious for his strength. Nemean lion (Act I, Scene IV, 83), which was a vicious monster who lived at Nemea. Priam, Hecuba (Act II, Scene II, 422-459), where Priam was the King of Troy during the Trojan War, and Hecuba was his wife. From this analysis, we can observe that not only was he interested in Greek mythology, but also on Greek literature, indeed, he probably read Homeric poems, Iliad and The Odyssey. Another evidence that Greek philosophy influenced Hamlet is that he often refers to Relativism. For example, when he says to Rosencrantz: there is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so (Act II, Scene II, 240), he is referring to the Sophist theory that the truth or justification of moral judgments is not absolute, but relative to the moral standard of some person or group of persons1[1]. Another example is the most iconic monologue of the tragedy: To be, or not to be: that is the question: / Whether tis nobler in the mind to suffer / The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, / Or to take arms against a sea of troubles, / And by opposing end them?. Hamlet is struggling whether is more noble to kill himself or to continue living though the problems he is facing. We can consider this as a form of moral relativism because, from Hamlets perspective, even something collectively thought as so morally incorrect like suicide can become correct, noble. According to Protagoras , a pre-sophist philosopher, The human being is the measure of all things, of those that are, that they are, and of those that are not, that they are not. By this, Protagoras apparently meant that each individual person is the measure of how things are to that person: things are or are not, to me, according as they appear to me to be or not be. Briefly stated, moral relativism is the view that moral judgments, beliefs about right and wrong, good and bad, not only vary greatly across time and contexts, but that their correctness is dependent on or relative to individual or cultural perspectives and frameworks.2[2] We can also consider the same monologue as an example of skepticism, because Hamlet is fond of pointing out questions that cannot be answered because they concern supernatural and metaphysical matters. Hamlets monologue What a piece of work is a man! / How noble in reason! how infinite in faculty! in form and moving how / express and admirable! in action how like an angel! / in apprehension how like a god! the beauty of the / world! is an evidence of another philosophical trend: Humanism. Even if the word Humanism was invented by Latins (Humanitas), we can observe Humanist thoughts in Sophist philosophers, Socrates and Plato. In that period, indeed, the subject of the philosophical speculation changed from transcendental topics, like Gods or the origin of the universe, to the human being. They became interested in human mind and experiences, and related topics such as ethic and ideas. To understand Hamlets tragedy deeply, first we have to understand its historic, religious and philosophical context. From the philosophical point of view, I found evidence of many philosophical trends influences, to both Hamlets character and Shakespeare, but I can state that most of them are related to the most important Greek philosophical trends.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Evidence Based Practice (EBP) in Juvenile Justice Systems Essay exampl
Evidence Based Practice emerged in the late 20th century, becoming widespread in the 21st century. According to Research and Practice: The Role of Evidence-Based Program Practices in the Youth Mentoring Field ( 2009) â€Å"The concept of Evidence Based Practice (EBP) actually has its roots in the medical field, where the work of Archie Cochrane (1972) and others examined the key role that the substantial body of medical research and literature could play in how doctors make decisions in patient care†(para 6); Thus, a doctor’s decision would be an â€Å"educated†decision, based on evidence gathered (patient symptoms), history of cases they have overseen, or research of previous case diagnosed by another doctor, with a related case. Evidence Based Practices are defined as â€Å" integration of: (a) clinical expertise/expert opinion, (b) external scientific evidence, and (c) client/patient/caregiver perspectives to provide high-quality services reflecting the int erests, values, needs, and choices of the individuals we serve†(â€Å"Evidence Based Practice (EBP),†1997-2014); often described as the â€Å"Best Practices†. The evidence itself is not the basis of decisions made, but it does help support the process of care given to our clients. Programs, policies, and practices are developed for at-risk youth, based on the evidence and research generated from this approach. The basis of such evidence is not to be the deciding factor, as stated above, but to help us identify programs, and policies that benefit our youth in positive ways. There is no doubt that human service organization will undergo changes, in relation to the people they serve. Hasenfeld (2010) suggest such sociodemographic changes are a result of immigration and migration, which c... ...t Practices in Juvenile Justice Reform. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.princeton.edu/futureofchildren/publications/highlights/18_02_Highlights.pdf Evidence Based Associates. (2004). Retrieved from http://www.evidencebasedassociates.com/about/history.html Evidence Based Practice (EBP). (1997-2014). Retrieved from http://www.asha.org/members/ebp/ Evidence-Based Programs for Juvenile Justice Reform in Louisiana. (2010). Retrieved from http://www.njjn.org/uploads/digital-library/resource_1650.pdf Kauffmann, M. (2010). Intergrating Evidence Based Practices into Juvenile Justice in NC. Retrieved from http://www.ncchild.org/sites/default/files/Integrating%20Evidence%20Based%20Practices%20into%20Juvenile%20Justice%20in%20NC.pdf Research and Practice: The Role of Evidence-Based Program Practices in the Youth Mentoring Field. (2009). Mentoring Resource Center, (30).
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